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Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion :  Phins.com Phorums The fastest message board... ever.
This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel
Current Page: 383 of 391
Subject Views Posts  Started By  Last Post 
Pennington......ravens mvp! 1,782  PHINSKISS13  01/04/2009 10:15AM 
Last Post by Northeast Fin Fan
OMG Fumble.... The Trainwreck is on.... 1,844  KrK  01/04/2009 10:09AM 
Last Post by MikeO
Half time adjustment 1,875  Miami Reppa  01/04/2009 09:52AM 
Last Post by Miami Reppa
NICE Stop by the D... but we're pinned deep again 2,077  KrK  01/04/2009 09:48AM 
Last Post by ginnsucks
OK 2nd Half---- Hey Ho, let's go.... 1,857  KrK  01/04/2009 09:44AM 
Last Post by KrK
Wildcat 1,715  MiamiDolphins4Life  01/04/2009 09:42AM 
Last Post by MikeO
Who do we have to kill to get decent field position.... 1,750  KrK  01/04/2009 09:40AM 
Last Post by ginnsucks
Regardless 2,142  ChyrenB  01/04/2009 09:31AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
At least it was a nice punt. 1,948  Anonymous User  01/04/2009 09:17AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Bess Injured! 1,877  Anonymous User  01/04/2009 09:02AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Why sould Miami play today... 2,349  KC FinFan  01/04/2009 07:52AM 
Last Post by KC FinFan
Sparano USA Today Coach of The Year..... 2,022  22  Aqua&Orange  01/04/2009 07:36AM 
Last Post by runrickyrun34
Who wants a ticket???? 1,931  Phintastic  01/04/2009 07:30AM 
Last Post by JC
Carl Peterson coming to Miami 2,216  MikeO  01/04/2009 07:27AM 
Last Post by Phinsfan2
Why I'm a Dolphins fan 2,095  newfinsfan  01/04/2009 07:12AM 
Last Post by newfinsfan
jets this offseason 2,452  23  DaytonaDolfan13  01/04/2009 07:06AM 
Last Post by MikeO
Thomas opting out 2,404  30  jlyell13  01/04/2009 04:19AM 
Last Post by MikeO
Wayne H    Pages: 1 2 4,200  33  berkeley223  01/03/2009 07:34PM 
Last Post by MikeO
Who do u want to win? SD or Indy? Poll 2,191  27  eesti  01/03/2009 07:05PM 
Last Post by eesti
Creating a Home Field Advantage 2,100  Jonathan Twilley  01/03/2009 05:53PM 
Last Post by Jonathan Twilley
I'm 120% happy with this season/team. 2,307  19  LikeUntoGod  01/03/2009 05:38PM 
Last Post by ladydolfan
What are Jets fans saying about Pennington now?    Pages: 1 2 4,476  60  TheFutt  01/03/2009 05:36PM 
Last Post by eesti
Oh Snap! 55 is coming 2,630  11  Miami Reppa  01/03/2009 04:14PM 
Last Post by eesti
First prediction..a miss 1,946  montequi  01/03/2009 02:44PM 
Last Post by eesti
FREE TICKET!!!!! 2,073  Phintastic  01/03/2009 02:39PM 
Last Post by Phintastic
What I would do with the defense (off season)    Pages: 1 2 4,271  31  Miami Reppa  01/03/2009 02:06PM 
Last Post by eesti
Draft reload 2,424  13  realist  01/03/2009 01:59PM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
wow Fitzgerald is a beast!!! 2,034  Miami Reppa  01/03/2009 01:53PM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Who do we want at WR? 2009 Daft. (Long Post)    Pages: 1 2 4,020  38  Ken  01/03/2009 01:33PM 
Last Post by Ken
Ravens Injury List 2,271  Anonymous User  01/03/2009 12:54PM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Current Page: 383 of 391
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