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Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion :  Phins.com Phorums The fastest message board... ever.
This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel
Current Page: 382 of 391
Subject Views Posts  Started By  Last Post 
Who do we sign, who do we let walk?    Pages: 1 2 4,010  42  Anonymous User  01/08/2009 10:22AM 
Last Post by tsstamper
Kuech and Sparano 2,060  Leon In Denver  01/07/2009 11:08AM 
Last Post by JC
Does anyone have a ticket stub from Baltimore@Miami playoff game? 1,984  Ct Fin Fan  01/07/2009 04:38AM 
Last Post by Ct Fin Fan
Lack of rushing was all coaching 2,360  30  greg woulf  01/07/2009 02:54AM 
Last Post by greg woulf
Thoughts 2,625  18  realist  01/07/2009 02:01AM 
Last Post by Phinjim
Reality Check 2,679  18  socalphin  01/06/2009 12:57PM 
Last Post by greg woulf
Parcells plans to stay with team for 2009 2,138  Ct Fin Fan  01/06/2009 07:56AM 
Last Post by JC
Sparano 2nd place in Coach of the Year 2,061  11  MikeO  01/05/2009 02:39PM 
Last Post by dgoodhue
Vote for next year!!!!! Poll 2,160  16  DanaEB13  01/05/2009 01:39PM 
Last Post by montequi
Carl Peterson coming to Miami? 2,160  15  Aqua&Orange  01/05/2009 12:31PM 
Last Post by Marc D
Refs should cash their checks from Baltimore!!! 2,203  11  opus  01/05/2009 12:10PM 
Last Post by Stoyanovich10
Every throw to the Ginn Family is an INT    Pages: 1 2 3 5,808  86  Anonymous User  01/05/2009 07:56AM 
Last Post by eesti
Next Year.... Poll 2,080  14  KrK  01/05/2009 07:41AM 
Last Post by eesti
Mandich you SUCK! 2,423  DolphinSam  01/05/2009 07:02AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
It was a Hulluva Season 2,536  16  Anonymous User  01/05/2009 05:53AM 
Last Post by eesti
Good Game, Good Luck Next Year 2,297  17  RayRay  01/05/2009 05:13AM 
Last Post by eesti
6 turnovers 2,141  MiamiDolphins4Life  01/05/2009 03:31AM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
next year 2,497  10  jlyell13  01/04/2009 07:01PM 
Last Post by montequi
Bill Parcells is STAYING with Dolphins 2,334  MikeO  01/04/2009 06:36PM 
Last Post by KrK
To all the haters... PLEASE 2,034  Miami Reppa  01/04/2009 06:32PM 
Last Post by montequi
Who do you want to win...Atl @ Az??? Poll 1,941  eesti  01/04/2009 05:42PM 
Last Post by Ken
In Retrospect 2,396  Finshady  01/04/2009 04:35PM 
Last Post by Finshady
Not in This league 1,974  dolfan1  01/04/2009 03:40PM 
Last Post by chadpennington4ever
Don't laugh...at what point do we put in Henne?? 2,196  19  MikeO  01/04/2009 02:56PM 
Last Post by dolfanmark
Playoffs - Ravens at Miami - who will win? Poll    Pages: 1 2 4,428  52  Northeast Fin Fan  01/04/2009 01:25PM 
Last Post by RayRay
This game is over.    Pages: 1 2 3 4,871  70  Anonymous User  01/04/2009 11:06AM 
Last Post by runrickyrun34
We need a Miracle 1,975  KrK  01/04/2009 10:47AM 
Last Post by Miamidolp1
Baltimore @ Miami game thread 2,242  26  eesti  01/04/2009 10:37AM 
Last Post by Wonder140
Matt Ice is showing us.... 2,107  20  Anonymous User  01/04/2009 10:34AM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Blitz, blitz, and more blitz 1,710  Anonymous User  01/04/2009 10:29AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Current Page: 382 of 391
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