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Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion :  Phins.com Phorums The fastest message board... ever.
This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel
Current Page: 387 of 391
Subject Views Posts  Started By  Last Post 
Dolphins-Jets not worthy of prime time 2,531  20  noetic  12/24/2008 05:56AM 
Last Post by tsstamper
4:20 start SUN vs. Jets 2,560  20  ChambersDeepBall  12/24/2008 05:06AM 
Last Post by eesti
Pennington is Coming to Town 2,261  Anonymous User  12/23/2008 07:34AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Congratulations!!! 2,355  Aqua&Orange  12/23/2008 07:01AM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Ginn again 2,017  tsstamper  12/23/2008 06:07AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
Porter Is Blowing 2,781  15  Anonymous User  12/22/2008 05:52PM 
Last Post by LUDUPORCU
With a win next week.... 2,676  10  Aqua&Orange  12/22/2008 05:00PM 
Last Post by Jonathan Twilley
To the phins.com crew FFLers 2,048  socalphin  12/22/2008 03:32PM 
Last Post by socalphin
4th Quarter Drives 2,192  Anonymous User  12/22/2008 02:12PM 
Last Post by montequi
Who the Heck is Nate Jones 1,798  Anonymous User  12/22/2008 09:00AM 
Last Post by Leon In Denver
Why we beat the Jest 2,039  Anonymous User  12/22/2008 06:58AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Bitter cold in KC. Time to run the ball 2,731  13  Northeast Fin Fan  12/22/2008 05:19AM 
Last Post by tsstamper
If we lose... 2,711  16  Fins72  12/22/2008 05:12AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
The Bright Sides to this Win 2,285  19  Anonymous User  12/21/2008 07:02PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
MIAMI DID IT AGAIN!!!! 2,400  15  miamifann  12/21/2008 06:54PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
Opponents must be cheering for us to make the playoffs 2,223  Northeast Fin Fan  12/21/2008 06:50PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
Rooting for the Jest Against Seattle 2,346  21  Anonymous User  12/21/2008 04:13PM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Hope its cold and snowy vs. Jest 2,021  Anonymous User  12/21/2008 03:20PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Final Week and We're on Top of the AFC East 2,011  Anonymous User  12/21/2008 03:20PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
worried about this game 2,365  berkeley223  12/21/2008 03:20PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Those sorry jets 2,277  Miami Reppa  12/21/2008 03:18PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Is it Possible? 1,866  dres9711  12/21/2008 03:11PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Ocho Cinco's antithesis...Chad Pennington 2,445  Jonathan Twilley  12/21/2008 01:31PM 
Last Post by Jonathan Twilley
The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today. 2,066  Rgphin  12/21/2008 12:42PM 
Last Post by ghotirule
We past the trap game 2,161  AFCbeast  12/21/2008 11:45AM 
Last Post by AFCbeast
WildCat 2,063  Miami Reppa  12/21/2008 11:36AM 
Last Post by Hooligan2
Dolphins Are Out of the Wild Card 2,329  tonybaby5  12/21/2008 09:37AM 
Last Post by runrickyrun34
Two quarterback fumbles 2,303  ChyrenB  12/21/2008 08:57AM 
Last Post by ChyrenB
minus 20 wind chill?? 2,175  berkeley223  12/21/2008 08:33AM 
Last Post by Miami Reppa
Dolphins vs Chiefs    Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 7,595  123  Miami Reppa  12/21/2008 08:17AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
Current Page: 387 of 391
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