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Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion :  Phins.com Phorums The fastest message board... ever.
This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel
Current Page: 388 of 391
Subject Views Posts  Started By  Last Post 
Dolphins' Channing Crowder out against Chiefs 2,365  miamifann  12/21/2008 07:18AM 
Last Post by miamifann
Playoff Garbage/ Best Wishes 2,470  15  PghStlrs86  12/20/2008 02:44PM 
Last Post by PghStlrs86
Brown and Porter to the Pro Bowl 3,483  13  TheFutt  12/20/2008 01:56PM 
Last Post by grooves12
We have the tie-breaker over the colts! 2,523  20  dres9711  12/20/2008 08:40AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Crowder questionable 1,912  montequi  12/20/2008 08:35AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
A Dry Run For Weather in New York 2,385  Anonymous User  12/20/2008 08:33AM 
Last Post by ghotirule
Must Win! 2,118  10  dolphan4545  12/20/2008 05:24AM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Bradie James?    Pages: 1 2 4,132  31  jlyell13  12/20/2008 03:48AM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Anyone going to be at the Kansas City Game???? 2,659  13  wizmedic  12/19/2008 04:15PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
A PITCHBACK at the outside of 2,896  26  ChyrenB  12/19/2008 01:56PM 
Last Post by ChyrenB
Dolphin players pastime interest.... 2,322  13  Aqua&Orange  12/19/2008 01:28PM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Kansas City 2,616  14  ChambersDeepBall  12/19/2008 01:00PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Why was Pennington Snubbed out of the Probowl? 2,255  Vegas Dol-Fan  12/19/2008 07:51AM 
Last Post by Northeast Fin Fan
Fantasy Football Questions 2,332  Phinsfan2  12/18/2008 06:31PM 
Last Post by Phinsfan2
Worries put aside about mentality of team. 2,148  10  psalm462  12/18/2008 04:54PM 
Last Post by Phinjim
The AFC East Logjam - Jim Mora says we win AFC East 2,128  808phan  12/18/2008 04:40PM 
Last Post by Phinjim
Porter Helmet Toss and non call of delay of Game 2,220  dgoodhue  12/18/2008 04:29PM 
Last Post by Phinjim
Albert Haynesworth!? 2,396  20  Aqua&Orange  12/18/2008 11:43AM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Great Article About Sparano 2,213  Northeast Fin Fan  12/18/2008 10:54AM 
Last Post by Leon In Denver
Offensive Line shake up... 2,746  10  eesti  12/17/2008 05:37PM 
Last Post by eesti
A reason for our success this year. 2,521  16  TheFutt  12/17/2008 03:07PM 
Last Post by samsam3738
Rushing is pathetic 3,341  15  greg woulf  12/17/2008 03:02PM 
Last Post by montequi
Would this team be where it is this year if......???? 2,601  14  fxxkthebills  12/17/2008 01:04PM 
Last Post by ThaFishula13
Bills Fan Struggling To Move on    Pages: 1 2 3 6,144  66  Deeply Conflicted  12/17/2008 10:53AM 
Last Post by fxxkthebills
If Sparano can't do it no one can..... 2,460  dres9711  12/16/2008 08:55AM 
Last Post by dres9711
Do any of you ever wonder about the welker , chambers, pennington connection. 2,498  18  samsam3738  12/16/2008 06:30AM 
Last Post by angryseas
Did the Ravens get hosed? Poll 2,403  17  Northeast Fin Fan  12/15/2008 05:53PM 
Last Post by eesti
Cool Tool to determine playoffs 2,271  SigKash  12/15/2008 04:15PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Poll    Pages: 1 2 4,541  41  DaytonaDolfan13  12/15/2008 04:11PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Ted Ginn 2,518  Fins72  12/15/2008 02:35PM 
Last Post by Rgphin
Current Page: 388 of 391
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