This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
I dont know if most people know but I live in the tristate area.
My car overheated at like 10:30 pm wednesday like 7 miles from my crib. When I stepped out rather than being upset i was like, damn this is great weather to play a football game. Especially since monday and tuesday was the colds days this year (felt like -3 with the windchill factor).
Today I was working on the car with my father in law and it is nice out here, all you need is a regular jacket (no coat)...
It is possible that sunday could get to 60 degress!!! If this is not a good omen for the fish I dont know what is, expecially when we are in deep december, it should be below freezing out here.
GO FISH!!! this is our year baby...
Stay tune for tomorrow's feel. It ismore that just the temeprature you have to include the wind chill factor and yesterday and today their was almost no wind. I designate myself the online thermometer, bringing it to you live.
44H 30min until the biggest dolphin game of the decade!!!
Lets hear it for global warming. Just checked out, 30% of afternoon showers, high in the 50's, low in the high-30's. Weather shouldn't be a factor.
today is very foggy and not freezing for a person from this area but if you are coming from warm miami it will feel a bit cold (relatively speaking). That being said today is a great day for football. When they start running around I think that even a miami dolphin can quickly get ajusted to todays weather.
Stay tuned for the offical human barometer on tomorrows outlook... I have a good feeling about tomorrow. HOwever I dont know how I feel about a rainy game and who that will favor. I think if it is a nice dry game I like our chances, if it is wet and nasty I think it can go either way since one big play can decide the outcome of the game (I say this cause sloppy games are usually low scoring).