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Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion :  Phins.com Phorums The fastest message board... ever.
This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel
Current Page: 386 of 391
Subject Views Posts  Started By  Last Post 
AAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,839  Miami Reppa  12/28/2008 12:56PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
I HATE THE JETS 1,866  berkeley223  12/28/2008 12:52PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
AJ DUHE!!!!!! 2,213  miamid45  12/28/2008 12:50PM 
Last Post by PHINSKISS13
What's with all the penalties 2,258  montequi  12/28/2008 12:15PM 
Last Post by opus
DIRECT TV OUT??? 1,934  berkeley223  12/28/2008 11:35AM 
Last Post by Vegas Dol-Fan
Why I want Pats to Lose 1,882  ChyrenB  12/28/2008 10:44AM 
Last Post by Northeast Fin Fan
Absolutely Shocking Prediction 1,887  Jonathan Twilley  12/28/2008 10:40AM 
Last Post by montequi
patriots are trash.. 1,930  miamifann  12/28/2008 10:33AM 
Last Post by runrickyrun34
72 Dolphins - where are they now? 2,090  Fan1775  12/28/2008 09:46AM 
Last Post by runrickyrun34
Peyton Manning Hurt?!??! 2,341  miamifann  12/28/2008 09:24AM 
Last Post by miamifann
Let's just pray...Bill will stay 2,468  AFCbeast  12/28/2008 09:07AM 
Last Post by montequi
TriState Weather Report 2,583  Miami Reppa  12/27/2008 08:33PM 
Last Post by DaytonaDolfan13
Did anyone expect Bil Parcells to be this Hands Off? 2,031  LikeUntoGod  12/27/2008 06:36PM 
Last Post by montequi
going to the game tomorow 1,997  miaphinsgirl13  12/27/2008 05:50PM 
Last Post by Rgphin
Pennington's Revenge 2,275  Phintastic  12/27/2008 04:02PM 
Last Post by montequi
Playoffs! Future matchups. 1,998  miamid45  12/27/2008 09:35AM 
Last Post by grooves12
Who's Going? 2,314  Phinsfan2  12/27/2008 09:02AM 
Last Post by Miami Reppa
Lavernious Coles 1,974  SigKash  12/27/2008 06:24AM 
Last Post by miamid45
My Bet is Crowder Plays 2,014  Anonymous User  12/27/2008 04:42AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
Dolphins-Jets Game 2,413  noetic  12/26/2008 07:05PM 
Last Post by Ct Fin Fan
NFL "Rules" restricting Dolphin games on TV??!! 2,611  montequi  12/26/2008 07:13AM 
Last Post by dolphan4545
Favre vs Chad 2,109  12  Miami Reppa  12/25/2008 02:41PM 
Last Post by phinfanfromca
Tomorrow, Dolphins - Chiefs Replay on NFL Network. 8PM 1,994  13  samsam3738  12/25/2008 01:48PM 
Last Post by Aqua&Orange
Brett sounds like he is conceding the game. 2,228  Jonathan Twilley  12/25/2008 11:09AM 
Last Post by ABR
Merry Christmas 1,930  realist  12/25/2008 08:03AM 
Last Post by Panteraize
Top AFC teams 2,338  Miami Reppa  12/25/2008 05:54AM 
Last Post by greg woulf
Just wanted to say... 2,052  Phinsfan2  12/24/2008 02:23PM 
Last Post by Jonathan Twilley
At the Risk of Later being called a 2,570  30  ChyrenB  12/24/2008 09:40AM 
Last Post by ChyrenB
Crowder to miss Jets game? Next year's schedule. Keys to beating the Jets. 2,233  14  Northeast Fin Fan  12/24/2008 09:39AM 
Last Post by samsam3738
Defense missed Crowder 2,521  16  Jim B  12/24/2008 06:17AM 
Last Post by montequi
Current Page: 386 of 391
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