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And then in his presser he's all about giving credit to the Saints and NOT accepting the fact -- he didn't have the team ready to compete with fancy stuff like Sproles and CB coverage obviously leaning on the slant pattern -- which we ran sevral times positively but discounted the fact the Saints D might compensate for!
IMO we were seriously out-coached last night. We were WINNING on the LOS in the first half and these bone heads found a way to blow the game! I'm sorry -- but that's the way I see it.
I had forgotten about those additional points that were made in the above two points. bottom line, it looked like they had prepared for us but we had not prepared for them, let alone failing on all of the gameday adjustments.
Fair enough Truth, but for the sake of arguing with a simpleton, I was only including the read option plays that RT kept
BNF, you make valid points about some coaching glitches last night, but I got a news flash, Philbin is nowhere close to the coach that Sean "Crossfit" Payton is, I got another news flash, I'm not sure anyone else in the NFL is either.
Chyren, what if we go 10-6 on the year, coaching mistakes and all, you gonna STFU about firing him? Or is he dead in your eyes?
I have found "gameday adjustments" to be very slowly made...
Certainly no discernable "fix" between series 1 and 2 etc.
We've had some halftime fixes -- but this staff is not all that dynamic in the heat of battle. IMO.
I mean, Philbin said they tried zone and man-to-man against Sproles and -- in the end -- Sproles was "so amazing," no matter what we couldn't cover him??? That's absolute total BS. Pull a LB and play 5 DBs and dare the Saints to beat your DL -- which was pretty dominant before the game blew apart.
dolphaholic Wrote:
> Fair enough Truth, but for the sake of arguing
> with a simpleton,
I thought you had given up the insults.
>I was only including the read
> option plays that RT kept
But I was not ONLY talking about the read options where he keeps the ball. My point is that even his passing is more effective when executing the read option as opposed to staying in the pocket.
I've said that time and time and f*cking time again on this board.
So for once, I am not arguing with Truth on this point.
> BNF, you make valid points about some coaching
> glitches last night, but I got a news flash,
> Philbin is nowhere close to the coach that Sean
> "Crossfit" Payton is, I got another news flash,
> I'm not sure anyone else in the NFL is either.
LOL. Not talking about being as good as Payton. Just talking about not being WORSE than Sparano.
Holic, what do you say to the fact that the announcers on Monday Night Football were criticizing the coaching and pointing out to the lack of any head coaching experience on his resume?
> Chyren, what if we go 10-6 on the year, coaching
> mistakes and all, you gonna STFU about firing him?
> Or is he dead in your eyes?
Well, the much hated by you Tony Sparano went 11-5 one season and he eventually got fired anyway.
But to answer your question, remember we were 3-0, NOW 3-1 and to end up 10-6 that means the remainder of our record we would have won 7 more and lost 5.
So what you are saying is what would I want if we go 7-5 FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON???
Would I want him fired?????
Let me throw it back to you, how would you feel if he barely broke .500 after a 3-0 start?
Would you say he was improving?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2013 03:39PM by ChyrenB.
It is a simple explanation. This team is not as good as the SAINTS and probably won't be at that level for a long time, and they got outplayed, outcoached, outsmarted and PUNKED all in one night.
3-1 is not bad so look at it from a positive point of view.
I thunks the bigger point is...maybe hoping Philbin & Co. could be competitive with the best staffs in the NFL.
My concern with Phibin is akin to Baby T -- but nowhere near as severe -- and that's being "formula driven" and not genuinely creative in a dynamic way.
It bothers me we were WINNING on the line of scrimmage on both sides in the first half -- and thus had the horses to get the job done -- but seeming got out maneuvered -- akin to encountering a superior chess gambit.
Two components are needed to win, and win consistently in the N F L.
1. Legit coitusback
2. Excellent coaching (game planning and strategic/tactical planning and/or adjustments).
Did we use our assets to their highest capacity last night? I didn’t see that.
Did we make smart and immediate strategic/tactical adjustments to offset the opposition? I didn’t see that either.
Did we have our players prepared for the tendencies of the oppositions strategic/tactical planning and/or adjustments? I saw zero evidence of that.
And so forth.
That's high-level coaching and planning. And we did NOT demonstrate that against (yes) a formidable opponent. And in the final analysis -- we sort of imploded.
Not good. And it does set a reference point the staff needs to be accountable for.
Oh BTW, holic. Did I miss your reply regarding the 10-6 record? I forgot to point out that since we started 3-0...... to then finish 10-6 would mean we went 7-6 in the last 13 games. Not too good when you look at it that way.
Hell, of course, I wouldn't decline playing in the playoffs but just sayin'..... if you're talking about being a good coach.
You're supposed to get better, not worse.
Atlanta, Andrew Luck and INdy, Baltimore, this was supposed to be the roughest part of our schedule not counting the division which of course are games you have to play every year.
I'll take 3-1 like most posters say but I don't say "that's okay" when from looking at the game, to me, 3-1 should have been 4-0.
You TAKE good when you have to but you don't settle for anything but perfect.
Who is that that has the signature that good enough is the enemy of being great?
Hahahahahahah. First, he AIN'T going 10-6 if he coaches like MNF and secondly, every coach is not measured by his record but is also measured by expectations. If a coach takes a crappy team and goes 10-6, he is hailed.
If a coach takes a Superbowl team and just barely makes the playoffs at 10-6, he is not so well regarded.
But more important than either of these, it's a question of talent and expectations.
Did you bother to listen to the people on the board that talked about the second half performance versus the first half performance???????????
Records are not everything.
If you do your best and have a losing record, there may be changes due but the coach should be safe.
If you do a crappy job and just get by, hell yeah you should be gone.
If you were the owner and every expert in the world told you that 10-6 should have been a 12-4 and that the loss of homefield advantage meant you did not play the AFC's championship at home and you did not go to the SB, what would you as owner do??????
What a great way to get out of a losing argument. Just hurl insults. It's crazy to expect players and coaches to live up to expectations.
Speaking of age. Yeah I was in my teens and 20's in the 60's and we REBELLED AGAINST MY parents, the WWII generation, and their get tough attitude. Hell, I was at Berkeley in 1967-1970, for chrissakes.
But you know what, most of us turned around and raised our kids the same way our parents raised us.
You apparently were either raised by someone in my generation that took that crap to heart and didn't force your back into the plow.
That's why this country is going to pot and half of you guys are p*ssies and the other half are sociopaths who think the only measure of good and bad is what is in your own best interests.
Perfection as a goal? "Who needs it" you say. Good enough? It's okay as long as people can't say your team sucks.
Well re-read the thread again, dude, I'm not the only one on this board that said the team sucked Monday night and if you don't think so it's because your expectations are too damn low.
And no matter how many insults you hurl, I am not going to back down.
You are no longer arguing the issues because you can't.
Here's another suggestion for you since you can't win the argument.
The Phins are 3-1!!! They beat the Colts and the Falcons, neither of which was expected. Yes, the loss to the Saints was brutal, but the Saints will blow out a lot of teams this year.
Can we give this a few more weeks before people are screaming for Philbin's head? People were raving about him just a week ago.
On another note, Marlon Brown (Ravens rookie WR) has 3 TDs this year and Torrey Smith has one. Flacco is grossly overpaid and was very fortunate to beat the Broncos last year, but he has thrown some TDs to WRs this year.
I finally go to watch the game in full on game rewind. Right now, I am absolutely NOT in agreement with getting rid of Philbin because I believe he has a decent chance of being a great head coach.
I also said that we lose 3 times out of 4 if we don't bring our A game (we didn't). Frankly, that may have been optimistic, as they didn't even have to play their best 60 minutes to kill us.
That said, I would say the top reason we lost on Monday was coaching. I think he and his staff set the tone by coaching 'scared' and then not adjusting in game. The running game was working and we did some things that could have been successful in slowing the rush...but we didn't seem to stick with those things when the game started slipping away, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy at that point. Philbin and Co. need to recognize the unique battle they're going into each week and tactically coach accordingly. 3rd and inches was highly symbolic in settling for a FG in a TD-driven game.
Perhaps surprisingly, I would say Wallace is the 2nd biggest reason we lost. His presence isn't as scary when he drops the long pass. I think the one long one he dropped (though it would have been a tough-ish catch) would have changed the complexion of the game. The more real the long threat, the more teams have to honor it. And, he had at least one other drive-killing drop.
Tanny's 1st-half mistakes hurt, but I don't really count any 4th-quarter stuff for or against that point it wasn't a game. Interceptions like the one to Hartline will happen, but Tanny needs to protect against fumbles better. The OL was bad, but really mainly when the game got away.
I'm with many others - next week will tell us a ton about this team.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Saints gig Sean Payton's first Head Coaching job? Totally irrelevant to whether a coach will or won't be successful.
Philbin didn't cause tannehill's fumble or intercept his pass with 2mins to play in the first half.
On the road against a better team on a Monday night. It snowballed into a blowout.
Was anyone giving philbin credit when we were only down 14-10 after the way NO drove it right down the field on the opening drive? Didn't he make adjustments to keep that from happening again in the first half?
what a bunch of chicken littles.
I love philbin's approach and demeaner. I'd rather that calm cool approach to the rex ryans of the league.
Fire a coach after his first loss of the year in week 4 of his 2nd season. That's brilliant.
Stop being so melodramatic. Nobody on this board is blindly loyal to anybody-coach OR player. We are 3-1, and I want to see how this team and coach progress through the year, he and they have earned that. Most of the people on this board don't BLINDLY call for heads when things are going well, with certain exceptions.