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This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
I hated that call in that situation. A couple of yards would have made the FG that much easier, so if you want to run - call a safe run that can get you a few yards. Those pitch plays are usually either big yards or negative yards.
Forum: Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion
Play selection so far:
10 passes
2 runs
1 scramble by Chad
Is there a reason that we are passing so often? We've even gone with an empty backfield several times.
Forum: Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion
Chambers is the 4th or 5th option in the Chargers passsing game.
Jackson, Gates and LT are all ahead of him. For the past several weeks Floyd has also been ahead of Chambers.
Forum: Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion
I am rooting for them this week (see the original post in this thread). I meant that I have never rooted for them before this week.
Forum: Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion
Sparano will put the best players on the field, not necessarily the highest paid players. Given that we are 8-5 and in the thick of the playoff race, it is hard for me to question his decision making.
Forum: Miami Dolphins Civilized Discussion