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I'm not sure if anyone else has brought this up, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by what I saw out of Wilford over the weekend. He looks like he's got some pretty great body control for such a big guy, with pretty decent hands, and his height is such a tremendous advantage.
Even if he's struggling in practice, I still can't understand why we don't at least use him on 3rd downs as a big target for Pennington. With his size, he'd be absolutely perfect for quick 5-yard slant routes.
But I'm even more confused as to why Sparano doesn't use him in the red-zone. As a team, we never throw any lob passes to the corner of the end-zone to let our receivers fight for it. It seems to me this would be the perfect combination for a QB as accurate as Pennington and a WR as tall as Wilford. We won't always be able to run it with Ronnie Brown from 10 yards out or throw it to Fasano in the middle.
Noetic i guess its the coaches way or the highway.
What i mean with this is wilford hasn't practiced the way the coaches wanted him to practice. And they he know he has the ability.
I believe in this regime you do what the coaches ask you to do in practice ( in other words give it your all like camarillo did ) or you are on the way out. It doesn't matter who you are.
And thats the way it should be. Thats why this team is successfull this year.
I agree that Sparano needs to maintain a strong stand to maximize the effort of the players, but something just doesn't add up.
They wouldn't have signed Wilford to such a large contract if they didn't like his attitude. They would have probably attempted to unload him at the very least or even flat out cut him if he slacked off that badly in practice. And wouldn't he be talking a lot more (or at all) if he were enough of a diva to sign a big contract and then simply not try in practice?
But on the other hand, if effort was not the problem and he simply developed a case of bad hands, was it really impossible to activate him to see if some game time would motivate him more or settle his nerves? All season we've had a revolving door at DB, and we let guys like Joey Thomas start, but we can't clear a single roster spot for Wilford until Camarillo goes down?
I remember one guy getting hurt one week and the coach walked by him and told him......
" if you are not ready in a couple of weeks we are going in another direction "
Meaning if he wasnt ready in a couple of weeks they were going to find someone else to replace him. And I think thats the right mindset. This is a bussiness nothing else.
We finnally have the right fundation in place.
We have the right coaches to take this team to the next level.
We are almost there.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2008 12:09PM by samsam3738.
Sparano will put the best players on the field, not necessarily the highest paid players. Given that we are 8-5 and in the thick of the playoff race, it is hard for me to question his decision making.
Don't get me wrong, because I love having Parcells steering the ship and I think Sparano is exactly what this team needs, but its never a bad thing to pose questions or concerns.
Rgphin Wrote:
> Its hard for anybody to question his desicions. he
> is done everything right until now. Except the
> signing of willford.
Who are you questioning? Sparano didn't sign Wilford...Parcells did.