THE Truth Wrote:
> I don't think that any NFL player is overpaid.
> Its an open market and they get what the market is
> willing to pay.
> Its easy to compare them to other walks of life
> and say they get too much for playing a game but
> the fact is that their work generates over
> $9Billion in revenues a year and they deserve the
> fruits of their labors.
> If I designed a widget that nobody else had
> thought of before and every person in the world
> needed, wouldn't I be entitled to whatever people
> were willing to pay to purchase it? Of course I
> would.
> The problem with Urlacher is he's forgotten that
> toady's NFL is all about business. The Bears made
> him an offer based on their finances and their
> assessment of his remaining talent. He quite
> foolishly felt that his sentimental value to the
> Bears was worth something more than that. He
> should have known that wasn't the case. At the
> very least he should have acted like a
> professional and not a jilted lover.
I can only disagree with your first sentence, Truth. I've said my piece. Now on to bigger things.