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Rumor is that the skins initially offered albert hanesworth to philly for mcnab but that the eagles didn't want it. mcnab then was traded for a 2d and a 3d or 4th. so I guess that means haynesworth is on the mkt and can be had for a 2d and some change. I also heard that most of AH's gteed money has been paid to him already so his huge contract may not be so huge any more.
question, should we look into getting him? He is an absolute beast, and would make our D line a force. He doesn't want to play NT apparently, but still even if he played end most of the time, he'd be a huge upgrade.
Just because McNabb was traded for a 2nd + 3rd/4th after they refused Haynesworth doesn't mean that Haynesworth could be had from the same package of picks.
The two trades are completely unrelated and it is circular math that doesn't work out that way when it comes to trades in professional sports. Haynesworth was not offered up for a 2nd+3rd/4th. He was offered up for a Franchise QB that led his team to several conference championship games. Do we have any of those on our roster to offer?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2010 02:24PM by grooves12.