Do YOU support Michael Vick's return to the NFL?
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This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
chatafkup Wrote:
> POS wanna-be-thug A-hole. If he had been fighting
> roosters, that's a different story...they are
> "stupid" animals.
Yeah you just proved my point. There are those that make the laws and those who break those laws. The ones who make the laws make them at their own conveniences. Funny how you can make exceptions for animal cruelty when convenient for you or those who think like you. Lets put it another way, why is tobacco legal and marijuana illegal? Last time I checked they are both plants and tobacco had NO medicinal uses where as marijuana was used by the native Americans as a peace pipe/peace offering and medicinal uses which we still use today. So why is tobacco legal? Answer, the "haves/law makers" used tobacco to make millions/billions in trade and has commercial advantages for those who make the law so they turn a blind eye to things like tobacco and alcohol but marijuana is a drug. PLEASE!!!
Now dog fighting is SOOOO BAADDD because you NEVER find dog fighting in areas of people who make the laws. Now if we are talking about having sex with animals like pigs and cows, ohh now thats a different story, i wound want to put you in "PRISON" just because you had a boner and the only thing around was a chicken!!!
PS. People on this board doing worst things than mike vick is not a bold statement since I dont think what vick did warranted prison time.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 08:10AM by Miami Reppa.
It really does not matter whether you think what Vick did deserved prison time. The governing law is in place and he broke it, the law dictated that he receive prison time as a possible penalty if convicted. We, the citizens don't have to agree with laws because the governmental structure of this country is such that we allow the government to make laws on our behalf.
It also does not matter whether we think an animal is smart or has a soul or whatever. Animals are food...period. They are exactly the same as plants in that respect. Yes we love our dogs and cats here in the United States but that does not change the fact that they are simply a food item. Now that does not mean that we can't love our animals and thereby show them a high level of compassion and take care of them in the process. We certainly don't have to treat them poorly and they should not be neglected.
I don't condone inflicting intentional pain and/or suffering on those animals and I'm not saying that they somehow deserve such treatment but to apply our (whatever it is) moral and/or spiritual sensibilities on animals is silly. We should simply live and let live and not cause intentional harm to others...whether they be two legged, a hundred legged, or anywhere in between.
Vick did his time and should be entitled to a second chance...I agree however, that that second chance need not necessarily be in the NFL. If it is though it's OK by me. I don't want him on the Phins though...and I still maintain that Ricky Williams dosen't deserve a place on the Phins. On some other team sure but not on the Phins.
Carolina Phin:
Unfortunately for your relative, In most states the law defines unwanted or unwelcome touching as battery. Because of the nature of policing it is escalated to a felony. Don't touch the police if you don't want to be charged with battery on a law enforcement officer. Just for informational purposes "assault" in most states is simply saying that you are going to harm someone physically and "a threat is saying that you are going to harm someone AND having the person being threatened believe that such harm is not only possible but imminent. Terms may vary from state to state however.
My experience has shown that those who say "animals are food..period" do not own a pet and probably never have. I actually heard someone on the radio today say that humans are the only animals that have emotions!! Damn! How ridiculous! Dogs, Monkeys, Cats, Elephants, etc.. ALL have emotions. All display happiness, fear, anger, depression. Elephants mourn other elephants who have died. Dogs have not only saved the lives of other humans but of other animals as well! That's compassion! In fact, if you observe a mother mammal with their young, you'd see, in a large number of cases, a tremendous bond that can only explained as love.
If you look at history, certain humans themselves have been considered sub-human before. There was a time when the average person thought blacks were less-than-human and probably didn't have a soul. Considering the way women and homosexuals are treated today in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, we're not that far off from where we were back then.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 05:55PM by montequi.
once again look would you hire a torturing murderur? thats what you need to ask yourself, not a dog fighter, a torturing murder, thats the only question, would you hire somone who was arested and served jail time for fghtng, torturing and murder. yes or no!
"You were right were right. The PATS and the 'BOYS had the same thoughts too. numberonedumbanddumber- you are a genius"Wow, another sterling prediction by the poster child for the dangers of illiteracy.So, let me get this straight. Essentially, the Dolphins traded Jason Taylor for Jason Taylor and Pat White and saved 7 million dollars. Now, I am not the greatest talent evaluator, but that sounds like a good deal to me."
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 11:38AM by dolphinsnumberonestunner.
Rmorc13 Wrote:
> He paid for it and ive said it before we all make
> mistakes. He deserves a second chance.
Second chance at a life out of jail, ok. Second chance in the NFL? NO. I have very little sympathy for millionaires that break the law.
eesti Wrote:
> He paid his debt to society. I am a big dog lover
> but let's keep things in perspective. He killed
> and tortured Pit Bulls, he didn't kill his
> pregnant girlfriend. There is a difference.
RESPONSE: But he killed and tortured the gentle ones who would not fight and used them for bait.
I agree that if it was just the nasty ones that trainers raise to fight then it is more like cock fighting.
But he took the lives of noble gentle animals to rachet up the blood lust in those ferocious beasts.
All of the football considerations go out of the window.
I would no more support his comeback than I would a guy who kidnapped and molested a three year old girl.
Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Animals dont have souls, people do.
> Dont get me wrong, I am *TOTALLY* against what he
> done. But to compare a butt-licking animal to a
> human is ridiculous and you people are emotionally
> attached.
RESPONSE: I knew that this subject would not pass without an asinine comment from you. Animals don't have souls? Tell us, oh great one, how you came by that gem of wisdom. Well, maybe you are God and have personal knowledge.
There is a video that was making the news a couple of months back about two dogs walking in the middle of a fast highway. One dog gets hit by a car. The video shows the other dog dodging traffic but staying near his companion. The video then shows the dog grabbing the injured dog by the collar and dragging him safely to the other side of the road. Don't have a soul, huh? You can't chalk that up to instinct either.
Here, in California, a man adopted a dog from a shelter (one day away from being euthanized). The dog and the man and his wife were hiking when a mountain lion they had failed to see charged the couple. The dog ran between the couple and the lion and fought courageously until the lion ran away. The dog recovered.
No my friend the argument that human life shoud be valued over animal life is stupid to be. Since I am involved in the death penalty process, more and more I believe in the worthiness of my employ.
Animals kill only for reasons of food or fear. It is only the human race that kill out of pure viciousness and perversion.
ChyrenB Wrote:
> Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Animals dont have souls, people do.
> >
> > Dont get me wrong, I am *TOTALLY* against what
> he
> > done. But to compare a butt-licking animal to a
> > human is ridiculous and you people are
> emotionally
> > attached.
> RESPONSE: I knew that this subject would not pass
> without an asinine comment from you. Animals
> don't have souls? Tell us, oh great one, how you
> came by that gem of wisdom. Well, maybe you are
> God and have personal knowledge.
> There is a video that was making the news a couple
> of months back about two dogs walking in the
> middle of a fast highway. One dog gets hit by a
> car. The video shows the other dog dodging
> traffic but staying near his companion. The video
> then shows the dog grabbing the injured dog by the
> collar and dragging him safely to the other side
> of the road. Don't have a soul, huh? You can't
> chalk that up to instinct either.
> Here, in California, a man adopted a dog from a
> shelter (one day away from being euthanized). The
> dog and the man and his wife were hiking when a
> mountain lion they had failed to see charged the
> couple. The dog ran between the couple and the
> lion and fought courageously until the lion ran
> away. The dog recovered.
> No my friend the argument that human life shoud be
> valued over animal life is stupid to be. Since I
> am involved in the death penalty process, more and
> more I believe in the worthiness of my employ.
> Animals kill only for reasons of food or fear. It
> is only the human race that kill out of pure
> viciousness and perversion.
The mentality of serial killer...yeah right. I am a very respected law enforcement officer, a supervisor, a father, and a very well respected person in my community that has never been in legal trouble for anything, ever. I have no abbhorrent behaviors and certainly do not condone that in others. I also have owned, and do own currently, many pets incuding a very loveable and well cared for Basenji. The statement that all amimals are food is correct...whether you others want it to be or not. All animals were put on this earth for some other creature to eat them same as plants. Thats the great circle of life. I own dogs, love dogs, and don't want to see one get harmed in any way but I have eaten them in foriegn countries and the meat is pretty good. Does that mean that I'd start harvesting them here...No. Does that mean that I'd let an individual get off that I caught harming them...No.
I agree that animals are commpassionate, have feelings, are capable of love and as I said deserve proper treatment.
But in the end they are food...just like everything else that lives in this world including us.
Back on football. Vick did his legally required time, plain and simple...his punishment should not be continued after incarceration because of our predjudice. If he breaks another law then punish him again for breaking that law...if he proves that he incapable of living in our society while abiding by our laws due to repeated offenses then thats a matter for the courts, not for private citizens that were never serving on his jury. We can each have an opinion but in reality it carries very little weight in the grand scheme of things...mine included.
Ken Wrote:
> Back on football. Vick did his legally required
> time, plain and simple...his punishment should not
> be continued after incarceration because of our
> prejudice.
RESPONSE: Thus I put to the question I posed above. Suppose the crime was child molestation. Would your statement be the same?
Yes...if he did his time and was adhering to the court sanctions (which would be a stipulation of his release) and he was living without reoffending.
If he did reoffend (the child molester) however, I would also support throwing the book at him with regard to time incarcerated because he had his second chance at living within the law and blew it.
Ken Wrote:
>The statement that all
> amimals are food is correct...
> But in the end they are food...just like
> everything else that lives in this world including
> us.
Agreed. Everything living on this Earth is, ultimately, food for something. But I don't think the poster that stated that "all animals are food" was including humans in that group.
1. Do not anthropomorphize animals , they are NOT human. You watch - and believe, apparently - too much silly television.
2. Try watching some animal doumentaries - your last statement, "Animals kill only for reasons of food or fear. It is only the human race that kill out of pure viciousness and perversion." is shortsighted and demonstrably false. Sounds like PETA propaganda.
Re: Do YOU support Michael Vick's return to the NFL?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: May 17, 2009 09:38AM
Your comments are foolish.
The issue isn't why animals would or would not kill.
Its humans pitting domesticated dogs against one another and watching them kill for sport. These dogs wouldn't be killing each other unless they were trained to by humans.
Its bloodsport, plain and simple. And it is inhumane. You don't have to buy into PETA propaganda to get that. You just would have had to own a good dog.
dolphan4545 Wrote:
> What foolishness.
> 1. Do not anthropomorphize animals , they are NOT
> human. You watch - and believe, apparently - too
> much silly television.
You have it backwards. Animals are not human, Humans are Animals!!! DUH!
Ken Wrote:
> The mentality of serial killer...yeah right. I am
> a very respected law enforcement officer, a
> supervisor, a father, and a very well respected
> person in my community that has never been in
> legal trouble for anything, ever. I have no
> abbhorrent behaviors and certainly do not condone
> that in others.
Sounds like you are a legend in your own mind. It's been my experience that well respected people don't normally have to go around trying to convince everyone how respected they are....or eating dogs.
I also have owned, and do own
> currently, many pets incuding a very loveable and
> well cared for Basenji.The statement that all
> amimals are food is correct...whether you others
> want it to be or not.
How would you feel if you found out your neighbors served him up at the weekend barbecue because Basenji meat tastes good? My guess is you probably would only mourn the loss of monetary value.
All animals were put on this
> earth for some other creature to eat them same as
> plants. Thats the great circle of life. I own
> dogs, love dogs, and don't want to see one get
> harmed in any way but I have eaten them in foriegn
> countries and the meat is pretty good. Does that
> mean that I'd start harvesting them here...No.
> Does that mean that I'd let an individual get off
> that I caught harming them...No.
So it's ok to eat dogs as long as you don't do it in the U.S.? You don't want to see one get harmed but you will pay to eat the barbarians that sold it the means to stay in business? You are a walking contradiction.
> I agree that animals are commpassionate, have
> feelings, are capable of love and as I said
> deserve proper treatment.
> But in the end they are food...just like
> everything else that lives in this world including
> us.
Your credibility went out the window the moment you admitted to eating a dog. The circle of life? Dogs, wolves, etc... in nature are predators not animals of prey.
and like I said...these "foreign" countries that condone this behavior are usually run by barbaric people that have no respect for life in any form.
dolphan4545 Wrote:
> What foolishness.
> Try watching some animal doumentaries
RESPONSE: I indeed spend a lot of time watching the animal planet.
- your
> last statement, "Animals kill only for reasons of
> food or fear. It is only the human race that kill
> out of pure viciousness and perversion." is
> shortsighted and demonstrably false. Sounds like
> PETA propaganda.
RESPONSE: I notice you did not provide the third, fourth, etc. reasons why animals kill. Oh, I'd just settle for the third.
.............. Oh, I guess you mean the other reason would be that they are trained to do so by humans.
eesti Wrote:
> Ken Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The mentality of serial killer...yeah right. I
> am
> > a very respected law enforcement officer, a
> > supervisor, a father, and a very well respected
> > person in my community that has never been in
> > legal trouble for anything, ever. I have no
> > abhorrent behaviors and certainly do not
> condone
> > that in others.
> Sounds like you are a legend in your own mind.
> It's been my experience that well respected people
> don't normally have to go around trying to
> convince everyone how respected they are....or
> eating dogs.
RE: I'm not a legend in anyone's mind especially not my own. I'm not trying to convince anyone of how respected I may or may not be just replying to your serial killer comment. I'm far from that!
> I also have owned, and do own
> > currently, many pets including a very loveable
> and
> > well cared for Basenji. The statement that all
> > animals are food is correct...whether you
> others
> > want it to be or not.
> How would you feel if you found out your neighbors
> served him up at the weekend barbecue because
> Basenji meat tastes good? My guess is you probably
> would only mourn the loss of monetary value.
RE: Your guess would be completely incorrect and off base. My do has no monetary value at all because he's priceless. Oh and they would go to jail...period.
> All animals were put on this
> > earth for some other creature to eat them same
> as
> > plants. That’s the great circle of life. I own
> > dogs, love dogs, and don't want to see one get
> > harmed in any way but I have eaten them in
> foriegn
> > countries and the meat is pretty good. Does
> that
> > mean that I'd start harvesting them here...No.
> > Does that mean that I'd let an individual get
> off
> > that I caught harming them...No.
> So it's ok to eat dogs as long as you don't do it
> in the U.S.? You don't want to see one get harmed
> but you will pay to eat one. giving the barbarians
> that sold it the means to stay in business? You
> are a walking contradiction.
RE: Yes it's OK to eat them...if the country you are in allows it. America does not so here it's wrong and thusly illegal...simple. It's not a contradiction at all. If you think so then great, more power to you.
> > I agree that animals are compassionate, have
> > feelings, are capable of love and as I said
> > deserve proper treatment.
> > But in the end they are food...just like
> > everything else that lives in this world
> including
> > us.
> Your credibility went out the window the moment
> you admitted to eating a dog. The circle of life?
> Dogs, wolves, etc... in nature are predators not
> animals of prey.
RE: Really, small mindedness limits your credibility. However I, unlike some will defend your right to be that way. Preach on brother! Even (apex) predators get eaten by something eventually.
> and like I said...these "foreign" countries that
> condone this behavior are usually run by barbaric
> people that have no respect for life in any form.
RE: But not always and I have eaten many other adorable and cuddly creatures in many upstanding and civilized western countries that allow such things...but again, like I said earlier, that kind of thing is illegal here and is not condoned so such things don't end up on my plate.
You object morally to it and that is fine, under certain circumstances I don't and that's fine as well. Neither point of view is wrong or reprehensible...unless you make it that way
berkeley223 Wrote:
> would it be OK to eat people if the law allowed
> it? since we are all food anyway...
In some cultures, YES. Regardless, when we die we area all food for worms.
you guys are talking nothing but retard, and i know retard, look the question is simple would you hire somone you knew who got caught torturing animals to death, after they failed you in fighting. PERIOD nothing else. not if animals hae spirits, or for food, but torture.