Do YOU support Michael Vick's return to the NFL?
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This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
He paid his debt to society. I am a big dog lover but let's keep things in perspective. He killed and tortured Pit Bulls, he didn't kill his pregnant girlfriend. There is a difference.
If he shows remorse as Goodell says, he deserves a second chance.
There are several other players who have gotten 3rd and 4th chances. I would not sign the herpes spreading, Ron Mexico, but someone might.
I dont ever think he will be a real threat of any at the QB position again, possible any position for that matter. 3 seasons is a loooong time to take off.
There are players in the NFL that have done a LOT worse than he has... and personally I am sick of the government targetting famous people (especially athletes) and hammering them to the fullest extent of the law for crimes that go completely ignored by everyday citizens, in order to make a name for themselves.
What he did wasn't right, but like others have said... its a little different than harming a HUMAN, and he has served his sentence. He should be allowed to go back to leading a normal life and should not be banned from the sport, if a team is willing to sign him to a contract (and there WILL be teams willing to do so.)
I doubt he will play QB again, in fact he never should have been a QB to begin with, but as a WR/RB or even wildcat specialist, he could still be a plymake and of lots of value to an NFL team.
I'm very torn on this subject. He repaid his debt and I'm not standing in his way of moving on with his life. However, the NFL is a national stage that many, including myself, perceive as a privilege. I'm not sure he deserves to represent a Football team or the NFL anymore.
lol pay a det to society, realy, i didnt recive anything, but horrible news on tv, followed by him playing football in prison and eating my tax payer dollar, however the dogs he had have been adopted, and regardless if human or animal, torture is torture, not like he shot em, electrocution? drowning, i mean you serious that is somthin fcked up. Make a dog, who loves you fight, and when it fails you torture it to death? the man should be electrocuted, period. he is extremely f.cked up in the head, and he took no cousuling, and during the YEARS this has been going on he acted like everything was ok, fighting the dogs dont bother me, but torturing the dogs, because it gave its all and lost? and ALL you say he repaid his det to society? come on im not even that stupid, nor ignorant. and if you argue that he isnt messed up and does not need to be able to support his lavish lifestyle, then you obviously are just saying " yeah it was horrible, but it realy doesnt bother you, and you just want to see him play. him, phsyco herpe invested coward.
"You were right were right. The PATS and the 'BOYS had the same thoughts too. numberonedumbanddumber- you are a genius"Wow, another sterling prediction by the poster child for the dangers of illiteracy.So, let me get this straight. Essentially, the Dolphins traded Jason Taylor for Jason Taylor and Pat White and saved 7 million dollars. Now, I am not the greatest talent evaluator, but that sounds like a good deal to me."
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2009 12:56PM by dolphinsnumberonestunner.
fighting dogs is ok but torture is not? fighting dogs who tear each other apart is torture. keeping a dog locked in a kennel 24 hours a day is torture.
I have a yellow lab and he is smarter and worth more than 10 Michael Vick's... But like PF-2 said...we are a nation of laws...and I would not lose any sleep if he had to wash dishes the rest of his life.
I voted yes, but I have mixed feelings. I am a dog lover, and I think he's scrum. But I'm not convinced that dog-fighting is something that should cause you to lose your chosen profession forever.
DolphinSam Wrote:
> I voted No.
> 1. He lied.
> 2. He gambled.
> 3. He tried to get out of paying his debts with
> promises of future NFL paychecks.
> 4. He personally tortured and killed pets.
> 5. He lied to get in a special jail program that
> cuts your time in half.
> 6. He hasn't made good on what he did, other than
> serve some brief time behind bars.
No matter how you vote in this poll or how you feel about Vick the person. He was sentenced and he did do his time. The courts decide if a person is guilty and then emposes a suitable penalty upon that person. A judge can mitigate that penalty to a certain dergee however they cannot step outside of the state sentencing guidelines. If a person gets the minnimum sentence imposed upon them then they still got what the law dictates for that crime. Our personal feelings don't come into play because we as citizens would all too often over react to the crime.
If Vick gets another chance I'm fine with that but all too often a regular person would not be afforded that chance...shame because many of us deserve it far more than someone like Vick does, JMO.
Ken Wrote:
> No matter how you vote in this poll or how you
> feel about Vick the person. He was sentenced and
> he did do his time. The courts decide if a person
> is guilty and then emposes a suitable penalty upon
> that person. A judge can mitigate that penalty to
> a certain dergee however they cannot step outside
> of the state sentencing guidelines. If a person
> gets the minnimum sentence imposed upon them then
> they still got what the law dictates for that
> crime. Our personal feelings don't come into play
> because we as citizens would all too often over
> react to the crime.
> If Vick gets another chance I'm fine with that but
> all too often a regular person would not be
> afforded that chance...shame because many of us
> deserve it far more than someone like Vick does,
> JMO.
I agree he's paid is debt to society, but that doesn't, necessarily, give him the right to come back to the NFL. I believe it would be a PR nightmare for Goodell. I say ban him from the NFL. If he wants to play in the CFL, fine.
Dont get me wrong, I am *TOTALLY* against what he done. But to compare a butt-licking animal to a human is ridiculous and you people are emotionally attached.
Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Animals dont have souls, people do.
> Dont get me wrong, I am *TOTALLY* against what he
> done. But to compare a butt-licking animal to a
> human is ridiculous and you people are emotionally
> attached.
To each his own, A&O. There are plenty of "butt-licking" humans as well. We are human, so it is natural for us to think we are somehow "different" from all animals. It's possible Dolphins, Dogs, Cats, etc.. also feel the same way about themselves.
Animals and persons are not the same......Agreed!!.........I know there are laws......Here.....YUP......Great laws.............Thats why OJ Simpson killed his girldfriend or wife or whatever it was.......((((they even found his blood))) AND got away with it....
I love this country ( the best country in the world )but it has flaws. The system has flaws. the court system is so corrupted all because of that little green piece of paper with the washington or lincoln face on it. EXXXpecially the one with the franklin on it if you know what i mean.
Again i agree people and animals are not the same, but come on man what kind of a person does those things to animals. Just because they have money they think they can break the law and do anything they want.
He shouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL again!
I know some of you agree or disagree but i ask everyone here this........Because this really p!$$es me off...
We are fans of lets say.......Joey Porter....Right????
Question # 1....If Joey Porter did the same thing to animals would you want him on this team????.........Would you be a fan of his???????.......
I will go a step further...................
Dan marino is an idol to every true miami dolphin fan. you all know that!
We all know how we feel about dan marino from a standpoint of been a fan.....And you know where im going with this!!!
Question # 2 How would you feel if dan marino would had tortured animals and killed animals for sport?
Tell me how you really feel please!!!!!
Hopefully we as fans of the miami dolphins do not have to go through this.
PS. Im very sensitive when it comes to animals sorry.
Good questions sam. I would find it very hard to feel good about anyone that engaged in such cruel actions toward any living creature. Those actions are the product of a very sick mind. That said, I do believe that people can change; but it should be because they feel sorry for what they've done and want to become better people. Sometimes people pretend to change for all the wrong reasons (money, status, etc). It's impossible for us to know what's in Michael Vick's mind or heart. Fortunately, that is not something any of us here have to determine.
As for Vick returning to the NFL, I absolutely would not want to see him on the Dolphins. I love cheering for the Phins, and Vick would ruin that for me.
However, I am not sure why he couldn't play in the NFL again if some team wanted to take a chance on him. The NFL is not some sort of holy ground that only a select few can walk on. As fans, we seem to elevate NFL players because of their abilities. We want them to be good people because we cheer for them; but they're no better than anyone else - in many cases they are worse. Lots of NFL players have engaged in criminal conduct. Jerramy Stevens comes to mind immediately. Do a little research on Stevens and tell me if you could ever cheer for the Bucs as long as he is there. Check out Brandon Marshall's record. Chris Henry. Koren Robinson. Steve Foley. Pacman Jones. Plaxico Burress. Travis Henry. Donte Whitner. Matt Jones. Marvin Harrison. Tank Johnson. Nick Kaczur. The list goes on and on. A number of players have been directly or indirectly involved in the death of another person. Two of those players are stil playing today. The NFL has a major problem with the off-field actions of their players. Vick's case is a disgusting example of that.
Would I want to see Vick washing dishes for the rest of his life? That would definitely hurt his pocketbook and his pride. But would he fit in better in the restaurant business or the NFL? Playing in the NFL is often described as a privilege. To the extent that the NFL gives people an opportunity to make a ton of money, I would agree with that. But let's not confuse making a ton of money with being good people. If Vick has the right to work in a restaurant or on a construction site then he has returned to a working life. The NFL can pretend to have a higher set of standards, and they may choose to make an example of Vick; but I can think of numerous companies that have much higher standards than the NFL - standards that are based on real values not on whether or not a player will hinder tickets sales or bring negative publicity.
Having said all of that, I would have no problem with the NFL taking a zero tolerance policy towards criminal activity. That would really clean up the league and would prevent Goodell from havin to make judgment calls on who has reformed and who hasn't, or who is really sorry and who isn't.
Northeast Fin Fan Wrote:
> Having said all of that, I would have no problem
> with the NFL taking a zero tolerance policy
> towards criminal activity. That would really
> clean up the league and would prevent Goodell from
> havin to make judgment calls on who has reformed
> and who hasn't, or who is really sorry and who
> isn't.
the man isnt sorry, come on that selfish re.>M< anyways, he is sad because he is broke, and has nothing and in his mind he is thinking that was just stupid i got caught im not doing that anymore, not man i cant believe i let myself toture and kill animals just for money, im sure he is sorry, sorry that his ignorant as> got caught, and now he is sorry he lost his money, and fame. you believe other your just as ignorant. enough said about the scum, you got a pet, would you drown it? would you electrocute it, after YOU made it FIGHT FOR YOU FOR MONEY, if you still say he deserves a shot, then i feel the same about you. that your sick in the head if that doesnt bother you, personaly he should be a institute, and not let free, cause i know he isnt feeling about the dogs, only about the no money. sorry this is harsh, but you have to put yourself in his shoes. and its worse to torture a animal such as a dog, because a dog has full trust in you as a person to protect it, to provide for it, two things that would let me kill you and not feel bad about it, is killing and torturing helpless things, like kids, and dogs. abusing the trust of somthing, just for your own pleasures? please i hope you feel the same way, and like i said the man i mean if it was just fighting, i know a guy who has been involved with fighting well at least thats what he says, and most of you have no idea, how different it is, mike vick took it to a new level. just somone shoot him, and im fine with it, one less phsyco breathing my air.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2009 12:30PM by dolphinsnumberonestunner.