JoeFootball Wrote:
> TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Went to work today and we had about a dozen
> > protesters at the driveway to the police
> station
> > holding signs giving us the finger as we went
> to
> > work. Even spotted a kid that was obviously
> > picked up early from school for this outing.
> >

Great way to start off the evening. Your
> > welcome.
> >
> > Its not even about that kid who died tragically
> > anymore , or how you feel about it. Reports
> from
> > Ferguson have some of the arrestees are from as
> > far away as LA and NYC. They don't even live
> > there.
> >
> > The Media knows this. They love to pull the
> > strings of the ignorant. Just don't believe
> > everything you read is all I'm saying.
> >
> > I couldn't be a politician or live in the
> > spotlight for a second. Especially in this day
> and
> > age . God bless......Lets go Dolphins!
> I'm sure there are instances of bad cops and
> racial bias all over the world but it has been my
> experience that the majority of people who do not
> like cops are people who break the law and have no
> accountability for their actions or have low life
> loved ones who fit the description.
> It's pure ignorance to have protestors in your
> neck of the woods over something that happened
> half way around the country. I say "why in the
> hell are you not at work?" Get a friggin job and a
> life!
Crazy right? People love to be victims. Some really sad people in this world. I remember after 911 people and businesses couldn't do enough for us. 13 yrs later it's a really different world. Kids are plotting on Facebook to blow up schools , you have cops excuted eating lunch, and apparently 300 pound NFL Lineman get bullied.

oh well.
YOUR HEALTH. That's the most important thing. You have that you have the world by the balls.Take care of yourselves, no one else will.