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carl peterson has been out of the league for 7+ years and by the end of his run he was even more unpopular in KC than Ireland is here. Hardly an upgrade and the new insight this team desperately needs. So typical of ross if we hire him
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
ChyrenB Wrote:
> Only if he answers that question.
LOL Its only a bad question if she is. Which is why that receiver made himself into a victim over it. And I'm glad he asked it. That guy turned out to be a shit stain for the Cowboys.
Peterson was pretty successful in KC during his term. You have two options, keep your job pay, maybe a title change, and work under Peterson, or another person or move on. Seems like option 1 on bringing in an advisor wouldn't be too bad unless you're just an arrogant know it all? But since he was under contract he still walls away with the pay for the remainder or a buyout unless there was an early termination clause. Cost Ross but the right move. need to jump on his successor & OC quick
TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> ChyrenB Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only if he answers that question.
> LOL Its only a bad question if she is. Which is
> why that receiver made himself into a victim over
> it. And I'm glad he asked it. That guy turned out
> to be a shit stain for the Cowboys.
I guess its OK if everybody just thinks so, but the guy that would have to pay him millions of dollars is rude if he asks him anything about it directly. Typical pc garbage.
Finshady Wrote:
> That sorry MF drafted Martin who freaked up this
> season for every one
> THIS. Worst draft pick since Wannabe drafted
Whose fault is it that our draft picks got very little playing time?
1. Was it Ireland's fault for drafting poor or undeveloped players?
2. Was it Philbin's fault for not getting them o the field?
3. Was it Sherman or Coyle's (or both oft them) fault for not finding ways to use them or for not developing players?
4. Or was it the players fault for notpicking up the syatem and winning playing time?
Ken Wrote:
> The questions we should be asking are;
> Whose fault is it that our draft picks got very
> little playing time?
> 1. Was it Ireland's fault for drafting poor or
> undeveloped players?
> 2. Was it Philbin's fault for not getting them o
> the field?
> 3. Was it Sherman or Coyle's (or both oft them)
> fault for not finding ways to use them or for not
> developing players?
> 4. Or was it the players fault for notpicking up
> the syatem and winning playing time?
these questions are a waste of time. Ireland clearly picked bad players like Dallas Thomas and the injured CBs. There is no mystery. Frankly a better case can be made for dumping Ireland and the coaches than keeping Philbin. Dumping the coach keeping the gm/keeping the coach dumping the GM has lead to these kind of issues that you don't see in other nondysfunctional organzations
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
5. Drafting injured players when you needed solid starters THIS YEAR.
6. Not solidifying the offensive line.
7. getting rid of two linebacking studs and replacing them with duds.
Now, who in their right mind is going to take this job and be saddled with a dynamo like Philbin?
My guess is Philbin is let go after the results of the bullygate fiasco are released and we see all new faces.
Hooligan2 Wrote:
> Now, who in their right mind is going to take this
> job and be saddled with a dynamo like Philbin?
> My guess is Philbin is let go after the results of
> the bullygate fiasco are released and we see all
> new faces.
Philbin is safe. He'll be the HC in 2014.
We also now know the new structure, a weak GM model. HC and GM will report directly to Ross OR a new chief of football operations. Is that Dawn Aponte, or someone else? Whomever it is, it will be someone that Ross TRUSTS.
eesti Wrote:
> How do we already know the new structure? has
> something been reported that I have not hear
> about?
Philbin worked for Ross, not Ireland. Given Ross's confidence in Philbin, together with Dawn Aponte's and Don Shula's, this reporting relationship is unlikely to be changed.
I saw the local news last night at 11 and was relieved to learn Jeff Ireland is now history. Hopefully, the next GM, and I don't have a clue and can't even make a fair guess who it might be, has a great eye for college talent and FAs. We've sure had enough of the "pig in a poke" draft picks and FAs during Ireland's tenure.
berkeley223 Wrote:
> Ken Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The questions we should be asking are;
> >
> > Whose fault is it that our draft picks got very
> > little playing time?
> >
> > 1. Was it Ireland's fault for drafting poor or
> > undeveloped players?
> > 2. Was it Philbin's fault for not getting them
> o
> > the field?
> > 3. Was it Sherman or Coyle's (or both oft them)
> > fault for not finding ways to use them or for
> not
> > developing players?
> > 4. Or was it the players fault for notpicking
> up
> > the syatem and winning playing time?
> these questions are a waste of time. Ireland
> clearly picked bad players like Dallas Thomas and
> the injured CBs. There is no mystery. Frankly a
> better case can be made for dumping Ireland and
> the coaches than keeping Philbin. Dumping the
> coach keeping the gm/keeping the coach dumping the
> GM has lead to these kind of issues that you
> don't see in other nondysfunctional organzations
RE: No they aren't. We as fans, don't know the answer to any of them. So for you to come out and say that the answer is clear with only the smallest shreds of actual information, because you hold the belief the players were bad is just silly.
Injuries happen and could have just as easily happened to anyone on the team regardless of whether they played or not. Just because a rookie gets hurt in no way makes him a bad player or a bad pick. If it did no player that got hurt while in college would ever be drafted.
It's the GM's job to pick the players with input from the coaches, it's the coaches job to use them and to get production out of them. Most forget that last part and simply blame Ireland (who has built a talented roster BTW) for the whole problem...just short-sighted, and JMO.
We have gone in both directions as fans...either as described above or we've blamed the coach for not winning when the team ACTUALLY WAS devoid of's time for us to stop this I want it all and right now B.S. Because we aren't going to get it all.
Facts are, we the fans have gotten what we've asked for over the past decade...turnover in the front office and on the sidelines because we were unhappy, and the results are a team that's either been bad or underachieved because of the turnover.
I hope we're happy...we'll see in 2014 or I'm sure we'll be asking for the "wheel of poorness" to spin again.
cshashaty Wrote:
> eesti Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How do we already know the new structure? has
> > something been reported that I have not hear
> > about?
> Philbin worked for Ross, not Ireland. Given Ross's
> confidence in Philbin, together with Dawn Aponte's
> and Don Shula's, this reporting relationship is
> unlikely to be changed.
Except Philbin worked for Ireland....UNTIL yesterday. Philbin was Ireland's guy. Obviously they both work for Ross but it's not like Ross hired JP without Ireland. Ireland had full control.
eesti Wrote:
> Except Philbin worked for Ireland....UNTIL
> yesterday. Philbin was Ireland's guy. Obviously
> they both work for Ross but it's not like Ross
> hired JP without Ireland. Ireland had full
> control.
Philbin has reported directly to Steve Ross from Day One. Philbin also has exclusive control over his assistants. Ireland had full control over the draft and free agency, but couldn't cut or release anyone without Philbin's consent.
yes, Ireland contributed to the Philbin hiring process, but so did Mike Dee. The final decision was Ross's.
eesti Wrote:
> I can name about 5 or 6 on defense and about 5 or
> 6 on offense. That's half a team!
Winning football starts with winning match-ups.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2014 07:09AM by cshashaty.
Crowder52 Wrote:
> Agler reported that if Ireland stayed with the
> team his powers were going to be stripped. Which
> is why they mutually decided to part ways...
> This is sounding a bit like someone, like Marino,
> was going to come in as VP with ultimate power on
> decisions.... And Irleand refused to be in that
> type of situation... Not sure it is Marino but
> sounds like someone else was or is coming in with
> power over the GM...
The "agree to part ways" is not only on Ireland's (probably) not willing to relinquish some of his powers, but also in that Ireland gets the players and Philbin and the coaching staff don't utilize them to their fullest, along with the offense having problems and Philbin doing nothing to change it.