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“I would like to thank Mike for his contributions to the Miami Dolphins. Mike has been a mentor to me throughout my coaching career, dating back to 1979. He is a man of great integrity, dedicated to his family, his team, his players and his profession. On behalf of the entire Miami Dolphins organization I want to wish Mike and his family the very best in the future.”
We can now safely conclude that Joe Philbin is being retained.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2014 08:46AM by cshashaty.
No doubt. And he forgot to add" But he can't coach NFL Football worth a Fuk!" I still remember several 4and 1 plays and he threw the ball!! Over and over. The man was obtuse. Sorry probably a nice man , but he needed to go.
Well good news. Not great still have dish rag as or HC. Hopefully we can get a good OC. I hope McDaniels would leave NE for our team. Ph well wishfull thinking
eesti Wrote:
> NEXT! Who could it be? I guess that means Philbin
> is staying and probably Ireland. STUPID!
Philbin is safe. Ireland is still TBD....stand by.
Who knows......Maybe he will search for a new GM and Ross will let them take the heat for firing Philbin. But I doubt it. The OC Coaching was the worst spot this season , my only problem is why TF would Philbin let him do it? So why does he get to stay if he liked it so much?
cshashaty Wrote:
> eesti Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > NEXT! Who could it be? I guess that means
> Philbin
> > is staying and probably Ireland. STUPID!
> Philbin is safe. Ireland is still TBD....stand by. do you retain the entire staff outside of the OC and just fire the GM?
That's kind of hard to scout a new GM....UNLESS
You hire a team president with the GM and HC reporting to him. Still very tricky.
eesti Wrote:
> do you retain the entire staff
> outside of the OC and just fire the GM?
> That's kind of hard to scout a new GM....UNLESS
> You hire a team president with the GM and HC
> reporting to him. Still very tricky.
cshashaty Wrote:
> eesti Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > do you retain the entire staff
> > outside of the OC and just fire the GM?
> >
> > That's kind of hard to scout a new GM....UNLESS
> >
> > You hire a team president with the GM and HC
> > reporting to him. Still very tricky.
> *ding*
This whole probation thing is ridiculous. Ireland has not performed so he needs to go.
The ONLY way anything changes is if we hire the "President" or "Czar" for both Philbin and Ireland to report to...
But then were back to the Wannstedt/Speilman back and forth. Your the your the, let's hire Dan Marino to be the boss. No, I changed my mind....Stupid. It's just avoiding the inevitable.
Now the problem is hiring a good OC when they may believe that Philbin has only one year to prove himself or he and his whole staff maybe gone. Is there a good OC out there who is willing to risk a one year gig?
Refreshing news. Hope we land a savvy OC...not a dinosaur with old fashioned offensive concepts. One who is flexible and won't be happy with an offense that barely can score 20 points per game.
samsam3738 Wrote:
> I still believe we drafted tannehill because of
> philbin.
> Id be happy if we fired ireland and kept philbin.
I agree........That was all Philbin after Sherman talked him into it. Maybe Sherman needs to be GM not OC..........LOL only kidding.
Too many pass plays on 4th and 1 for me. God awful play calling.
Philbin did well in Green Bay......maybe make him the OC. Seriously what bothers me about Philbin is not his style or the results, its the fact that Ross had to PUSH him to fire Sherman or that he didn't change the bad play calls himself when they came out. 4th and 1 and he calls a long pass when it didn't work twice before.....that's kinda on Philbin.
Treasure, it's not the PASSES on 4th and 1 or less than 1. It's the
1) Snap the ball
2) Quarterback runs back FIVE YARDS where
Results: the RB is tackled three yards BEHIND the line of scrimmage.
I wish the hell they WOULD HAVE THROWN SOME PASSES RATHER THAN this idiotic sh*t!
At least that would have been a play with at least a CHANCE of succeeding.
go to Click on Scores
Then click on Regular Season
Then click on any week
Then click on the Dolphin game "Game Center"
Then click on "Drive Chart"
Then click on "Analyze"
Then click on "Play by Play."
Now look and see what the Dolphins did in every 4th and short situation and you will see that they inevitably ran with the result being a two yard LOSS.
IMO Sherman's biggest problems were, he never seemed to gameplan around the opponents weakness, and he never seemed to make in game adjustments. His individual play calling was nothing special, but to second guess every play that didn't work out is real easy from the comfort of your own couch......
That's just bad coaching. I'm talking about play calling period. Bad Bad , and just made no sense. If I'm at home scratching my head WTF isn't Philbin second guessing him? That's what bothers me , but maybe he just couldn't? Maybe now we will see the real Joe Philbin?
He needs to throw away the index cards and get REAL. I like him. He knows his shit , I'm hoping Sherman was holding him back.
holic, this is not second guess EVERY play, it's second guessing the 4th and 1 yard plays and then ONLY BECAUSE HE DOES THE SAME FRIGGING FAILING PLAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN.