This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
"Claiming he was going to have unprotected sex with his sister..." Shocking! WHO could imagine such locker room talk taking place in...well...ur...a locker room!
I'm sorry, OBVIOUSLY there were personality conflicts and immature behavior going on but jeez. We'll probably find out the 'malicious physical contact' was popping him with a wet towel on the way to the showers...
Until Martin or his lawyer decide to be specific (i.e. who physically assaulted him and how) I remain skeptical. They released the voice mail. If they have evidence of a physical assault, why wouldn't you put that out to the public as well. In my mind that would be far more damning. I do, however, hope that they're not just referring to a scuffle during practice. That would only serve to make Martin look softer and ultimately more ridiculous.
No that's BS no one has to take that. Phin players are talking out of their asses. The first line is basic respect as a person. Not the earned respect but basic respect. The oline sounds like a bunch of pussies, like junior high school bimbos. "He was different from us", "he was dettached", "he didn't want to party w/ us". If I were Martin I would not want to hang w/ these aholes either. I'm a rookie I carry your bags, the projectors ok but hell no you are not going in my wallet. I don't blame this guy one bit. This guy sounds like an intelligent individualist. Why the hell does he need someone to have his back in a fight. He is not lookig for a fight he wants to play football. The phins sounds like a collection of thugs, trash and idiots who don't want any intelligent guys around.
Jason Whitlock has a good article on ESPN. The inmates are running the asylum in Miami and they need to be cleaned out. This team is not close to going anywhere.
I don't know about you, but when I've gotten together in my 20s with a bunch of buddies we said crap like that quoted at the bottom of the lawyer's statment to eachother all the time--maybe not that vile, but pretty close. None of us would ever think to then take it months later to a lawyer and the media and make a federal case about it. This whole thing just stinks to high heaven. Now it's all about Martin getting $$ from the phins, and getting cut so he can go play with his boy Luck in Indy. And we are out yet another high 2d round pick for nothing. And getting hammered by the media and on the front page of papers over some nonsense.
Every time I think we've hit a low point with this team over the years, we just keep getting worse and worse. This is turning into bounty gate, but worse and more humilating. it should be called pu$$y gate.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
berkeley223 Wrote:
> I don't know about you, but when I've gotten
> together in my 20s with a bunch of buddies we said
> crap like that quoted at the bottom of the
> lawyer's statment to eachother all the time--maybe
> not that vile, but pretty close. None of us would
> ever think to then take it months later to a
> lawyer and the media and make a federal case about
> it.
Agreed, i'm in my late 40's and me and my buddies still bust each others balls something fierce. Martin's lawyer is going to release a new "bombshell" every day to keep this thing in the news.
Miami $hould ju$t cut to the cha$e and $ee what Martin want$ to make thi$ thing go away.
Just a bunch of garbage coming out of the lawyer's mouth. Providing nothing to back up his statements.
I question whether or not he has been a part of a locker room? I highly doubt it, which relates to his comment about the harassing going above and beyond what normally occurs in a locker room.
No matter the outcome of this mess, it will be impossible for Martin to return to the Fins. Saying that, with him still having a two-year(?) contract remaining, what is Dolphin management going to do? Cut him and they are still on the hook for his salary; highly doubtful any team would be willing to trade for him, and if they do, Miami would be lucky to get a 5th round pick for him.
Incognito? No doubt he would be welcome back, but again, it all depends what finally comes out of all this.
Now look who's talking out of his ass. They are in that locker room, you aren't. This is a TEAM game, he can't play football by himself. Plenty of guys from Stanford and other schools who turn out "intelligent" players have gotten along fine in the league, this one guy didn't. That smacks of a problem with that one individual.
Are you saying that some people are born with a "slimy lawyer" gene? I don't believe it. These people have to work HARD to learn to be slimy.
Not sorry, ChyrenB.
dolphan4545 Wrote:
> Are you saying that some people are born with a
> "slimy lawyer" gene? I don't believe it. These
> people have to work HARD to learn to be slimy.
> Not sorry, ChyrenB.
Rick, when you are a plumber, you have to root out the problems. You don't say, "Well, I don't think I'm going to do this job because you homeowner was stupid enough to put bones down the sink expecting them to go through the pipes."
As a lawyer, you are hired to do a job. I kid around a lot but our judicial system (as opposed to even places like Italy, let alone Russia or China) is based on the presumption that everyone is entitled to challenge all of the charges against them and put the prosecution (my side) to it's maximum proof. Once we start thinking that conviction can be had without proof beyond a reasonable doubt, then we start on a slippery slope to losing our precious system.
So if a lawyer is representing a guilty client, it is his duty to question the proof just as much as would one representing an innocent client. He cannot cross the line and even have his client lie if he KNOWS his client is lying. When I was on the other side in law school in Massachusetts where 3rd year law students like myself could represent defendants on misdemeanors, I NEVER LET MY CLIENTS talk to me without going through the ole rigamarole. That was to inform them that anything they said to me was in confidence BUT if they told me they were guilty then I could not put them on the stand and have them say so. I also told them that I was bound to reveal the location of any evidence that they told me had not been recovered by the police. After that I began telling THEM what "probably" happened and asking them for confirmation.
But a few years ago, after 30 years on the prosecutorial side, I was asked to address a class of law students as was a defense attorney. I started out by telling them my sincere belief and that was that the most important person in our judicial system was, pointing to him, that defense attorney because his function is to put me to my maximum proof, to keep the innocent from going to jail, if even at the cost of liberating some guilty people and to keep our judicial system from slipping into one where all of our liberties are at risk.
Above I talked about Italy. Ever hear of Amanda Knox. She is an American girl who was living in Italy with her boyfriend and a traveling companion from England. Somehow when she said she was in town drinking, the English girl ended up being murdered. They first arrested the prime suspect, an African working in the area. However, he campaigned and then pointed the finger at Amanda and her boyfriend, who had no motive to kill her. But he out-politicked them and fed into the Anti-American sentiment, even in Italy.
Well, the police released the African and arrested Knox and her boyfriend. The press went crazy and the trial was about as fair as a Salem Witch Trial. They were convicted and Knox languished in prison. Finally, the first level appellate court looked at the case and said, "This is ridiculous! There's no evidence against these people." and ordered them freed. Amanda flew back here to Washington.
However, the Supreme Court of Italy has now ordered them retried on the flimsy ground that basically there was no proof of their innocence. Which of course, here in our system, you do not need.
And that's Italy, not Red China.
All this to say that our system REQUIRES our attorneys to do the utmost to put the prosecution to it's proof and that's a good thing and they really don't, or should not have to, work hard to be slimy. If being slimy means putting us prosecutors to the maximum proof, then that's a good thing.
Right now the big trial is a doctor, Martin McNeil, being tried for killing his wife. The problem is that the prosecution cannot exactly say even how she died, let alone that he did it. The coroners were split on cause of death but his grown daughters are convinced the doctor, who had begun seeing a girlfriend, got his wife to have an operation like a face lift, then prescribed medications for her in the healing process and then basically had her take too many or some bizarre half ass theory but boy, my wife wants him hung! I keep telling her you can't just put a guy in jail because you THINK he's guilty but she won't be diverted from wanting to see him hung.
Believe me, you are better off living in a country where you have to have proof for a conviction, and BEYOND a reasonable doubt.
If Martin doesn't want to play for the Dolphins and this is his way to gain release to play for whomever he wants, does that not open the door for other to do as well? I can see players thinking: "Jacksonville sucks, the players and coaches are abusing me. Release me so I can go sign with denver"
Miko Grimes ?@iHeartMiko6h
Id bet real money there's more to this story. I dont want to spill too much tea bc i know Richie is building his case right now.
LOL. Is this the same place that got me for talking smack about a Pats fans mother a few weeks back? I was Wrong.....but in the heat of battle shit happens.
I can see J. Martin right now with his mom.........
"Jon Jon . show us on the doll where Ritchie hurt you.........."
This is the NFL. grow a sack! I really think there is a lot more to this. I am assuming this 100% but the only thing that could cause such a reaction is........
Wait for it.......
J. Martin is Gay and couldn't take or was paranoid and perceived the guys were making fun of him. Nothing else makes sense. That's why he quit and he wants to leave with some $$$ in his pocket. How Ireland didn't uncover it through the draft process is astounding.
Actually, I know we need lawyers. It bothers me, however, that lawyers are obligated to try to free persons that have admitted guilt- lawyers handle it in specious way- " if they told me they were guilty then I could not put them on the stand and have them say so"-as you have said. There are too many of the breed who are known as "ambulance chasers", and far too many who will take any questionable case and file as many destructive "nuisance suits" as necessary to keep the cash flowing into their pockets and out of ours. I think that's the problem in a nutshell-that there are FAR too many bad ones-apparently many times more than good ones.