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Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job?
Posted by: Odenn ()
Date: October 29, 2010 07:15AM

Mia1 Wrote:
> Odenn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As much as MikeO ruffled feathers, one would
> think
> > he wouldn't waste his time looking like a tool.
> Lol I beg to differ, and come on Odenn ease up a
> little I mean wow I never seen you this upset
> before, no heart attack fellas please.

I'm not upset. No red faced nerd slamming his keyboard here. No sir. I am simply pointing out that this Welead is a troll, most likely a Jests lover, who has man love for Sanchez and has nothing better to do than come onto my home board and spew the sewage that are his posts. I'm actually surprised he's not banned by now just from the sheer obvious fact he says NOTHING but how much he hates Henne. It doesn't matter if the defense gave up 54 points, to Welead it's Henne's fault. You guys are probably right, it's probably MikeO. I just thought Mike0 would be more creative. Welead is just plain boring. So Welead, you fail at bashing Henne and you fail at amusing anyone with your bashing. That's a pretty fail troll man. Tsk. Tsk.

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Subject Views Written By Posted
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 2735 samsam3738 10/29/2010 03:05AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 2151 Odenn 10/29/2010 04:52AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1788 montequi 10/29/2010 05:02AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1857 Odenn 10/29/2010 05:05AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1670 samsam3738 10/29/2010 05:32AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1834 montequi 10/29/2010 05:38AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1843 Mia1 10/29/2010 06:03AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1735 Odenn 10/29/2010 07:15AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 1793 samsam3738 10/29/2010 07:24AM
Re: Jason Allen losing his starting job? 2026 ChyrenB 10/29/2010 11:06AM

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