The REAL problem with the NFL and most professional sports:
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This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
Pat Tillman was a great American and even a greater human being. And yes he was all that was right with not only the NFL but this country and that SOME of the NFL players are all that is wrong with today's society.
But I would not say ALL NFL players are what is wrong with society today because if that comment had been made back when Pat Tillman was alive, it would, by undeniable logic, have been WRONG! Therefore, who is to say that there is not or are not a or more than one Pat Tillmans in the NFL today.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2011 09:42AM by ChyrenB.
I think the Owners deserve what they have. Its become a crime to be Rich in this country. People now DEMAND you share it. When it comes to just commenting on whats right, damn right I'm consistant. These punks and their agents think they are entitled and its Bullshit. Anyway you look at it. Screw them. I hope they go bankrupt. I'd like to see more done for the veterans absolutely. But to demand 50% ??!. F That. They are greedy Sumbitches. Go get a regular job somewhere else .That should be the choice. They have no Idea how blessed they are.
Everybody, fans and athletes, need to face the fact: Professional athletes are no more than entertainers. And just like entertainers, the good ones are often arrogant and temperamental. Average ones tend to be more humble. Average professional athletes just happen to make a TON more money than average entertainers.
Seriously, what do pro athletes do by playing football that contributes to the greater good in the world? It's what they do outside it that really counts. It's the same for actors, singers, etc...
If Mr Ross was getting 10 percent net on his money then he would be ecstatic.
Make sure when you focus in the net, there is some type of cost to deal with the gvt transfer tax or estate tax or the cost of sale every 15 years. Becasue the Govt has forced the smart minded business owner to not die owning an NFL team or be willing to pay a trmendous price to do so, to keep it in the family..
Just becasue the owners make 10 percent net, which would be fair with me. WHy should the players make so much? Just becasue? WHy should we the customers be gouged at every turn, to fullfill these heavy demands the players contracts place on us the customers. The bottome line is most teams dont make 10 percent net, and the players were making 59 percent gross. And we can all agree the customer has gotten screwed the prices of tickets have gone up the same rate at which salaries go up, but they want to convince you it is the owenrs making the money. with their 41 percent gross and huge stadium and purchase price debts.
I know I know, but this was 4 on 1 in here, it wasnt a fair fight, granted Treasure instigated it...
cheers, I respect your opinions, my intentions were lighthearted with the post, so dont take it the wrong way!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2011 01:16PM by Crowder52.
That article is ridiculous... The players are providing a service... ENTERTAINMENT. They deserve to be paid to what the market is willing to bear for that service. Currently, that means it is a multi-billion dollar industry. The players have every right to a large portion of the money brought in by it as they are ones the industry is built upon.
Their "attitude," giving back to community, etc. has no place in this argument. It is about them being paid for the service they provide. They provide a venue for advertisers and consumers to pay lots and lots and LOTS of money to watch them play. Without them... no money.
As far as "customers getting screwed" ... how can anyone who voluntarily hands over money be getting screwed? The simple answer is: if you don't think the product is worth the price, don't buy it.
The players deserve a fair share of whatever money comes in... if there are tons of people willing to hand over lots of money to make this a multi-billion dollar industry, than so be it... the players deserve to be multi-millionaires.
Does anyone arguing against high player salaries actaually think costs to consumers would come down if players accepted less money? That is ridiculous... all it would mean is more money would go to line the pockets of the owners.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2011 03:06PM by grooves12.
montequi Wrote:
> Everybody, fans and athletes, need to face the
> fact: Professional athletes are no more than
> entertainers. And just like entertainers, the
> good ones are often arrogant and temperamental.
> Average ones tend to be more humble. Average
> professional athletes just happen to make a TON
> more money than average entertainers.
> Seriously, what do pro athletes do by playing
> football that contributes to the greater good in
> the world? It's what they do outside it that
> really counts. It's the same for actors, singers,
> etc...
Thats an excellent post and really the reason for my post. When I see what guys like Pat Tillman sacraficed for his fellow man , and a guy like Devon Bess digging ditches in Hati its extremly frustrating to hear about atheletes who have earned 20 Million $$$ broke and in jail , now demanding MORE money off the Top of the profits.
Again, I hope the owners hold their ground and break them down good.
Pat Tillman was a solid American as millions are and were, nothing special is required to be a great American. Tim James a native Miamian and first round NBA draft pick did the same as Tillman w/ less fanfare. All that is required is that people remember, today we are quick to want to build monuments when all is required is to remember and follow in footsteps.
dolphaholic Wrote:
> TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >Its become a crime to be Rich in this country.
> Says the guy who constantly bashes the players for
> being rich.
Show me where I said that Please. You guys like to invent stuff for whats already a poor argument. If you would look at my last sentence I praised Devon bess.......who will be Rich shortly, I hope.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2011 09:19PM by TreasurecoastPhinsfan.
Phinsfan2 Wrote:
> TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Again, I hope the owners hold their ground and
> > break them down good.
> Can't help but wonder if you'd feel the same way
> if your son was named Andrew Luck.
Tough Shit. Let him earn it. Thats the difference between Archie Manning and Mr Russell. His Kids EARNED their Millions. From what I've seen , Luck won't have no problem doing just that. He didn't take the easy way out and stayed in school for a reason.
Phinsfan2 Wrote:
> TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > dolphaholic Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > >
> > > >Its become a crime to be Rich in this
> country.
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Says the guy who constantly bashes the
> players
> > for
> > > being rich.
> >
> >
> >
> > Show me where I said that Please. You guys like
> to
> > invent stuff for whats already a poor argument.
> If
> > you would look at my last sentence I praised
> Devon
> > bess.......who will be Rich shortly, I hope.
> Your 3rd post in this thread:
> "I think the Owners deserve what they have. Its
> become a crime to be Rich in this country. People
> now DEMAND you share it."
Your kidding right?
You see that I'm standing up for Being Rich or having control over it. Why would I then hate the players for being Rich? Where did I say that? Your trying way to hard to invent a connection Bro. Its not there.
Phinsfan2 Wrote:
> TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Phinsfan2 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Again, I hope the owners hold their ground
> > and
> > > > break them down good.
> > >
> > >
> > > Can't help but wonder if you'd feel the same
> > way
> > > if your son was named Andrew Luck.
> >
> >
> > Tough Shit. Let him earn it. Thats the
> difference
> > between Archie Manning and Mr Russell. His
> Kids
> > EARNED their Millions. From what I've seen ,
> Luck
> > won't have no problem doing just that. He
> didn't
> > take the easy way out and stayed in school for
> a
> > reason.
> Nobody is talking about his ability to make huge
> money as the #1 pick. Most everyone agrees that
> rookies should have a wage scale since they
> haven't earned anything in the NFL. Don't move
> the goal posts.
> I'm wondering how you'd feel if your son came to
> you after playing as a star in the NFL, generating
> mountains of cash for his team and league, risking
> his health, etc and told you that the owners don't
> want to pay him a fair share of the money he makes
> them. That the manager at the McDonald's down
> the street gets a higher percentage of his
> businesses gross revenues than he can (assuming
> you had your way and the owners "broke" the
> union).
So why stop there? Maybe I should Pay My Lawn guys kids way through school too. Bottomline, You don't deserve ANYTHING. You get what an empolyer wants to pay you. You don't like it? Leave if you haven't signed anything . And don't give me this risk your life B.S. They know what they are getting into. And are paid VERY well for it. I know Cops that really risk their lives and get paid squat. These guys make 10X in 1 year what a Police officer or Fireman get in an entire 25 yr retirement. Tough Shit. Its out of control . Then the same Fireman and cop have to pay at the ticket booth again. Screw 'em.
Treasure, the one thing you don't factor into the equation here is, that NFL players are the workers AND the product being sold, it's not like a job at Mcdonalds or anywhere else for that matter.
PF2- i am going to spare us the debate over real or cooked numbers and the validity of Forbes. I will respectfully disagree. My fight is for the Dolphins and you can avg away all you want but Mr Ross, doesnt make anywhere near 10 net. And that is my concern, if Ross makes as much as Forbes clamied the numbr 1 cowboys made, Ross would barely be 10 net. SO i doubt they could cook the books to the tune of 100 million dollars, No owner of the Dolphins has ever made, more then 50 or so million on one year of the team. If Ross paid 1.1, cost of money service or debt service, and made the most any Dolphin owners has ever made, he would still be at less then 5 percent net. Half of your claim.