MikeO Wrote:
> And won't acknowledge that Tom
> Coughlin was a college coach that jumped to the
> NFL and was succesful then I don't know what to
> tell ya.
Tom Coughlin was an NFL assistant for 10 years before going to BC as a HC for 3 years. Yea, he coached in college, but he was hardly a career college coach. I understand if you have nothing to say to that.
> Switzer won. Period. Lots of coaches have taken
> over GREAT teams and lost with those GREAT teams.
> He won, can't knock him for that.
Your right. He did win. I give Switzer props for that.
A coach like Saban would have tried to put his stamp on that team right away and ruined a golden opportunity for a ring. Switzer understood that by doing very little he could win it all. But Barry seemed to have no clue as time went on.
> And if you are going to disqualify guys because
> they were pro assistants then became college head
> coaches before becoming NFL head coaches than your
> list of course starts and stops with Jimmy
> Johnson!!
Actually I am disqualifying guys because they were pro assistants for a long period before becoming college head coaches for a short time. I didn't disqualify Mooch because he was an NFL assistant for only a short time early in his career then became a college coach for a long time before going back to the pros.
So yea, my list college coaches that have done anything of note in the NFL is pretty much Mooch, Switzer, and Johnson.
In JJ's case, he lucked into a great trade and deep pocket owner in the pre-cap age. But he did build a serious winner, and should get props.
In Switzer's case he got handed the keys to a corvette and just was smart enough not to crash it. But he's hardly considered one of the best coaches in NFL history.
In Mooch's case, he didn't do much but bring a good team to a few playoff games.
> He's the only one (or one of like 3
> guys) that fits that insane narrow minded criteria
> in NFL history probably.
LOL! You are hysterical sometimes. Really, anyone that doesn't agree with you is insane!?! What are you, Mother Russia?
> By your logic Paterno and Bryant can't coach.
I never said that. You shouldn't be so sensitive. Really.
> And JJ is the only college coach who
> was "good" enough to jump to the NFL in the
> history of football.
No, JJ was smart enough to lane in a good situation. And I'm not talking the whole history, just the last 50 years or so.
Hey, its all good man.