This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
"Players who can't control themselves are asked to turn in their playbooks."
Why wasn't Porter asked to turn in his playbook?
All of this talk about clean play and integrity always takes a back seat to performance. However, I firmly believe that if this guy messes up, he's gonna get cut.
montequi Wrote:
> "The reaction of Dolphins players I spoke with
> wasn't nearly that strong, but it was in the zip
> code. "
> Which players is he talking about?
MikeO Wrote:
> montequi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "The reaction of Dolphins players I spoke with
> > wasn't nearly that strong, but it was in the
> zip
> > code. "
> >
> > Which players is he talking about?
> He ain't gonna give up his sources
Why not? Other writers do and often quote players directly. I'm really wondering how much of this article is just smoke and how much is real.
MikeO Wrote:
> Beacuse if you give up your sources when the
> source went "off the record" you will be out of
> work ASAP!!!
> Reporters have gone to jail because they refuse to
> give up their sources. It's the OATH reporters
> take!
Crowder made comments about Porter's situation and he wasn't let go.
I have a feeling the writer is exagerating the response to make the article sound interesting.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2010 10:35AM by montequi.
Bottom line, if this guy gets a few 15 yrders for blocking after the whistle or going after someone for a late hit on his QB, he'll be admired and loved by his teamates, he starts costing us games for going after refs and arguing with coaches he'll be gone.
montequi Wrote:
> MikeO Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Beacuse if you give up your sources when the
> > source went "off the record" you will be out of
> > work ASAP!!!
> >
> > Reporters have gone to jail because they refuse
> to
> > give up their sources. It's the OATH reporters
> > take!
> Crowder made comments about Porter's situation and
> he wasn't let go.
> I have a feeling the writer is exagerating the
> response to make the article sound interesting.
what the heck does Crowder's comments have to do with a reporter giving up his sources????
Why does a reporter care what Crowder said in a radio interview. That has nothing to do with his story. Which is a totally different story
Porters release was due to performance (so TS says) and his performance was lacking all year.
I believe Armondo was paraphrasing with the bafoon comment and the actual quote from BP was..."I'm interested in good character people," "I don't want thugs and hoodlums on the team. I really don't."
I don't think Incognito has any off field issues as McDaniel and Will Allen do at the moment.
The risk is minimal financially speaking and hopefully RI realizes he is getting toward the end of the line if he doesn't change his ways. Hence the signing of a million dollar contract.
Hopefully he can't fit into the chemistry that already is in place. We could use a little Kyle Turley attitude around here but the stupid drive killing penalties....not so much.
One of my favorite NFL moments by the way...Turley ripping off Jets helmet. The only mistake he made was not taking the head with it.
Well FOX NEWS did ruin the media and how things are reported.
But I wouldn't throw this nothing story in with that type of journalism. There was no slant in this story. Just a few players saying they got a mixed message from this signing.
MikeO Wrote:
> Well FOX NEWS did ruin the media and how things
> are reported.
Ha! That's funny Mike. Blame the entire destruction of media on one cable network. Funny....
nope, FOX ruined what is reported as "NEWS" and what is called "OPINION"
For years they had Brit Hume as their daily news anchor. But on Sunday's Hume would be a "republican commentator" on their shows. You can't be one thing M-F then on the weekend be firmly planted in the Republican Party spewing their "talking points" and "spin".
This started the slippery Slope that led MSNBC and others to follow them to the gutter to try and compete.
But this is non-football stuff, so Im not going to go any further with this. I'm not looking to arguing politics. Everyone has their own views and I respect everyone's views on politics. NO need to argue over that here
This is why I think it is ridiculous for teams to go overboard with this "good guy" message... and yes, I think the Dolphins brass take it too far. Look, there is no way in today's NFL, that you are gonna be able to assemble 52 guys on a team, have them all be saints, and field a competitive team.
In fact, I seem to remember Joey Porter being involved in off-field incidents prior to us signing him... where was the backlash then?? Was he treated differently because he was a superstar at the time?
Sure, you have to do what you can to get those questionable character guys to buy into your system and keep them as clean as possible, but saying you have a no-tolerance policy is stupid. It is stupid to completely write off guys like Brandon Marshall. He is a game changer, and top 3 WR in the NFL. I would trade our first round pick plus our entire WR corp minus Bess, and you know what running just that 2-WR set each and every down we would still win more games and have more production out of our WRs.
grooves12 Wrote:
> This is why I think it is ridiculous for teams to
> go overboard with this "good guy" message... and
> yes, I think the Dolphins brass take it too far.
> Look, there is no way in today's NFL, that you are
> gonna be able to assemble 52 guys on a team, have
> them all be saints, and field a competitive team.
> In fact, I seem to remember Joey Porter being
> involved in off-field incidents prior to us
> signing him... where was the backlash then?? Was
> he treated differently because he was a superstar
> at the time?
> Sure, you have to do what you can to get those
> questionable character guys to buy into your
> system and keep them as clean as possible, but
> saying you have a no-tolerance policy is stupid.
> It is stupid to completely write off guys like
> Brandon Marshall. He is a game changer, and top 3
> WR in the NFL. I would trade our first round pick
> plus our entire WR corp minus Bess, and you know
> what running just that 2-WR set each and every
> down we would still win more games and have more
> production out of our WRs.
You really have to consider each player separately. Some people thought we shouldn't keep Ricky Williams, as he'd be a distraction in the lockerroom, but Parcells welcomed him with open arms and Ricky's been the perfect player ever since.
As for Joey, Parcells didn't sign him. It was a different regime.
Finally, what's your love-affair with Bess, anyway? He's our slowest WR, and his hands weren't great last season. If he keeps this up he'll be out of the league in 2 years.
> Finally, what's your love-affair with Bess,
> anyway? He's our slowest WR, and his hands
> weren't great last season. If he keeps this up
> he'll be out of the league in 2 years.
You must not have been watching the same games I was. He was EASILY the best WR we had on the team last year, and has the best hands of any WR we've had in Miami since Welker. He may not have blazing top-end speed, but he runs good routes, gets open and moves the chains. He's the perfect slot receiver. He led the AFC in 1st down conversions on 3rd down, so he must have been doing something right.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2010 05:48PM by grooves12.
grooves12 Wrote:
> montequi Wrote:
> >
> > Finally, what's your love-affair with Bess,
> > anyway? He's our slowest WR, and his hands
> > weren't great last season. If he keeps this up
> > he'll be out of the league in 2 years.
> You must not have been watching the same games I
> was. He was EASILY the best WR we had on the team
> last year, and has the best hands of any WR we've
> had in Miami since Welker. He may not have blazing
> top-end speed, but he runs good routes, gets open
> and moves the chains. He's the perfect slot
> receiver. He led the AFC in 1st down conversions
> on 3rd down, so he must have been doing something
> right.
You're right, I must not have. Camarillo's hands are better. Cam also played against starting CBs 2 years ago. Bess lined up against LBs and Safeties. I'd like to see what Cam could do in the slot.
So, you're saying opposing NFL Defensive coordinators lined up LBs and Safeties against our leading receiver in every major category? They completely missed that he was money on 3rd down, and just let him go uncovered to make those plays?
Bess was our best receiver by a wide margin... Camarillo is likely the one that will be out of this league in a few years. He and Hartline are decent receivers on a team like ours with no other options... but they will never strike fear in opponents and be a true #1 (or even #2.)
Camarillo is still getting back to 100% so last year was not a good indicator of what he can do. He even said himself, he thought he was good to go but quickly realized he could not plant and cut the way he used to.
IMO...both grade out as pretty even but Bess came out of the gate quicker but I don't see Cam out of the league in a few years. I think he will have a good career as a 3rd WR in the mold of players like Ricky Proehl.