Fins72 Wrote:
> colonel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What I don't want is Tannenboob, Grier, or Gase
> > anywhere near the decision-making on that pick.
> >
> >
Hmmm, that leaves the biggest boob of them
> > all, Ross to make picks. Either way..."we've
> got
> > a problem Houston." Ugh!
> Well, it goes without saying that I don't want
> Ross to make the call either. The only thing I
> want Ross to do is fire the 3 Stooges, hire a
> smart young GM from an organization that's had
> some degree of success. Employ someone like Ron
> Wolf for the sole purpose of interviewing and
> hiring a GM. Then I want Ross to do no more than
> sit his skinny ass in his overpriced luxury box,
> shut up, and let the smart guys make the calls.
To be fair, that is what Ross does. But, I think hiring a guy like Ron Wolf as a consultant in a hiring search would be a good idea if such a search is needed.