Stayed away for the year same old results
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This is a moderated phorum for the CIVILIZED discussion of the Miami Dolphins. In this phorum, there are rules and moderators to make sure you abide by the rules. The moderators for this phorum are JC and Colonel.
I told myself at the beginning of the season that I would do myself a favor, and not watch this year because I knew what would happen. Those of you who watched wasted a whole year on this sorry ass team. I spent time with the family, and went to many pro games in my own city with my kids. Screw the Dolphins they do this every year. The rest of you on this board stop watching they are never going to win, and deep down inside you all know this. You just keep getting your hopes up year after year only to have them shattered why? The dolphins suck and will never ever be good again. I have learned this the rest of you need to abandon ship baby. Really less stress on me and my family. Life is too short to support a sorry bunch of pathetic losers. I won't post again please some of you rid yourself of this disease.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2014 09:00AM by colonel.
Finshady Wrote:
> I told myself at the beginning of the season that
> I would do myself a favor, and not watch this year
> because I knew what would happen.
Well now at least you know your watching wasn't causing us to lose!
Those of you
> who watched wasted a whole year on this sorry ass
> team. I spent time with the family, and went to
> many pro games in my own city with my kids.
Pro games? Then I guess you gave your money to the Dolphins after all, via revenue sharing.
they are never
> going to win, and deep down inside you all know
> this. You just keep getting your hopes up year
> after year only to have them shattered why?
Because we are fans--nobody ever said it was logical. Meanwhile you are a bandwagon jumper, and you're teaching your family a great lesson about disloyalty.
>I won't post again
> please some of you rid yourself of this disease.
People like you leaving, are indeed ridding us of a disease. Many thanks.
dolfan1 Wrote:
> I agree, I am starting to follow Dallas and Green
> Bay, they are well coached and remind me of the
> old Miami organization when Shula was onboard. who believes this for a second? You've been saying this for how many years? Never going to watch again, rooting for someone else, riding your motorcycle off into the sunset.... See you next year, we all know you'll be back!
I like when they say "just don't watch", i've been a lifelong fan since the early 70's and I'll be one till the day that I die, there is no turning it off for me, every year I'll be optimistic going in until proven otherwise. Losing sucks, but there is no other alternative for me.
dolfan1 Wrote:
> I agree, I am starting to follow Dallas and Green
> Bay, they are well coached and remind me of the
> old Miami organization when Shula was onboard.
JC Wrote:
> Finshady Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I told myself at the beginning of the season
> that
> > I would do myself a favor, and not watch this
> year
> > because I knew what would happen.
> Well now at least you know your watching wasn't
> causing us to lose!
> Those of you
> > who watched wasted a whole year on this sorry
> ass
> > team. I spent time with the family, and went
> to
> > many pro games in my own city with my kids.
> Pro games? Then I guess you gave your money to
> the Dolphins after all, via revenue sharing.
> they are never
> > going to win, and deep down inside you all know
> > this. You just keep getting your hopes up year
> > after year only to have them shattered why?
> Because we are fans--nobody ever said it was
> logical. Meanwhile you are a bandwagon jumper, and
> you're teaching your family a great lesson about
> disloyalty.
> >I won't post again
> > please some of you rid yourself of this
> disease.
> People like you leaving, are indeed ridding us of
> a disease. Many thanks.
lol...but who will start all the discussions about race on this site now?
THE Truth Wrote:
> dolfan1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I agree, I am starting to follow Dallas and
> Green
> > Bay, they are well coached and remind me of the
> > old Miami organization when Shula was onboard.
> Are you leaving as well?
He going to go for a ride in his tricycle. That is if mommy lets him go out to the backyard.
Finshady--I understand your plight. Everyone has a different tolerance level, punishment level as you will. Some people fall in love and stay with the same spouse for 50 years. Things usually are up and down--that's life. Some Dolphins fans feel that a divorce from the team is necessary and to move on. They've had enough of the down time as the ups were long ago. And then again, I understand those that hold on and continue despite the down times hopeful and optimistic that the good times will return again. Once, you shed the old for the new, you can't return. It's never the same.
So, Finshady, the best of luck to you and the team you eventually root for.
THE Truth Wrote:
> dolphaholic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wish more guys would follow your lead
> > finshady.......
> hahaha...I can think of a few.
Hey, that's your own reflection you're seeing and you happen to be looking into a mirror.
Finshady Wrote:
> I told myself at the beginning of the season that
> I would do myself a favor, and not watch this year
> because I knew what would happen. Those of you
> who watched wasted a whole year on this sorry ass
> team. I spent time with the family, and went to
> many pro games in my own city with my kids. Screw
> the Dolphins they do this every year. The rest of
> you on this board stop watching they are never
> going to win, and deep down inside you all know
> this. You just keep getting your hopes up year
> after year only to have them shattered why? The
> dolphins suck and will never ever be good again.
> I have learned this the rest of you need to
> abandon ship baby. Really less stress on me and
> my family. Life is too short to support a sorry
> bunch of pathetic losers. I won't post again
> please some of you rid yourself of this disease.
Sorry, Shady, been with the Fins from the beginning. Not gonna abandon them now. Not gonna put out any money for them, either, but they are my team.
ChyrenB Wrote:
> Everyone has felt the same way as you do Finshady,
> word for word.
> But like everyone else, you'll be back.
Will never leave but certainly less emotionally vested over the years which is actually a good thing. My biggest issue with this team is the players seem to feel the same
I will never stop being a fan. But I've got to say these past 10+ crappy years have dulled my passion. Used to be I couldn't fathom missing a play of any game and if the phins lost it was devastating. Now I expect us to lose, or even if we win, I expect us to lose when it matters, and it no longer bothers me so much when we do lose. I guess that's sad but its kind of liberating in a way too.....
what really gets me is that all us fans, really anyone with a brain, can see the bonehead moves ross is making a mile away, and there's nothing we can do but just take it in the coming year. it was moronic to extend sporano when he tried to replace him with harbaugh, then to keep ireland and dump sporano, then bring in a new coach and make him work with ireland, then fire ireland and bring in a gm and make him work with phiblen, then get so worked up about a meaningless comeback win against the vikings than he announces philbin is back, and then the team implodes in every possible way against the jets yet we are stuck with philbin for another year, that will proably look a lot like wannstedt's final year with us---something like 4 wins as the team just gives up and is in disarray.....
The beatings will continue until morale improves.