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Has taken to twitter & radio over the last week or so and been eerily critical of RT17. She has suggested that he's not a good QB.
My concern with this is, is this the way that Brent feels, too? He's a Captain & someone who is looked up to. If he feels this way, then I am sure others, if not a bigger portion of the locker room feels the same way as well.
I know Miko is a loud mouth. But usually in sports issues, especially among players, their wife normally holds the same opinions their husbands do.
You may be right and Miko, a boisterous woman, may be spouting her own sentiments about RT or mimicking her husband's perception too. No way to tell for sure.
Some woman, however, love to gossip more than others, and love to place blame on others. My better half of 45 years has matured and our opinions are not always on the same page. She thinks for herself. So, it's really anything goes when it comes to females, IMO. Trying to predict them is nearly impossible for guys. For me it seems that no matter what I do or say, my wife interprets things differently. Guys, it's really crap shoooooot with them. FWIW
dolphaholic Wrote:
> I went back and tried to find anything negative on
> her timeline, did she delete them? If so, then I
> would agree it was the bottle talking.
But usually drunk talking is true feelings. Bet Brent feels that way, told her, she spouted off.
Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Has taken to twitter & radio over the last week or
> so and been eerily critical of RT17. She has
> suggested that he's not a good QB.
> My concern with this is, is this the way that
> Brent feels, too? He's a Captain & someone who is
> looked up to. If he feels this way, then I am sure
> others, if not a bigger portion of the locker room
> feels the same way as well.
> I know Miko is a loud mouth. But usually in sports
> issues, especially among players, their wife
> normally holds the same opinions their husbands
> do.
> Very concerning to me.