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just bumping this to see if anyone has any first hand experience with the quality of sunday ticket viewed not thru the direct tv dish, but online or thru PS3. I am willing to plunk down $100s for the online service, but I am afraid that even with a wired high speed connection, the pic quality will be horrible. I thought the days of going to the sports bar every sunday to watch the phins with no sound on the small TV way in the corner were behind me (I can just imagine the crappy TV the browns vs phins week 1 will be shown on at the bar), but since we moved in December I can no longer get DTV and internet only Sunday Ticket is my only other option
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Berk- I always have one of the games going on my iPad through the SUnday Ticket app, and it looks HD, but that is only a small Ipad screen... My concern would be the 70 inch screen you want to project it on from the cpu.. DOnt forget that part of it.... If you just want to watch the game on a laptop or iPad through the SUnday ticket App, I think you will be more then fine and pleased with the quality... That will at least beat the bar scene you described... The projection onto a 70 inch TV is the unknown part IMO...
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
thanks Crowder. I think I am going to buy the converter thing so I can run HDMI from my computer to the receiver and go with the online package, and if the big screen doesn't look good, then worst case scenario I can watch on my 13 inch laptop while my 70 inch TV sits there turned off, mocking me....
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
The PS3 part intrigues me, because Playstation are meant to be projected on large screens... I would call PS3 tech support about it maybe and tell them what you want and what quality you should expect on your big screen if you use their service...
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
thanks Crowder, appreciate it. I did read a lot of really negative things about the quality on various places on line, which is what is making me nervous. Hopefully they've gotten the kinks worked out for this season
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
No worries Berk, good luck with it, I used the Ipad every week last year, and never experienced the problems that were talked about... And that was an Ipad on wireless.. I even used it in the cars on the way home from a 1pm game, so I could watch the 4pm games on the drive home or if stuck in traffic.. And it was 95 percent HD, on that slow ATT 3g link from an iPad 2.. So I think it will work out for you one way or another... The App is really cool, you could switch to any game, you could rewind the game if you wanted to see a play over.. All the games were also available for a a couple days on the app at any time to watch or scroll through... You also still have an option to watch the red zone page, which just shows the live teams who are in scoring position in the redzone. I would keep it on that page alot so i could keep up with which games to switch to on my other TVs...
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2013 12:50PM by Crowder52.
Crowder52 Wrote:
> No worries Berk, good luck with it, I used the
> Ipad every week last year, and never experienced
> the problems that were talked about... And that
> was an Ipad on wireless.. I even used it in the
> cars on the way home from a 1pm game, so I could
> watch the 4pm games on the drive home or if stuck
> in traffic.. And it was 95 percent HD, on that
> slow ATT 3g link from an iPad 2.. So I think it
> will work out for you one way or another... The
> App is really cool, you could switch to any game,
> you could rewind the game if you wanted to see a
> play over.. All the games were also available for
> a a couple days on the app at any time to watch or
> scroll through... You also still have an option to
> watch the red zone page, which just shows the live
> teams who are in scoring position in the redzone.
> I would keep it on that page alot so i could keep
> up with which games to switch to on my other
> TVs...
that's good to hear. if it works wireless on your ipad without problem I am sure I can get it to work on my TV via wired connection, or at least get a good feed on my computer (not ideal but still better than going to the bar and watching on the worst TV in the house (not many phins fans up here in DC))
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
THE Truth Wrote:
> I just called up to "cancel" my subscription.
> They didn't even try to talk me out of it.
> Could be they are going to be calling everyone's
> bluff this year.
> Funny thing is, I'm not so sure I was bluffing.
> Ehhh....maybe I'll call back in a few weeks and
> add it again.
LOL, you know they have you over a barrel Truth. You will be back!
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
berkeley223 Wrote:
> THE Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just called up to "cancel" my subscription.
> >
> > They didn't even try to talk me out of it.
> >
> > Could be they are going to be calling
> everyone's
> > bluff this year.
> >
> >
> >
> > Funny thing is, I'm not so sure I was bluffing.
> >
> >
> > Ehhh....maybe I'll call back in a few weeks and
> > add it again.
> LOL, you know they have you over a barrel Truth.
> You will be back!
Just made my yearly call, I sounded depressed and really broke and here's the deal I got = It went from 6 pymts at $37.49 ($224.94) down to 6 pymts at $29.99 ($179.94) for a grand total of saving $45 off of the package............not much, BUT, she also found a special for long time customers of -15 bux a month for a year, saving me another $180.00.........i'll take it, give it a shot boys (and girls if we have any on here)
if you don't live in miami (assuming a sell out), there is really no other way to watch the phins other than DTV. They've got us over a barrel. I'd probably pay $700 to be assured to watch every game in high def.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
We're the junkies and the Dolphins are our heroin and they know how to squeeze us.
But Time Warner cable is having big time trouble with it's stations. Maybe it's only in the L.A. area but they are threatening to drop CBS and Showtime.
I actually don't mind paying 200 + for the ticket, I go back to the days of having to find a bar with a traditional satellite, begging the bar tender to put the Dolphins on one of the TV's, listening to obnoxious fans of other teams and spending at least $50 a week on food and booze. And it has to be a really bad storm for my dish to go out, rarely happens anymore.
Chren they didnt get me.............Ive watched phin game for a whole lot of years without any blackouts...
I dont even remember the last time they blacked out a game in miami....Its been a while.
And the only games i enjoy watching is the phins games....I despise watching any other teams play unless its the playoffs and the jets are playing ( knock on wood they are not ) then i enjoy seeing them lose.
I am getting so sick of DTV. I wish they would get some competition for the ticket.
I called them last week to let them know they overcharged me by 130 dollars. The woman was in the process of crediting my account and the call dropped. She never bothered to call me back or even go ahead with the credit.
Just got my new bill and not only did the credit not appear but they are now trying to charge me for NFL Ticket which they assured me was wrong on my paper bill and would not be charged.
IDIOTS! 350 dollars last month and 265 this month? I don't think so.
eesti, you have put your finger on a legal point that is really a good one.
There is such a thing as "antitrust" legislation in this country.
In the interest of full disclosure, I never took antitrust in law school.
However, even a Bachelor's in Political Science informed me that during the heyday of the Rockefellers and Carnegies, the government enacted legislation indicating that no company should have a monopoly on any business.
However, there were exemptions. The great national pastime of baseball received an exemption from what otherwise would be monopolistic practices. Pro Football and pro basketball followed and probably pro hockey.
Now, that's well and fine.
But it seems fundamentally wrong that the NFL, which has an exemption from the monopoly laws, can TURN RIGHT AROUND AND GRANT A MONOPOLY itself.
It seems to me that the NFL should be protected from antitrust laws regarding payment of players. Not having any other team poach those players without trades or free agency, concessions at the stadium, etc. The government does and should provide that monopoly for the betterment of the game and fans.
But when they put the rights to televise the games, certainly the afc can go with CBS and the nfc can go with Fox but when you have something like the Sunday Ticket, it would seem to me to be a fundamental violation of antitrust law to allow a government granted monopoly TO TURN RIGHT AROUND AND GRANT A MONOPOLY OF ITS OWN.
The NFL should be forced to allow as many BROADCASTING UNITS, WHETHER CABLE OR SATELLITE, to purchase the Sunday Ticket and charge them in the same manner as CBS charges cable and satellite to put up their stations.
Good article Berk, but I will have to say that when has a ruling gone against the NFL by the Govt? They are a nonprofit, if they can get away with that scheme or scam, however you want to look at it, they can and will get away with anything IMO.... Big Business with the power of the NFL, has lawyers, lobbyist, and political juice to either get around the law. Or have the law changed for them.... It is obvious, that the DTV deal doesnt pass the smell test, but it has been going on what 15-20 years or so? I wouldnt hold my breath on anything happening soon, and if it does it will be some inconsequential walk around of the law........ DTV I bet pays hefty for that "exclusive", because all of us suckers have ugly dishes wired to the side of our houses for that reason only... I dont see the NFL allowing the devaluing of that exclusive anytime soon.. And with the value of it, they could spend a billion dollars making sure to keep it, while DTV probably pays them 5 times that or more for it... Not the playing field the rest of us have to play.
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2013 04:46PM by Crowder52.