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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 12:28PM

Handling Channing Crowder!? LOL....sorry, I had to LOL at that.

Anywho....most of those names you mentioned were handled by Parcells, not Ireland.

Last year was Irelands first draft, and I think he did very well.

Again, I said his GM'ing is for a different discussion.

But as far as talent evaluation, he is very, very good.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Crowder52 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 12:33PM

Ireland has been the GM of this team for over 4 years... Dont hide, that is the top guy...He played large parts in the building of this team... I am sure your position is all the bad stuff was Parcells and all the good moves were Ireland....yawn....

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Crowder52 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 12:34PM

A&0, Yeah I am sure Parcells was just screaming to get Brandon Marshall on his team..lol

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 12:47PM

Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> All I am saying is this....
> Myself or anybody else on this board, knows more
> about football and talent evaluation than Jeff
> Ireland, Joe Philbin, or Mike Sherman.
> For once is a long time as a Dolphins fan I feel
> comfortable with the people in charge of the
> draft, so...
> I am going to trust in what they do, and whoever
> the pick is, Tannehill or somebody else...I will
> be excited to see them in a Phins uniform.
> Im not going to sit here and bitch about anybody.
> Just let the people who know what they are doing
> be in charge and make the best decisions.

So you said all that to say you vote number 3? Right? Got it. Your vote is recorded.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 12:55PM

So, I really didn't start this poll to start an argument. No one has to defend their choices. I'm just trying to find out whether Tannehill's popularity is based on your assessment of him or whether you are going to put their trust in mainly what Sherman says. Which I think is a reasonable way of approaching it.

Because, let's be realistic! Someone tried to argue with me that Ireland will be making the choice and not Sherman. they tried to correct me. That's far-fetched.

You mean to tell me that as much sh_t that is getting piled on Ireland for the past few years history of this team, he's going to accept the Judgement of Philbin ON MATT FLYNN, who coached that guy in the pros, AND YET DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT IRELAND WOULD TURN AROUND AND REJECT THE ADVICE OF SHERMAN who coached this kid in college almost just yesterday????? Come on!!!!

But I just want to find out if you want Tannehill under any circumstance, you don't want him under any circumstance or are you willing to trust whatever Sherman says?

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: dolphaholic ()
Date: April 03, 2012 01:42PM

Sherman is looking for another HC job in the NFL, his fate is tied to this decision on Tannehill, Philbin was a relative unknown before getting the phins job, his future in Miami and/or another HC job in the NFL is tied to this decision, Ireland is on paper thin ice, his future as a GM ANYWHERE in the NFL is tied to this decision, i'm 99.9% sure this will be a joint decision, too much riding on it for all 3 of them.
I'm certain the Flynn decision was a collective effort and I/we have no reason to think this wont be as well. Lets let the decision play out and support it as it happens

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Crowder52 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 01:48PM

dolphaholic Wrote:
> Sherman is looking for another HC job in the NFL,
> his fate is tied to this decision on Tannehill,
> Philbin was a relative unknown before getting the
> phins job, his future in Miami and/or another HC
> job in the NFL is tied to this decision, Ireland
> is on paper thin ice, his future as a GM ANYWHERE
> in the NFL is tied to this decision, i'm 99.9%
> sure this will be a joint decision, too much
> riding on it for all 3 of them.
> I'm certain the Flynn decision was a collective
> effort and I/we have no reason to think this wont
> be as well. Lets let the decision play out and
> support it as it happens

I agree with you, good post

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:30PM

here is the thing. if tannehill is drafted no one is going to expect much from him as a rookie. in fact, if matt moore plays OK and tannehill plays not at all, people would be fine with it. This is much better for Ireland's job security than drafting another postiion (pass rusher, etc) expected to come in and be good right away. If that guy doesn't play great right away, Ireland is out of here. So the best thing for Ireland's job security is to spend his #1 pick on a rookie "franchise" QB to provide hope for the future. That more than anything is why we will take Tannehill at 8 if he is there---or even trade up for him. It buys Ireland 1 year minimum

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:40PM

Again, Sherman will have input.

But not once in the history of the NFL has a Coordinator made a pick. Not once.

If that is truly the case, that Sherman is the head in charge of this pick, then we really do have an insane asylum in Miami.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:47PM

I will reiterate, I am positive that Sherman's input is key. But thats all it is....just input.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:50PM

Do you guys really think if Sherman is adamant about drafting Tannehill, that that won't happen?

Same thing, do you guys really think that if Sherman is dead set against drafting Tannehill, that he could still possibly be drafted by us despite his objections?

A & O and Dolphaholic???????

Maybe we ought to have a poll on how many people agree with you.

Both of those are SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE!

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:53PM


calm down big boy, just calm down. I said, over and over that Sherman's input is key. I just dont think it is the final factor.

Again, not one Coordinator in the history of the NFL has ever made a pick, and if Sherman is the first then we have an insane asylum in Miami.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2012 02:55PM by Aqua&Orange.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:54PM

Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Again, Sherman will have input.
> But not once in the history of the NFL has a
> Coordinator made a pick. Not once.
> If that is truly the case, that Sherman is the
> head in charge of this pick, then we really do
> have an insane asylum in Miami.

Come on, A & O. Don't dance around the issue! Everybody knows that Sherman does not OWN the Dolphins.

Do you REALISTICALLY think his advice would not be definitive on this issue?????????

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:55PM

Definitive? No.

Acknowledged? Yes.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:56PM


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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:57PM

Then I've got a business venture for you A & O. You just transfer all of your funds into this account and...................

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:58PM

Chyren, Do you realize how much of an arrogant, pompous, dick-head Jeff Ireland is?

Ask yourself would Jeff Ireland go against Sherman.

Joe Philbin is best friends with Mike Sherman, not Jeff Ireland. Remember, Jeff Ireland wanted Mike McCoy as Head Coach. Steve Ross wanted Joe Philbin.

Jeff Ireland is in charge of the draft. Plain and simple.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 02:59PM

Again, as Dolphoholic stated.

I would love to hear your court room stories.

But I couldnt talk football with you.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: dolfans1 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 03:05PM

I voted #3; as A&O said, the only logical choice.

There does need to be another option on here for some people:
Will be unhappy no matter who the Dolphins draft.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 03, 2012 03:11PM

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: dolphaholic ()
Date: April 03, 2012 04:10PM

ChyrenB Wrote:
> Do you guys really think if Sherman is adamant
> about drafting Tannehill, that that won't happen?
> Same thing, do you guys really think that if
> Sherman is dead set against drafting Tannehill,
> that he could still possibly be drafted by us
> despite his objections?
> A & O and Dolphaholic???????
> Maybe we ought to have a poll on how many people
> agree with you.
> Both of those are SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE!

Why you throwing me in there?????? I actually agree with you......yes surprising I know.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: April 03, 2012 04:15PM

if sherman doesn't want tannehill, we won't take him. however, it sheramn wants him, but ireland wants someone more, we are taking that other player.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 04:22PM

I do admit that Berk raised a point about someone Ireland wanted more.

I was looking at the question as simply a go or no go on Tannehill. But I can be excused because what I was trying to determine, by creating the poll was how people really felt about Tannehill so I wasn't considering Tannehill in competition with anyone else.

If its a go or no go on Tannehill, no way does the decision of Sherman not control, CONTROL, NOT JUST BE INPUT. That's an analysis, of course, that does not include Tannehill being in competition with someone else.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 03, 2012 04:31PM

dolphaholic Wrote:
> > Why you throwing me in there?????? I actually
> agree with you......yes surprising I know.

I was going on your post, after A & O's, that it would be a "collective decision."

I agree to the extent that that "collective decision" will be reached after Sherman makes known his preference which will 'TURN INTO' that "collective decision."

In other words, it won't be a collective decision at all. It'll be Ross, Ireland and Philbin "rubber-stamping" Sherman's decision.

And I don't find that "insane" at all as does Aqua and Orange.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: April 04, 2012 04:16AM

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: April 04, 2012 05:33AM

berkeley223 Wrote:
> here is the thing. if tannehill is drafted no one
> is going to expect much from him as a rookie. in
> fact, if matt moore plays OK and tannehill plays
> not at all, people would be fine with it. This is
> much better for Ireland's job security than
> drafting another postiion (pass rusher, etc)
> expected to come in and be good right away. If
> that guy doesn't play great right away, Ireland is
> out of here. So the best thing for Ireland's job
> security is to spend his #1 pick on a rookie
> "franchise" QB to provide hope for the future.
> That more than anything is why we will take
> Tannehill at 8 if he is there---or even trade up
> for him. It buys Ireland 1 year minimum

I'm not arguing with your logic. I just think that you have the cart before the horse.

Ireland isn't going to draft a qb early just to buy another year. He's going to draft a qb early (eventually) because he understands the importance of the position and that as a GM he eventually has to hitch his career to some qb prospect.

Failure to do that is the same as selecting the wrong QB, it's a job killer.

So long as Ireland doesn't force his firing with some stupid action in his personal life then he's here for the long term. That is to say he's here until whatever QB he drafts this year or next proves to be a flop.

The only way he's out of here in a year or two is if he doesn't draft a QB early in this draft or the next.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: April 04, 2012 05:42AM

love the youtube clip!

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: April 04, 2012 05:46AM

Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Again, as Dolphoholic stated.
> I would love to hear your court room stories.
> But I couldnt talk football with you.

No one can. smiling bouncing smiley

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: jlyell13 ()
Date: April 04, 2012 06:20AM

Thats pro sports. There are a lot of guys in positions that are terrible talent evaluators. Ireland's draft & FA handling have been pretty poor, C-D rating. Hopefully he can get up to a B!

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Re: There are really THREE Groups.
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: April 04, 2012 06:27AM

jlyell13 Wrote:
> Thats pro sports. There are a lot of guys in
> positions that are terrible talent evaluators.
> Ireland's draft & FA handling have been pretty
> poor, C-D rating. Hopefully he can get up to a B!

What moves are you assigning to ireland for that grade and how are you grading those moves?

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