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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 02:57PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:06PM

Im pretty positive there are only 4 posters reading this thread.

There is no way to possibly tread through all this stuff. I pray the phins.com gods make this end....soon.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:08PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:16PM

berkeley223 Wrote:
> If this is representative of the sort of legal
> argument you make, I have no idea how you lasted
> this long as a lawyer.

RESPONSE: There it is. THe inferiority complex. And that has gotten under your skin since you found it out, hasn't it? The fact that I am a Harvard Law Grad and a Deputy Attorney General and is responsible for your inferiority complex.

What's the matter? Why does that eat at you so?

You must clearly know that there are thousands of people like me with the same credentials running around. What about me brings forth this bitter need to compete in you?

Could it be that you were taught that people like me should not have advanced so far? Well that's your own prejudice. Blame your pappy not me.

> I am done with you

RESPONSE: Oh, if I could only believe that.

, so no need to post any
> "RESPONSE," though of course you will.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:21PM

blah blah blah, did you say something? bc I didn't read it

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:28PM

DolfanMike Wrote:

> You started by asking for clarification,

No, berkeley first challenged the original post that Buffalo was tanking in order to draft ahead of us. I started the thread, not the argument.

>then you
> turned it into an argument with one poster,

No that poster argued with me.

>then a
> conspiracy of many posters against you,

I have an old grudge with PhinFans2. His posts say the same thing. I never said anything about a conspiracy.

> and have
> gone on to write essays as to why we are all
> wrong.

The essays you refer to are "block and paste" of the NFL Selection rules.

> All I was doing was trying to help you out. Talk
> about biting the hand...

Mike, you are trying to bounce between trying to stay neutral and taking occasional shots at me yourself. I'm a nice guy and I don't want enemies but one more shot from you and I start shooting back!

> Please don't interpret my future silence on the
> draft order as implicit agreement. Chances are it
> won't be.

That's another example of your blatant misrepresentation of one of my posting. Berk, said that everyone agreed with him and I replied that you had remained silent after the initial posting.

That only said that you had not signed on to HIS position lately but you turned it around to say that I was saying your silence supported me.

As A & O has pointed out, there are only 4 persons posting in this thread.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:29PM

berkeley223 Wrote:
> blah blah blah, did you say something? bc I didn't
> read it

Oh, please, read it. I'll be so hurt if you don't. LOL.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:32PM

of course you will. so I won't. you apparently live for this website. pretty sad, actually.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:38PM

I see that irony is not among the capacities you have to appreciate.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:49PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 03:59PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:03PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:03PM

Im begging JC to put a fork in this.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:20PM

still ignoring you CB....deal with it

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:32PM

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:35PM

ChyrenB Wrote:
> By the way, the "BB" went over my head. Was that
> a typo for "CB."

That it was. I'm a man of my word. My Pappy raised me that way.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:52PM

You are quite a piece of work, The "Inaccuracy." Do you now say that head to head has no part in draft selection (except as it goes into the makeup of one's overall record).

Now, you've really got me mystified as to how I blocked and copied something and managed to fool myself in the process and change the wording.

As to PhinFans2, didn't you report that you simply could not activate it because Curt is gone but you plan to do so after he returns? So why do you object to it?

They don't offer history majors at Harvard Law School. Do in undergrad however. The only undergrad course I took there was Government 1SB. Was the only person in the class to get an "A."

Oh, I loved the comeback on your pappy! I've got to bow to that one.


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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 04:54PM

And the hate thing. I've never understood why you don't like me. I always liked you.,,,THE Truth. See, I've even took care to notice that you capitalized the word THE. Kind of emphasizes what you are trying to say.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:03PM

ChyrenB Wrote:
> You are quite a piece of work, The "Inaccuracy."
> Do you now say that head to head has no part in
> draft selection (except as it goes into the makeup
> of one's overall record).

Again with the name changes...how do you expect me to live up to my word and not refer to you as something clever like Baghdad Bob or Vizzini or the like. I am only human afterall...

Are you dyslexic by any chance? Why would I change my stance when my stance has been correct form the beginning. Head to head is part of the tiebreaker process for the draft AFTER you break ties with SOS.

> Now, you've really got me mystified as to how I
> blocked and copied something and managed to fool
> myself in the process and change the wording.

You a bright boy. I'll let yo figure it out. But if you need to cheat, just find my last post before your insult barrage directed at Berk.

> As to PhinFans2, didn't you report that you simply
> could not activate it because Curt is gone but you
> plan to do so after he returns? So why do you
> object to it?

Um...no. I never said I was going to activate it. But why am I shocked you got that part wrong.


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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:04PM

Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> Im begging JC to put a fork in this.

Well, I'm sure I will eventually, but right now I'm just too glad to have PF2 back I'm just enjoying the love fest for the time being.

Oh, isn't "Veritas" (Latin for "the Truth"winking smiley the motto of HARVARD?

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:07PM


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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:10PM

if you shut this down, CB will have nothing else to live for. So shut it down, I guess.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:11PM

JC Wrote:
> Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Im begging JC to put a fork in this.
> Well, I'm sure I will eventually, but right now
> I'm just too glad to have PF2 back I'm just
> enjoying the love fest for the time being.
> Oh, isn't "Veritas" (Latin for "the Truth"winking smiley the
> motto of HARVARD?

Ohh...damn you JC! I was keeping that one in my back pocket.

You know me too well. smileys with beer

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 05:34PM

berkeley223 Wrote:
> if you shut this down, CB will have nothing else
> to live for. So shut it down, I guess.

Oh, I see I've hurt you, berk. I'm sorry.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:11PM

THE Truth Wrote:
> JC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Aqua&Orange Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Im begging JC to put a fork in this.
> >
> >
> > Well, I'm sure I will eventually, but right now
> > I'm just too glad to have PF2 back I'm just
> > enjoying the love fest for the time being.
> >
> > Oh, isn't "Veritas" (Latin for "the Truth"winking smiley
> the
> > motto of HARVARD?
> Ohh...damn you JC! I was keeping that one in my
> back pocket.
> You know me too well. smileys with beer

Sorry, I pass through Harvard Square wayyyy too often. And currently I have to hear how they actually have a ranked basketball team. So I'm over exposed to the Hvd Crimson on a daily basis.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:17PM

Is the Coop still there?

I skipped out owing them a lot of money.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:25PM

ChyrenB Wrote:
> Is the Coop still there?
> I skipped out owing them a lot of money.

Sure the Coop is still there. Probably expanded since you've been there, it takes up two different buildings and has an enclosed catwalk between the sections. So I guess they're doing all right despite your stiffing them.

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:37PM

ChyrenB Wrote:
> berkeley223 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > if you shut this down, CB will have nothing
> else
> > to live for. So shut it down, I guess.
> Oh, I see I've hurt you, berk. I'm sorry.

That apology rings so hollow that I can still hear the echo of your fingertips on the keyboard an hour later and from 3,000 miles away.
thumbs down

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:41PM

Why can't you let this go?

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Re: Bills Tanking
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 02, 2012 07:43PM

Guys, it's getting late on a school night here on the East Coast, and I'm going to put this thread to sleep just before myself. I've got a long, busy day at work tomorrow and I know I won't be able to babysit this thread during the day. So, it's over.

I appreciate that the general discussion HAS been on an actual NFL topic (tiebreakers in draft position, MIA and BUF).

I DON'T appreciate all the bickering.

Good night!

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