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          Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: dolfan-matt ()
Date: January 25, 2011 08:27AM

Would you trust this regime with the next qb, after they basically ruined Chad Hene. The guy threw the ball down field in college and was
decently accurate, yet with this regime the guy can no longer play.
How can you not coach up a guy with a strong arm and decent accuracy?

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: dolphaholic ()
Date: January 25, 2011 08:33AM

Some of that has to fall on Henne also, and with them 2 being our HC and GM what choice do we really have?

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 25, 2011 08:46AM

The only thing I fault Henne for doing is doing what Marino would have done and yelling that he was going to run the plays HE wanted to run which means no wildcat and that when the running game was clicking, wave off any pass play brought in and when the passing game was clicking, wave off any running play brought in.

You wait until Daboll takes over until you blame Henne.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: montequi ()
Date: January 25, 2011 10:31AM

The QB coach (whoever that ends up being) and Daboll will have the most to do with developing a young QB. Ireland won't have ANYTHING to do with it, except either drafting, trading for, or signing a QB as a FA.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: Krunk Fu ()
Date: January 25, 2011 11:11AM

I've always heard that Henne is about as intelligent as a bag of rocks, so despite the horrible play-calling from Henning, I'm not sure they really "ruined" him. On the other hand, they didn't exactly help him develop either. Regardless, the two people responsible for that failure are no longer members of the staff.

You need the total package to be successful in the NFL, which includes being both physically gifted and intelligent. Dumb, athletic QBs are rarely successful.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 11:50AM

here's the thing---sporano and ireland are gone after this year. so the bigger question is, is any QB they bring in going to be appealing to the new regime (and will he be OK with learning 2 different offesnive systems in the first 2 years), or will he be dumped like John Beck.

maybe it's better we don't draft a QB high this year and sink or swim with Henne, and then let the new folks bring in a new guy. By the time the offense is good to go in 4 years, it will be time to rebuild the defense. groundhog day......

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: dolphaholic ()
Date: January 25, 2011 11:54AM

What if they win 9 or 10 games though Berk? I say if one's there that they like, draft him.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: Phinsfan2 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 12:01PM

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 12:18PM

Phinsfan2 Wrote:
> berkeley223 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > here's the thing---sporano and ireland are gone
> > after this year. so the bigger question is, is
> any
> > QB they bring in going to be appealing to the
> new
> > regime (and will he be OK with learning 2
> > different offesnive systems in the first 2
> years),
> > or will he be dumped like John Beck.
> That's exactly why Ireland isn't going anywhere.
> Sparano may be one & done, but if Ireland goes out
> and gets a QB, Ross is going to let him go get a
> coach for that QB also.
> Ross made that choice when he passed on Cowher and
> Gruden.

True, but another down year and a fanbase in revolt and Ross will dump the whole crew if it means bringing in a Cowher.

I think they need to make the playoffs and win at least one game to be retained. And I don't see even the first part happening, unless Henne or whatever QB we have has a pro bowl season (yeah right). This team is on the precipice of heading to a very bad place.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: January 25, 2011 01:10PM


"Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?"

Don't we have to at this point!?


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: jlyell13 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 05:20PM

Check the wonderlic scores! I heard Vince Young got a 6 or 8

Wonderlic scores for the NFL's projected starting quarterbacks:

1. Ryan Fitzpatrick 48

2. Alex Smith 40

3. Eli Manning 39

4. Matt Stafford 38

5. Tony Romo 37

6. Aaron Rodgers 35

6. Matt Leinart 35

8. Tom Brady 33

9. Matt Ryan 32

10. Matt Schaub 31

11. Philip Rivers 30

12. Matt Hasselbeck 29

12. Marc Bulger 29

12. Brady Quinn 29

15. Mark Sanchez 28

15. Peyton Manning 28

15. Drew Brees 28

18. Josh Freeman 27

18. Joe Flacco 27

20. Carson Palmer 26

20. Jay Cutler 26

20. Kyle Orton 26

23. Ben Roethlisberger 25

24. Jason Campbell 23

25. Brett Favre 22

25. Tim Tebow 22

25. Chad Henne 22

28. Bruce Gradkowski 19

29. Vince Young 15

30. Donovan McNabb 14

30. David Garrard 14

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: Aqua&Orange ()
Date: January 25, 2011 05:35PM

LOL....that proves nothing.

It literally means,......nothing. hahahaha. Scores are all over the board, by good QB's and terrible QB's.


"When you suck long enough, you get a Hickey"

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: January 25, 2011 06:17PM

Ryan Fitzpatrick is number 1. Isn't that the intellect test? I mean it's not throwing or running.

Re: Do you trust Sparano and Ireland with another young qb?
Posted by: Crowder52 ()
Date: January 26, 2011 10:43AM

I mean Brian Griese got a 39, and Matt Leinart a 35

and bumms like Marino got a 16 and Farve a 22

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