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          Ryan Baker
Ryan Baker
Posted by: Finshady ()
Date: September 18, 2010 02:34PM

Signed off of the practice squad played last year for us some and can play tackle or end. We waived Robert Rose in order to sign Baker. I like the move because Baker can give us flexability on the D line. I also remember Omar kelley stating that Baker was having a pretty good camp, and that he would'nt be surprised if Baker made the squad because of his versatility. Another young player who can grow into the position and help us. I like this move even if their are more experienced players that still might be available. What do you guys think about the latest move can Baker help this team?

Re: Ryan Baker
Posted by: MikeO ()
Date: September 18, 2010 05:53PM

Gives us an extra body with Odrick out. Baker started out camp playing very well but that died fast after the first couple weeks. He then went into the tank.

I like the move though.

Re: Ryan Baker
Posted by: Finshady ()
Date: September 19, 2010 11:10AM

Played pretty damn well in limited snaps. This front office does make the right decisions on personel for the most part.

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