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I like the idea of set salaies for President of team on down to water-boy, the military has a great set up for pay, and the nfl should follow, that way everything would be kept in check, and people wouldnt go pay 80 dollars for a large pizza, or 120 bucks for a decent seat at a game, paying 8 dollars for a beer, and 4 dollars a hot dog.
They already rip off every fan. Trust me, they rip us off too much, then no one will contribute for them to play, meaning we the fans win, because we the fans pay the salaries.
they rip you off now...yes!! Give them MORE power and they will RIP YOU OFF MORE!!!! And fans don't pay the salaries, the TV deals do. Live in reality!!!
seems to me like if it is upheld nothing would change--the S Ct would just be maintaining the status quo---but then, I never heard about this case till just now
its a big anti trust case, but as always supply & demand will govern and black market goods will pop up, I don't need pro sports that bad.
Maybe the salaries go down as do the prices
I heard someone say that the more corporate teams go, the less that 12th man becomes a factor as the average fan can't afford to go, replaced by less enthusiastic corporate fans
NY Giants/Jets are opening a new stadium next year. Season Tickets for those teams were aboutabout $75-$100 per game. Times that by 10 games and season tickets cost around $1,000 per seat per year.
Those SAME SEATS in the new building, are now $750. Times that by 10 and its $7,500. NOT TO MENTION the PSL of $20,000, 40,000, or 80,000 PER SEAT depending on where you sit. Guess what, the NY Giants sold out EVERY ONE OF THEM!!! The Jets are a little behind in sales but not too far and shouldn't have a problem selling them out.
So, to say people won't go to games. Or the loss of the average fans hurts,....these teams don't care, they will rip you off any chance they get because the NFL is a drug in this country and people need their fix!!!
Giants are making a boatload off this new stadium.
Jets tried doing some of their PSL's EBAY style. Some guy bid $100,000 per seat for 2 seats and after winning an EBAY style auction for a PSL, Ended up the guy was lying and was a fraud, now the Jets are going after this guy and trying to get legal action taken against him.
Hey could be worse, Daniel Synder sued some of his season ticket holders and WON!!!!!!!!! Imagine your owner suing his season ticket holders and winning and taking an additional $60,000 (or so) from them just because they were unlucky to lose their job in the worst economic meltdown in the countrys history maybe....and then having a football owner come after you because you couldn't afford to keep your Redskins season tickets and breached some dumb rule in your season ticket contract. Have fun in hell Daniel "scumbag" Synder!!
You all will see. Owner's keep pushing the purse, and inevitably the purse will run dry, then the blackout's begin, then the salaries of the teams will be affected, and the strikes begin, the Rookies start holding out. The NFL is screwed anyways, because every year it becomes increasingly expensive, and the more blackouts that are accuring, is just the begining, wait till next year, by 2012 the s,it is going to hit the fan. Say what you want, but i personaly hope they rule in favor of the NFL. Why, because a couple of year's of the stuff you guys mentioning, will force a huge strike, and rebuilding which is what the NFL needs. The NFL needs a HUGE shake up. And it all starts with salaries for its Coachs on down.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2009 02:58PM by MiamiThunder.
The ONLY change the NFL needs is a rookie wage scale. Other than that the NFL is a perfectly run business.
What you want is MLB. That is what you want, let each team sink or swim on its own. It doesn't work in baseball and it will be WORSE in football. Expect to see more 0-16 teams because the cheap franchises with cheap owners will just care about cashing that TV Network check. While the Cowboys, Redskins, Jets and Pats are your final 4 damn near every year fighting for the Super Bowl
You need to seriously read up on this issue because you have no clue the ramifications that comes down IF the NFL wins
Then so be it let it happen, and for your info, the Steelers, Dolphins, Oakland, Washington, the Bears, and about half of the teams would be just fine. You might be surprised about how many players would want to play in certain places, rather than show me the money. Jason Taylor for instance. Youd be surprised how many players would play for the teams, where there family is, and there favorite teams they loved growing up.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.........players picking a city over money. That's funny, I needed that laugh today.
Jason Taylor picked Miami because no other teams wanted him because he is WASHED UP. Oh wait, New England did but Miami offered him more money. So he came to Miami.
Dude you live an a fantasy world. Seriously, open your eyes!!!
Um Washington would have kept him, but he played out his injury. Yeah he wouldnt made what he was making there, but more than what he makes here, and i take it you never played football, if i had a choice to play for the dolphins, or take a couple mill more to play for anyone else, im playing for Miami.
jlyell13 Wrote:
> I have heard if th NFL wins the American needle
> case , everything we know of its operation could
> change
Okay guys, clue me in. What the heck is the American Needle case?
Cliff notes.......American Needle is a jersey maker. But the NFL signed a deal with REEBOK a bunch of years back, meaning EVERY NFL team has to have their jerseys through REEBOK.
The NFL is aying 32 teams=1 team, they all fall under 1 umbrella. American Needle is saying 32 teams is 32 teams and they should be able to compete and cut deal with any team they want. So if the Redskins, Cowboys, Jets, Bills, and Chargers want their jerseys with American Needle. And the Falcons, Browns, Bengals, and Packers want to use Reebok. And if New England, San Fran want to use Under Armour they should be able to each cut their own deals.
Now your saying, but the NFL is doing this now, so what!?!No big deal...... Well the long-term ramifications will spill over into other aspects of the game for the owners to RIP OFF the fans and players. Especially if the NFL has a Supreme Court Ruling in their back pocket!!! Nothing will stop them!!
So, if 32=1 thats bad. VERY BAD!!!!!! if the NFL wins this case.......they all but BUST the players union. They can work the 32 teams as a "country club" effect all under the same rules, same salary structure, and so on. They can rip off the fans because there is NO COMPETITION among merchandise, and various other things. The NFL becomes god and the fans suffer.