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Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:27PM

Im serious, we all know my grammer skills are non existant. I would appreciate it if you guys would stop stating the obvious for kicks. I understand that in real life if you chatted with a guy face to face on a daily basis you would try to help him, and be a positive force instead of a negative one. What i mean is i know dam well that no one here would say half the stuff they type about somone to there face. Onei assume there parents instilled common decency in them, and two they dont have the physical stature to be that arrogant. So what im saying is if we got issues why cant we just talk about them in a more mature fassion, starting with myself, so we can just enjoy the Phins.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: eesti ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:48PM

maybe you should stop calling people names. That would be a good start.

“I'm here" You're welcome!" - Kenny Powers

Re: Seriously
Posted by: Panteraize ()
Date: August 22, 2009 06:32PM

Re: Seriously
Posted by: DaytonaDolfan13 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 08:05PM

go guys are gay for each other just admit it....(not like there's anything wrong with that)

Re: Seriously
Posted by: chatafkup ()
Date: August 23, 2009 11:35AM

What a crybaby. "Stop picking on me!"-Miami Thunder thumbs down

Re: Seriously
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 23, 2009 04:13PM

Chatafukup, is that you Phinsfan?

Re: Seriously
Posted by: Phinsfan2 ()
Date: August 23, 2009 06:27PM

Re: Seriously
Posted by: chatafkup ()
Date: August 23, 2009 07:11PM

No it is not Phinsfan2.

I find it funny that everyone picks on you. I read most of the threads on this board and most (if not all) posts that you start or are involved in, people in the forums pick on you.

It is pretty sad.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: kelreign ()
Date: August 23, 2009 07:20PM

Miami Thunder, a lot of people are immature.

1. change your screen name.
2. read what you write before you send it.

I think that I practice really good grammar, but I would never pick on someone. Everyone here understands exactly what you're saying, they're just too immature to let it slide.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: eesti ()
Date: August 24, 2009 04:23AM

Wow....thunder stunner changed his name again....this time to stick up for himself?

“I'm here" You're welcome!" - Kenny Powers

Re: Seriously
Posted by: JC ()
Date: August 24, 2009 08:57AM

MiamiThunder Wrote:

> So what im saying is if we got issues
> why cant we just talk about them in a more mature
> fassion,...

Well, to a lot of people, talking about things in a mature fashion means using grammar and spelling that resembles a mature person. Maybe that's the problem you're running into here.

I recommend getting a browser that has spellcheck, and using that for starters. The occasional "two" to/too slips by spellcheck so it's not a perfect system. However, it would correct many, many spelling errors you are making, thus helping you convey your message in a more mature fashion.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 24, 2009 11:36AM

He doesn't need spell check. He is faking it to make fun of everyone here and the miami dolphins.

Either that OR.................He is the reincarnation of yet another myopic MR MAGOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because he cannot see what he writes.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 24, 2009 05:01PM

The world may never know.

Re: Seriously
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: August 24, 2009 07:07PM

Re: Seriously
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 24, 2009 09:22PM

LOL i like it

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