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          Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 01:10PM

I mean seriously, its like everyone see's our team as a joke? Today for camp confidential? I mean its been stupid little league world series instead of our Dolphins camp. WHY GOD WHY!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2009 01:12PM by MiamiThunder.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:01PM

Everytime you post a message it has to be negative.

You should manup for the firstime in your life and admit you are not a dolphin fan.

You are trying to stir trouble and it won't work on this site.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:07PM

Thats not true!! In fact i post alot of positive stuff, and yeah i am pessimistic. But question my FANHOOD? Thats just over the top. Them there are fighting words!

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:10PM

You better behave stunner............Your LIL tantrums are allowed just to some degree. You know you cannot go overboard.

The funny thing is you have to pretend you are a dolphin fan. Thats hurts doesn't it.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MikeO ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:14PM

i don't even know what the hell the point is of the original post in this thread is. I see NFL.com mentioned and I see little league world series mentioned .....I don't even know what is being said or what the point being made is.

I'm not joking. The American Education system is really depressing me reading some of this stuff. Can't anyone articulate a point anymore with a clear sentence?

And it seems like there is this "FAKE OUTRAGE" over something in the original post (I think I can't make heads or tails of this thread). Why all the "Fake Outrage".....is it really that upsetting whatever is upsetting you on NFL.com?!?!? And if NFL.com is so bad, why go there?!? Just to be "OUTRAGED" for the 1,004,457,875th time??

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: Phinjim ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:19PM

lol roflmao

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:20PM

QUOTE:I'm not joking. The American Education system is really depressing me reading some of this stuff. Can't anyone articulate a point anymore with a clear sentence?

The american education system is fine for the kids that want to take advantage of this countrys education mike.

Stunner is probably old as dirt but pretending all this crap just to get some satisfaction.


How do you like that!!!!!!!!!????????

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:21PM

Somone has to do it, and ill take that on. Dude i understand that you guys obviously are pretty good in the grammar department. I got LD inlearning well math, and never been realy good in English class! OBVIOUS. I would appreciate if you guys would stop being as.holes about how i type. Im on this site to express how i feel about things related to the Miami Dolphins, to other fans of the team. I wouldnt call people out about them unless they did somthing to me to piss me off. Its obvious that im to ignorant and stupid to have "Gods like you guys" take me in and have decent chats about things. Instead you guys treat people who are not like you like outcast. So yeah its frustrating. I wish i could flip the coin so you guys can take it.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MikeO ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:26PM

I'm just trying to figure out why the hell the Little League World Series, NFL.com, and Miami Dolphins are mentioned in a thread and what is the "OUTRAGE" about?

Just trying to understand this thread.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:28PM

MiamiThunder Wrote:
> Somone has to do it, and ill take that on. Dude i
> understand that you guys obviously are pretty good
> in the grammar department. I got LD inlearning
> well math, and never been realy good in English
> class! OBVIOUS. I would appreciate if you guys
> would stop being as.holes about how i type. Im on
> this site to express how i feel about things
> related to the Miami Dolphins, to other fans of
> the team. I wouldnt call people out about them
> unless they did somthing to me to piss me off. Its
> obvious that im to ignorant and stupid to have
> "Gods like you guys" take me in and have decent
> chats about things. Instead you guys treat people
> who are not like you like outcast. So yeah its
> frustrating. I wish i could flip the coin so you
> guys can take it.


1...if you truly are a dolphin fan i apologize....I mean it...Accept my most sincere apology!!!!!!!!!!!

2...If you are not the you can go straight to hell...

Pick the one that suites you most and please erase the other one. Please Forget i posted that one.

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:28PM

Well what i ment was, Espn has been running Camp Confidential every day, and today was the last day, and was our teams turn, but instead they have been running LLWS all day instead, and then nascar!

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MiamiThunder ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:30PM

Dude when i was nine i wore my Dolphins helmet when i watched all the games, and didnt wear it anymore when back in like 91 or 92 teh phins lost in the playoffs to the Bills, and back in 95 i think when we lost to the Chargers, because Pete missed the easiest field goal imaginable!

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: MikeO ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:30PM

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: August 22, 2009 02:36PM

MiamiThunder Wrote:
> Dude when i was nine i wore my Dolphins helmet
> when i watched all the games, and didnt wear it
> anymore when back in like 91 or 92 teh phins lost
> in the playoffs to the Bills, and back in 95 i
> think when we lost to the Chargers, because Pete
> missed the easiest field goal imaginable!

Good for you man.

Just one thing ..... How in the world did you enjoy watching a game with a helmet on?????

Re: Im so tired of never reciveing love by NFL.COM
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: August 22, 2009 05:38PM

I thought the other thread was the funniest thing in a while. But then I just read this.


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