I don't think it has the influence over a record like the media would have you believe, but all you did was toss out some generic ideas like free agents leaving, injuries, etc...
If you want to go team-by-team against all of our opponents this year and explain WHY their record last year is meaningless, be my guest...I think it would be a good read, but you can't say that it doesn't mean anything when it CLEARLY does.
Futt if we did our homework and got better in the offseason with the draft and free agency we have nothing to worry about.
I think we will be a very competitive team.
Depends on a few things.....A few Qustions....
1. Can we still count on Jt to make plays all around the field?
2. Does Porter still has gas in the tank?
3. Is sean smith the real deal like everybody is predicting?
4. Can Vontae davis play in this league?
5. Is cameron Wake the next coming of JT??????????
6. Can Pennington stay healthy for a second year in a row?
7.Are DThomas and Smilley going to stay healthy for a change???
8. Is Ginn going to have a pro bowl season?
9. Can Pat white and the wild cat be successfull?
10.Will devon bess continue his development and be even better?
11.Is camarillo healthy again?
12.Will fasano have another above average year?
13.Will hartline, armstrong and turner contribute to this team?
14.Will polite be as dominating on 3rd and forth downs again?
15.Is ronnie brown ready to lead the league in yards and stay healthy?
16.Will Jake LOng and Carey Dominate.....Especially Carey?
17.Can Ferguson have another solid year without injuries???
18.Do we have a backup NT that can play at ferguson's level???
19.Is matt Roth growing 100 percent healthy?????
20.Is will Allen still Above average At his age????
21.Is channing crowder going to get to the next level finally???
22.AND FINNALLY THE QUESTION OF THE CENTURY..........Is Chad Henne the next coming of Dan The Man Marino????????
If you answer yes to all these questions the we are a team on the rise
and we will be making a serious run in the playoffs this year...
> I'm just saying that, while not too much stock
> should be put in a previous season record, it
> isn't like it's not relevant.
To me previous season records doesn't matter at all....There is only a handfull of teams that we can say their record has been steady from year to year for a while.
1. Pittsburgh
2. Indi
3. Philly
4. NE and we know what happened last year when brady went out from 16-0 to 11-5 and missed the playoffs. Which brings me back to my point. Injuries free agency ect has a lot to do with how good teams are going to be from year to year.
Point is nobody is going to know how good our opponents are going to be until we actually play them in the regular season.
Ps. A friend of mine told me before last season how we were going to get beat by the chargers, and how NE and the jets were going to sweep the phins. How the chargers were way better than the phish. Of course he is a jets fan.................He also said we were going to get beat by the seahawks and 49ers. That worked out for him....OUCH
I think what most people are trying to say, is that last season we had a pretty soft schedule and we struggled to handle some of the weaker teams in the league. The top teams in the league will usually handle the weaker teams when they face them. We did not! Are schedule only looks harder because we are playing the teams that finished at the top of their division or the league last year. We won't know how hard it actually is until the season starts. So all of this is really a moot point.
RW13 Wrote:
> I think what most people are trying to say, is
> that last season we had a pretty soft schedule and
> we struggled to handle some of the weaker teams in
> the league. The top teams in the league will
> usually handle the weaker teams when they face
> them. We did not! Are schedule only looks harder
> because we are playing the teams that finished at
> the top of their division or the league last year.
> We won't know how hard it actually is until the
> season starts. So all of this is really a moot
> point.
There is no soft team in this league. These are grown men. Any team can beat any other team at any given time.
A few years back we played chicago and i remember how the odds were like 15-1 or something like that. Chicago was like 7-0 undefeated. We beat them that day when nobody thought we had a chance.
I remember JT saying: Its not like all their players are pro bowlers or they are an all madden team. These guys can be beat just like anybody else.
Really? So why do most games in the NFL between the top teams and the bottom teams end with the top team usually winning by large margins. Go back and look at the stats, it is fact! Yes, there are occasions when crappy team makes it close or even win a game, but they are few and far between. The very good teams no how to put the crappy teams away and last year we didn't do that. We were much improved and we played the teams that didn't fair well last year. We barely won every one of those games! Then we lost in the first round of the play-offs at home! What does that mean for this year? Jack squat!
I may not be the smartest crayon in the box but just FYI...
Our: of or relating to us or ourselves or ourself especially as possessors or possessor, agents or agent, or objects or object of an action <our throne> <our actions> <our being chosen>
Are: the plural form of the present tense of be: used as the singular form with you
no: as opposed to "yes"
know: (1): to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2): to have understanding of <importance of knowing oneself> (3): to recognize the nature of
their: of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action <their furniture>
there: in or at that place <stand over there> —often used interjectionally
to: prep.
a. In a direction toward so as to reach: went to the city.
b. Towards: turned to me.
too: to an excessive extent or degree; beyond what is desirable, fitting, or right: too sick to travel.
MiamiThunder Wrote:
> I thought i was bad, i just dont punctuate and use
> comma's and stupid stuff that makes the english
> language so confusing?
Confusing is the fact that you ended that sentence with a question mark
The strength of schedule is the most meaningless stat there is... it is based on LAST YEAR'S teams and who THEY played. We have a tough schedule because our division played the two weakest division in football last year. So, the Jets, Pats, and Bills all padded their WL record with easy wins against poor teams. Since we play each of them twice it has a significant impact on our SOS.
Besides every NFL team has so much turn over every year, that the team you are playing is not the same one as last year. its quite possible one of those "strong" teams will be poor, and one of the "easy wins" on the schedule could be dominating and competing for a conference title. You just don't know.
Well the Titans, texans, steelers, pats, panthers, falcons, are basicaly the same teams as last year, yet with additions and few subtractions. 6 solid teams, not including bills and jets, which should be a physical game, i wont be surprised to see one or two of our wr's a RB, and a TE, Guard or tackle, and most likely a DT get hurt this year. I dont believe pennington will get to banged up, not with the wildcat, and a solid 0-LINE. Just get ready for some serious injuries, especialy when we play pitsburg, and the jets.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2009 10:16AM by MiamiThunder.
grooves12 Wrote:
> Besides every NFL team has so much turn over every
> year, that the team you are playing is not the
> same one as last year. its quite possible one of
> those "strong" teams will be poor, and one of the
> "easy wins" on the schedule could be dominating
> and competing for a conference title. You just
> don't know.
MiamiThunder Wrote:
i wont be surprised to see one
> or two of our wr's a RB, and a TE, Guard or
> tackle, and most likely a DT get hurt this year.
How do you know????????????????
Just get
> ready for some serious injuries, especialy when we
> play pitsburg, and the jets.
WTF are you talking about???????? Get ready for some serious injuries??????????? You sound like a fan of another team...........Get real or get out!!!!!!!!!!!!
MiamiThunder Wrote:
i wont be surprised to see one
> or two of our wr's a RB, and a TE, Guard or
> tackle, and most likely a DT get hurt this year.
WTF are you talking about???????? Get ready for some serious injuries??????????? You sound like a fan of another team...........Get real or get out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, really!?!
You foresee 7 starters getting injured?? WTF are you Miss Cleo?
Pittsburgh is real physical... I could totally see a TE, a couple RB's, a safety, a few pass rushers, someone on the D-line, our LT, a receiver or three, our punter, a handful of special teamers, our coach, and possibly all three QB's on our roster get seriously injured for the entire season.
That's really narrowing it down. And frankly, your prediction is based on nothing. Unlike you, I would be surprised, very surprised to see 7 players get injured. Let's not talk about how likely injuries will be for our team.
Instead how about we talk about how we're going to sweep the Jets this year and find a way to shock the world and stick it to the Patriots this season, healthy Brady and all!
Why you guys being a.holes? Look at last year, Thomas, Greg, Ferguson, Martin, and im sorry who the other lineman was who got hurt, my point is we will have some injuries, and that was 5 in a year were we had very few injuries, and this year we play more physical teams. I am just being realistic, im not trying to be negative! By your comments, you expect no one to get hurt, im looking at the larger picture, in that our backups need to be solid, because i can see our older guys, and guys who get hit alot being injured.
Hey I got no problem with someone pitching the argument that we better have solid backups in case of injury, I think it was just the way you put it.
It was kind of like 'Hey everyone, prepare for some heavy injuries this season, I wouldn't be surprised to see a WR...make that two, go down with injuries, oh and a RB, and TE, either a guard or tackle, and most likely a DT.'
It was like trying to land an accurate injury prediction by listing 30 possibilities to increase the chances of getting at least one right, as well as listing so many injuries you thought were likely that it was just depressing to read and seemingly overly negative.
It's not that I expect no one to ever get hurt. I'm just not betting on the likelihood of ending up with such a thick list of injuries. I'm praying we stay healthy for the most part and not trying to write off 7 key positions going down for the season. If we had 5 last season, I'm hoping we have less, and especially less serious ones that won't require too many games to be missed.
QUPE BY pantera.......Instead how about we talk about how we're going to sweep the Jets this year and find a way to shock the world and stick it to the Patriots this season, healthy Brady and all!
You said it best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2009 08:43AM by samsam3738.
I dont think pitsburg is going to dominate this year. There team is aging at WR, Rothlisraper is going to not be all there because some girl cried rape, and i think that is going to happen the team, plus if polymorphus gets injured this year, there defense is going to suffer alot, he is getting older every year, and one day BAM his huge hit is going to hurt himself!!