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          Dolphins Staff Coaches National Team to 27-24 Senior Bowl Victory
Dolphins Staff Coaches National Team to 27-24 Senior Bowl Victory
Date: January 31, 2021 07:18AM

No not the AFC championship but I think it says alot that they were chosen in the first place and they came out on top.

A few clues to his favorite players?

"(Micheal Carter) is a great kid. He's a hard-working kid. He's smart, he's tough," Flores said. "He was productive today, and he was really productive throughout the entire week. He played well. This is a guy who had a real nice career for UNC and he's a good back."

He also complemented Louisville wide receiver Dez Fitzpatrick.

"With a handful of receivers unavailable for the National team, Fitzpatrick stepped up.Flores said. "A couple of guys went out. We tell them durability and availability is key in this league and he was available today and able to capitalize on his opportunities."

"It was great," he said. "We had a good week with these young players. They really worked hard. A lot of them made really good impressions not only on our staff but there were teams obviously from across the league. We got to spend the most time with them. I thought they did well for themselves then they came out and competed today, so I thought it was a good week."

"There were quite a few guys we felt like could help our team," Flores said. "I'm not going to dive into names or who those guys are, but there was a lot of talented players."

Nice having the inside track on these players. Will no doubt get us some very productive players.smileys with beer


Re: Dolphins Staff Coaches National Team to 27-24 Senior Bowl Victory
Posted by: 808phan ()
Date: January 31, 2021 05:49PM

It was a great opportunity working directly with, preparing for a game and coaching them to get an inside track on these players. Huge pre-draft advantage, much more than the combine could offer. Bonus for Flores is his team won thumbs up

Re: Dolphins Staff Coaches National Team to 27-24 Senior Bowl Victory
Date: February 01, 2021 07:47AM

808phan Wrote:
> It was a great opportunity working directly with,
> preparing for a game and coaching them to get an
> inside track on these players. Huge pre-draft
> advantage, much more than the combine could offer.
> Bonus for Flores is his team won thumbs up

You know it. I think everyone knows guys like Waddle and Smith will be great receivers. Alot of them opted out of the senior bowl for that reason. But those guys in the later rounds. Those pieces of gold under the rocks...that's what this helps out. It can help identify the Jewels in those later rounds. The Zack Thomas's in the fifth Round....I know he was taking notes........


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