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          Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC
Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 17, 2021 07:12PM

...well for the most part.

I knew Henne was on their roster. I also knew he snuck on there at some point last year and, has a super bowl ring!

But I didn't expect him to see him be handed the reins to hang onto a the lead and finish out today's game vs the Browns. I suppose nobody else saw that coming either.

I was rooting for him to do well. He was moving the chains but threw that interception and I cringed on behalf of him and all the Chiefs fans out there. However, if you're going to throw an interception, one of the best ways to do it is on a bomb to the endzone and have it go for a touchback.

The defense held, Chiefs got the ball back and to his credit Henne moved the chains and ran out the clock. He even had a ballsy run on 3rd and 14 where he dove for the first down and almost made it. He then converted the 4th and inches with a pass (I personally thought they should have called QB sneak, but the pass out of shotgun worked instead).

At the time of this writing, Mahomes has a good chance of returning next week. But just in case, guess which additional QB is currently waiting in the wings on the KC practice squad. Matt Moore??? This is getting interesting!

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: 808phan ()
Date: January 17, 2021 07:15PM

Heck I didn't even know that Henne qas still in the NFL. I thought he was gone after his stint in Jacksonville. lol

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Date: January 17, 2021 08:38PM

I hate the guy. Absolute darkest days of Phin Fandom IMO. That said....hes had a heck of a career about 12 yrs as a failed starter and a backup. Hes worth about 30 million. Not bad for such mediocrity......


Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: January 18, 2021 06:30AM

Once Chad Henne left the Dolphins I did nothing to follow his movement to other team(s). For me it was out-sight-out-of-mind. thumbs up

When he suddenly appeared on the field after Mahomes was taken out following his hard hit, I was surprised to see Henne. He did okay and managed the rest of the game (meaning he didn't lose it).

So it will be the Bills and Chiefs for the AFC title. The Bills have a good team so that game should be a thriller to watch. If Henne is going to be the starter because of Mahomes' concussion, I would think the favorite will be the Bills. If Mahomes starts, the Bills should be slight underdogs.

GB and Tampa. HMMM. The Aaron and Tom show. Hmmm. The Saints lost their game to the Bucs...they beat themselves with 4 turnovers. GB is a better team then the Bucs and my money is on GB to win the NFC.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: 808phan ()
Date: January 19, 2021 08:45AM

Good opinion there col. The two plays that Henne made for them...1st one he ran with the ball because he held it too long. 2nd play was short dunk pass that any backup should make. He couldn't lead any scoring drives when he came in after Mahomes left the game and that doesn't surprise me, but managed to keep possession at the end. I agree if he's the starter vs. Buffalo the Chiefs are toast. I'll take Green Bay over the Bucs as well.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: January 19, 2021 09:50AM

If chad henne is the starter against buffalo. Then buffalo will go to the superbowl. No chance for kc to win with hen e. ZERO CHANCE.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: January 19, 2021 09:53AM

Unless allen takes 5 shots of hennesy. Then it will be an even game.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: JC ()
Date: January 20, 2021 06:22PM

samsam3738 Wrote:
> If chad henne is the starter against buffalo. Then
> buffalo will go to the superbowl. No chance for kc
> to win with hen e. ZERO CHANCE.

I can't disagree with that. I'm still rooting for the underdogs if Mahomes is out though.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: astro34 ()
Date: January 21, 2021 02:41AM

There is no way they won't let Mahomes play in that game. I don't care about protocol, I know the protocols and the time frames. Heck I am a Certified Athletic Trainer. I don't think he actually has a concussion. Never saw a blow to the head. I do think he has a neck strain. He will play.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Date: January 21, 2021 02:56AM

The NFL needs the ratings. He will play.


Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: captkoi ()
Date: January 22, 2021 07:48AM

astro34 Wrote:
> There is no way they won't let Mahomes play in
> that game. I don't care about protocol, I know
> the protocols and the time frames. Heck I am a
> Certified Athletic Trainer. I don't think he
> actually has a concussion. Never saw a blow to
> the head. I do think he has a neck strain. He will
> play.


You may be right, astro, but when Mahomes was tackled he hit his head on the ground, then needed help to get up.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: astro34 ()
Date: January 22, 2021 09:21AM

I keep watching that play over and over. From the front his head looks like it never touches the ground on the tackle. I do wonder if the tackle around the head stretched the artery in the neck and basically stopped blood flow to the head for an instant. That would cause him to get up like that.

Re: Chad Henne GETS THE JOB DONE for KC tongue sticking out smiley
Posted by: tsstamper ()
Date: January 23, 2021 01:35AM

Yeah, it seemed to be much more vicious to the neck than head.

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