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          Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 21, 2020 07:07AM

It's week 11 already. The Dolphins head to Colorado to face the 3-6 Broncos who have seen better days. They have yet to win at home and Brian Flores hopes to extend that streak as well as our winning streak. Dolphins are 6-3 thus far and all Dolphins fans will sing the Dolphins fight song with gusto when we win--my prediction only. smiling bouncing smiley

The game starts at 4:05 EST. Weather will be good it appears.

The Dolphins are improving every week and it will be fun to see how things progress against the Broncos.

Go Miami. Play big.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Hooligan2 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 05:29AM

Dolphins are 3 1/2 point favorites. No more flying under the radar.
The Phins are the new darlings of the NFL.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 09:58AM

Omg burrows. I dont feel too good about his injury at all. Hope he is ok.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 10:01AM

Knock on wood with tua please.

Burrows was carted off the field.

Thats why they protect qbs with such emphasis.

Nfl redzone.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Hooligan2 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 12:34PM

Tua is playing like a rookie. Nothing special today.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:02PM

The offensive line is failing today, thus far. More TE usage is needed. Quick slants and short passes to move the sticks. No running game and Breida can't move through the line--he's useless despite his speed.

Game plan is not adapting to O-line failure in my opinion and we will loose this game unless we can mount a couple of scoring drives soon.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Fins72 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:25PM

This is disappointing. They seem listless. Hope they weren't reading all of their press clippings. Oh well.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: mizzou15 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:28PM

Still have work o the O-line. It is hard to modify a game plan when the oline is stinking since the oline is so unit oriented.

Pull Tua, insert Fitz. Oline/TEs ? See you guys in the film room early. You are gonna watch this crap.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:29PM

This team is not with it today. The offensive line is having trouble doing anything well. There is no running game and the receivers are not getting clear of coverage. This game is lost, and there a good portion of the 4th quarter left to come back, but there won't be one.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Hooligan2 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:29PM

Earth to Dolphins, earth to Dolphins, welcome back.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 22, 2020 01:41PM

Tua is on the bench and Fitzpatrick gives us some hope. He can bring this team back with his gunslinger style and attitude.

Defense needs to step up now.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: mizzou15 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 02:05PM

Fitz had them where he wanted them to be. He didn't have to challenge the safety..

Team still has a lot to learn but I still think we are on the right corse.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 22, 2020 02:24PM

I agree we are on the right course. It was a bad day for the team, period. Defense was out of sync again. Van Noy not up to par. However, Van Ginkle has spunk and is a keeper, IMO.

Back to the drawing board and to watch films to correct mistakes. The next game will be better whether Tua starts or Fitzpatrick. It's got to be a full team effort to win.

O-Line will be better when Wilkins returns.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: mizzou15 ()
Date: November 22, 2020 02:34PM

It happens, still good to see we were in a position to tie up the game at the end.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: 808phan ()
Date: November 22, 2020 04:43PM

I was out of football action today but that's ok. I read some articles and everybody's posts here. Apparently a rough day for the team and I had one too, but not related to football. We were on a high from winning 5 games straight, we managed to some games we were expected to lose and I'm sure there are more good times ahead. Things happen on any Sunday.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: tsstamper ()
Date: November 23, 2020 03:20AM

Overall, from the beginning, they looked like a team that thought that they would win by simply showing up. On top of that, they looked, from pretty early on, like the altitude was a factor. They were a step slow whether defending or OL blocking. Not trying to position that as an excuse, but it's certainly a legitimate possible factor.

Regarding Tua specifically, I think it's a good thing that Flores pulled him to try to get a spark with Fitz. I didn't like hearing him say this past week - irrespective of the context of seemingly trying to compliment his coaching - that he thought the NFL would be more difficult than he felt it had been in his first 3 games.

However, I like the way Tua handled the benching - focusing on what's best for the team, trusting coaching, looking for what he can learn. Here's to hoping he incorporates those lessons learned into future play...and I think he will.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: November 23, 2020 04:23AM

The rams and broncos are the 2 best Dlines we will face all year...

Tua hits a rookie wall....Nothing that cant be corrected.

He will be ok.

Draft receivers and the best rb money can buy next year.

The OLINE got beat against the donkey all day. It happens.

Never take no team lite. You canno look ahead to the next game...They took this team too lightly.

I guarantee you if we play them again we will beat them for sure.

But their D is very good. No doubt.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Fins72 ()
Date: November 23, 2020 05:30AM

If this game showed me anything, it's that the team can't stand pat on the offensive line during the draft and free agency. Jesse Davis is okay from a depth standpoint, but he's not NFL starting caliber. I like Karras a lot but long-term, he isn't the answer. Drafting a young talented center is vital. Regarding the rookies, it's still wait and see.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: colonel ()
Date: November 23, 2020 06:21AM

Fins72 wrote: "If this game showed me anything, it's that the team can't stand pat on the offensive line during the draft and free agency. Jesse Davis is okay from a depth standpoint, but he's not NFL starting caliber. I like Karras a lot but long-term, he isn't the answer. Drafting a young talented center is vital. Regarding the rookies, it's still wait and see."

I agree completely.


Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Fins72 ()
Date: November 23, 2020 10:00AM

colonel Wrote:
> Fins72 wrote: "If this game showed me anything,
> it's that the team can't stand pat on the
> offensive line during the draft and free agency.
> Jesse Davis is okay from a depth standpoint, but
> he's not NFL starting caliber. I like Karras a lot
> but long-term, he isn't the answer. Drafting a
> young talented center is vital. Regarding the
> rookies, it's still wait and see."
> I agree completely.
> Colonel

Well, Colonel, though the loss stings and is very disappointing, at least it appears that the rumors of the Patriots demise have NOT been greatly exaggerated. So at least we have that going for us which I'll admit is very nice.

Re: Dolphins at Broncos: Gameday Thread
Posted by: Hooligan2 ()
Date: November 23, 2020 01:22PM

We've been patiently waiting for the patriots to come down to earth. It sure suxs that when it finally happens it's the Bills that step up and fill the vacuum.

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