colonel Wrote:
> I've got it. The QB's uniform must have 12 6" red
> flags attached to his uniform. On the front: 3
> equally spaced above the numbers and 3 spaced
> equally apart at belt level with one on each hip;
> on the back side of the jersey: 3 across just
> above the numbers and 3 equally spaced at the
> waist.
> So, to protect defensive players and the QB, a QB
> is sacked whenever a defensive player "pulls one
> of the 12" flags. Tackling the QB is prohibited at
> all times unless the QB moves (runs or walks) past
> the line of scrimmage; then the QB is fair game
> and may be tackled because he has become a runner.
> This rule could be implemented in short order and
> would be easy for all players to comprehend and
> just as easy for the refs to enforce.
> NFL could then add a new statistic to the game.
> Flags Pulled.
> Thank you, thank you? No applause necessary. I
> have just saved NFL football.
Or, to make use of technology, put sensors inside the uniform that will light up when they are touched by a defender.