You know what bothers me the most about Ireland? As incompetent as he is, he still comes across as an arrogant a-hole. He should save the attitude until he does something noteworthy. So far, the most noteworthy thing he's done is ask a prospective player if his mom is still a hooker. Someone that has been as unsuccessful as he has been in his job, ought to be a whole lot more humble. He'd still be a loser, but at least he wouldn't be as unsympathetic a figure.
I don't know for sure if the Dez Bryant thing was blown way out of proportion or not. He may have dropped that bomb to gauge Bryant's reaction. At any rate, Bryant is a special talent but, after witnessing some of his recent antics and temper tantrums on the Dallas sidelines I'm not the least bit disappointed that he didn't land with Miami so, maybe Ireland did his job with some measure of success.
At any rate, we have to assume that Ross has input from some football advisors whether it be Marino, Dungy or, Shula and they obviously are not completely down on Ireland or he would be gone.
I can't fathom any reason why anyone (Marino, Dungy, Shula, or even Mrs. Ireland) would think that somehow, Ireland is going to become a competent GM. The NFL is supposed to be a results oriented organization. In the years that Ireland has been here, we've had one playoff appearance (when Chad Pennington fell into our lap and Brady was out for the season), we've had one .500 season and losing seasons the rest of the time. Ireland has had a hand in drafting approximately 50 players since he's been here. Only 2 players drafted by Ireland have made a pro bowl. Both of them were our number one 1st round picks. Hell, even Cam Cameron and Randy Mueller's one draft class produced two pro bowl players (Solei and Fields this year). Out of 50 players, you would think the law of averages would result in more than 2 players making all pro. What am I not seeing?
cshashaty Wrote:
> Crowder52 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CHris- you don't think fights happened at
> practice
> > because of Philbins practice regiment and
> coaches
> > are present?
> Of course not...we've seen plenty of then during
> training camp. But NOT like what was described by
> Crowder52
Chris- I obviously wasn't there to see the fight, what I posted was how I heard it described from people that were there... It wasn't a play by play but that is the gist I got from it being discussed. Jordan and Martin were fighting, Jordan was the aggressor, Incognito protected Martin by spearing or attacking Jordan in some way and he was jacked up to fight the guy that hit him until he realized it was Richie and didn't fight back... It was inferred that Wake was the instigator from the defense with Martin.... not sure what you mean by as I described it... that is what I heard and how I heard it described...
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
cshashaty Wrote:
> ncdolphfan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Jeff Ireland will be fired at some point... Why
> > not NOW!
> Your wish granted!
> Ross clearly has a plan for how he will fill the
> GM role. I wouldn't get overly consumed by the
> opinions of some local media...they're just miffed
> that the Dolphins aren't giving them the inside
> scoop.
> As for "bullygate", it appears as though Jonathan
> Martin's story could be starting to unravel a bit:
> TMZ report
Hard to do it, but Martin looks like the biggest ass in that picture.......DOH, wonder if Mommy and Daddy knew about this type of shenanigans?
During my last visit to the Dolphins facility there were rumblings of discontent between Philbin/Aponte and Ireland, but no one in the press room had the hard evidence to report it. Now, someone (or more than one)...not sure who...has decided to sing for some reason.
Really interesting to see the local media in such an uproar over how Ross is going about his business; they're mad as hell to be locked out. LOL, especially Armando.
Rumors everywhere about who is the lead dog in the GM and OC searches.
The ONLY speculation I've seen that has legs IMO is McAdoo and Philbin not being in a big hurry to meet about the OC job. They know each other very well and are probably comfortable doing their own respective interviews before deciding if they want to work together again. This would make perfect sense.
Again, I'm pleased with how Ross is going about his business here. This is the FIRST time I've felt real confidence in his offseason decisioning.
cshashaty Wrote:
> Lazor hiring is latest evidence that this
> offseason is insipiring confidence that others
> under Ross's stewardship haven't.
It's a good hire.
But our top two gm candidates said "no thanks" because they don't want to work in a weak gm model.
I figured it would be tough to pry gamble from Philly. He has roots there as well as a sickly father. He left a pretty successful organization (49ers) to make a lateral move to a rebuilding Eagles team for the same position and a "weak" GM model.
Obviously there are other issues at play in his case.
eesti Wrote:
> Or at least that's the speculation.
> I figured it would be tough to pry gamble from
> Philly. He has roots there as well as a sickly
> father. He left a pretty successful organization
> (49ers) to make a lateral move to a rebuilding
> Eagles team for the same position and a "weak" GM
> model.
> Obviously there are other issues at play in his
> case.