There's a group of local media positioned across the street from the Dolphins' Davie training facility. They've been there all day, because their editors want them there. It's a sad spectacle IMO.
Steve Ross's helicopter landed around 11am and hadn't left at of 4pm. Players and coaches have come and gone, without comment. Lots of rumors but NOTHING confirmed. Anyone who says they know what's happening is lying.
My guess: Ross has been spending the day de-briefing with Philbin and Ireland. He has not made any firm decisions as of yet.
My latest column for, which should be up any day now, explains my view as to what went wrong in 2013 and what Ross should do about it. Keep an eye out for it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2014 11:53AM by cshashaty.
Cam Wake was spotted, as was Chris Clemons with a large wrap around his wrist. Doesn't mean others weren't present, just not observed entering/leaving.
Cam Wake? Wonder if it was to discuss the leak Crowder posted that Wake started the whole bullygate crap by picking on Martin and thus having Richie trying to defend Martin, something that also went south.
Wonder if he was "ordered to come in" rather than just dropped by to offer his opinion.
eesti Wrote:
> Or they could just be there to get treatment,
> off-season plans, etc. Clemons is a FA so I don't
> know...
No word at all from Dolphins PR, aside from offering media some bottles of water and allowing them to use the restrooms and power outlets to charge laptops when needed. LOL
cshashaty Wrote:
> eesti Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Or they could just be there to get treatment,
> > off-season plans, etc. Clemons is a FA so I
> don't
> > know...
> Correct.
> No word at all from Dolphins PR, aside from
> offering media some bottles of water and allowing
> them to use the restrooms and power outlets to
> charge laptops when needed. LOL
Sounds to me like they're softenting them up for the "no major changes" announcement
It's difficult to imagine how that Jordan-Martin fight could go down as described above, within the context of Philbin's practice regimen and with all the coaches present.
That being said, what goes on in the trenches is nothing short of hand-to-hand combat. Respect is earned in just one way...making plays. If you don't carry your weight, especially as a starter, the other guys will be on you. Even in high school ball, which is the extent of my playing experience, things are said and rivalries emerge between offense and defense. It's unavoidable when you are going at it against each other more than you do versus real opponents.
Meetings have ended in Davie, guess they had a 6pm stop. Ross's helicopter powering up...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2014 01:08PM by cshashaty.
dolphaholic Wrote:
> Sounds to me like they're softenting them up for
> the "no major changes" announcement
More than one of the local media think that's what will happen. Again, just guesswork.
Media will switch now for surveillance to phone work. Nothing in my e-mail from Dolphins PR.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2014 01:15PM by cshashaty.
ChyrenB Wrote:
> What I meant was that if this were true, I as
> anyone from assistant coach on up, including Ross,
> would want to talk to Wake and ask WTFU.
Chyren this is old news to everyone within the organization... it is just new news to us... I imagine this will come out in the Wells report...
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Just talking about it being a reason that Ross might want to talk to Wake.
Who knows? If I were Ross and I was in a "house cleaning" mood, I'd want to talk to him (even if what he did to precipitate bullygate was legend) to see if I wanted to get rid of my MVP on defense and could I possibly justify keeping him.
One thing you've got to damn well consider is if this were true and you got rid of Iggy, how in the hell would you justify keeping Wake???????????????????????????????????????????????
And if you HAD TO BY NECESSITY (which I would keep him), you'd better well be able to tell the public that you brought him in for a private tongue lashing and to tell him he was on a short lease.
For Chrissakes! If you were the owner, you mean to tell me that considering this whole mess you would NOT want to EVEN TALK TO HIM?????
Wake was doing his job, practicing as hard as possible.. His job is not to go light on a guy because he isn't that good... If he did, he would be doing the team an injustice... Wake did nothing wrong... What Richie did wrong was the racial slur... That is why he was suspended, if there was no racial slur, nothing happens to Richie... A racial slur is a checkmate directed at a black player from a white player... It is headline news, it can't be defended... Martin wins, Incognito loses.... That is the world we live in... Whether it was meant in vain or not doesn't matter....
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Ross's helicopter left Davie around 6:30pm. Ross was seen by WPLG's Will Manso chatting up new BFF Matt Higgins before the copter lifted off. "No decisions" today is the word from PR. Ross met with front office (business) and football people during his 7 hours.
(R/J)ay Wrote:
> I believe players were at the facility today for
> exit interviews, same as every year.
Not exit interviews. Those were done before New Years.
cshashaty Wrote:
> No I hadn't seen this post.
> It's difficult to imagine how that Jordan-Martin
> fight could go down as described above, within the
> context of Philbin's practice regimen and with all
> the coaches present.
CHris- you don't think fights happened at practice because of Philbins practice regiment and coaches are present?
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Crowder52 Wrote:
> Wake was doing his job, practicing as hard as
> possible.. His job is not to go light on a guy
> because he isn't that good...
If he did, he would
> be doing the team an injustice... Wake did nothing
> wrong...
Yeah, but from your own post above, it wasn't just that he didn't let up. It was that he intentionally went out to not only slam but bully Martin. If I were Iggy, I would have done the same thing to Wake.
What Richie did wrong was the racial
> slur... That is why he was suspended, if there was
> no racial slur, nothing happens to Richie... A
> racial slur is a checkmate directed at a black
> player from a white player...
Dude, first, Blacks use it so often that some Whites mistakenly think they can use it too, PARTICULARLY TO A PERSON WHO THEY REGARD AS A FRIEND AND WHO IT WILL BE SAFE TO USE IT WITH.
And, as a Black man, I've got a message for you. LOL. It's not like the 60's wherein such words would be hurtful to us. In those days, that derogatory term WAS ACCOMPANIED BY SEGREGATED RESTAURANTS, SEGREGATED SCHOOLS AND SEGREGATED JOBS.
Now the poorest people in the nation are Whites from Appalachia.
You calling a Black man the N word nowadays might get your butt whipped but to think you've hurt him like a little puppy??? Don't make me laugh.
..It is headline news,
> it can't be defended... Martin wins, Incognito
> loses.... That is the world we live in... Whether
> it was meant in vain or not doesn't matter....
Yes, you're right about this part. It may, though it shouldn't, get Richie fired and make it tough on him to work elsewhere.
It's a shame when you think of it because I have long suspected that they (Martin and he) were friends and that precisely as Richie said, if I said anything to him it was in the context of a brother that you love. Really a shame. JMO, though.
cshashaty Wrote:
> Ross's helicopter left Davie around 6:30pm. Ross
> was seen by WPLG's Will Manso chatting up new BFF
> Matt Higgins before the copter lifted off. "No
> decisions" today is the word from PR. Ross met
> with front office (business) and football people
> during his 7 hours.
Of course, we all know that among the cast of (well shall we say employees of the team from GM to water boy) that comprise this team there is also the owner. Unless he is taking time to get a GM, then he's a fool for dragging this out.
Remember the fiasco with hiring the last coach? Remember what the problem was? Remember?
You really can't hold on to your former coach or GM and then get a new one.
I mean you can but it's hard. As counter intuitive as it seems, you've got to fire your GM or Coach AND THEN PEOPLE WILL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY.
If you don't do that, then prospective hires will wonder whether you are just dicking around and playing them off against your present hires or whether you have really made your mind up yet.
The only counterbalance is that once you fire your present staff member (GM or coach) then yes, you DO put yourself in the position wherein they know you need SOMEBODY.
But that's life. You can never compete if you are holding back.
The other teams will always snatch up the best coaches, GMs, etc.
Now I know that there will be a lot of people with "JuSt My Opinion" who will take violent exception to anyone else expressing THEIR opinion.
get ready for the big news: NO changes, everyone coming back, maybe Jim Turner offered up as the sacrificial lamb. Ross probably won't want to do anything till after the Wells report comes out after the SB---weeks after the last decent coach or GM has been snapped up. Can you imagine a team so clueless that it feels it needs to wait for a 3d party report to tell them what is going on with the team and whether changes should be made?
Guys, we are a laughingstock even more than the Lions when they were run by Matt Millen
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
> Guys, we are a laughingstock even more than the
> Lions when they were run by Matt Millen
No we aren't.
Frankly, that's an absurd comparison.
Millen was 31-81 in his 7 years as the GM in Detroit. They had a pair of 3-13 seasons, a 2-14 season and an 0-16 season the year he got fired. That's an EPICLY bad .277 winning % over those 7 seasons.
We've gone 46-50 (.479 winning %) since Ireland and Parcells came to town and we've never won less than 6 games in a season over that span.
Even if you just go with the last 3 years under Ireland we were 6-10, 7-9 and 8-8. That's .438 winning %, which while nothing to write home about, isn't anywhere near the level the Lions managed under Millen.
so truth you are on board with keeping Ireland and the way this team (ross) makes decisions? frankly how is it that Ross needs a 7 hour meeting and likely a 3d party investigative report on "bullying" due in Feb to know what decisions to make about the leadership and direction of this team.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.