ChyrenB Wrote:
> dolphaholic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > 2 things Chyren, first, it's getting SOOOOO old
> > that you try to drag The Truth into every
> single
> > thread you comment on,
> Actually Holic. You should read more carefully.
> I said he was the one person on the board that
> DOES NOT DO what you criticize below.
> and secondly, I don't have
> > a problem with anyone on this board (or the
> beat
> > writers for that matter) pointing out and/or
> > discussing obvious holes on this team, it's
> when
> > they incestantly bash the team, keep repeating
> the
> > same thing over and over again, or nit pick the
> > tiniest flaws just to hear themselves bitch.
> Omar
> > falls under all 3 of those things, as well as
> some
> > posters on this board.......
> Wrong again! Only dolphin falls under that
> category and when ever PatsFan1 (dolfan1) chooses
> to leave his Patriot chatboard and post and troll
> here.
> What is SOOOOOOO sickening and tiring to me is
> people who set themselves up as Gods of this board
> and like the House UnAmerican Activities Committee
> choose to whip people in line. It's occurring to
> me more and more, holic, that The Spoof is the
> Chairman of that Board and by making this post you
> are his assistant.
> We posters on this board cannot change game
> strategy, decide who to play or call timeouts when
> the Dolphins are playing. All we posters can do
> is comment on what the team does, point out what
> we believe to be their deficiencies and praise the
> play when we can.
> Like I said, I have always thought Omar Kelley was
> an idiot and I don't blame other posters for
> saying that.
> But I must say, I think it's might offensive THAT
> YOU insult the other posters on this board for so
> saying.
> It's you Holic that is being tiresome. Go back to
> being funny.
It's apparent "The Truth" hurts
.......there, is that enough comedy for you?