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          Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Date: September 03, 2012 03:00PM

DolfanKing Wrote:
> Exactly.
> I'll repeat, if he is labeled a "bust", this
> reflects on Parcells, not Long.

6 Probowls? tagged as the Best O lineman in the NFL by his peers? And you even have to ask this question? Whats next? Is Dan Marino a Bust because he never won a superbowl?

Either you are just a really depressing person that needs help, or your a pats /Jets fan in disguise. One of the two, I'm sure of it.

Either way get help.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: DolfanKing ()
Date: September 03, 2012 03:40PM

TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> DolfanKing Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Exactly.
> >
> > I'll repeat, if he is labeled a "bust", this
> > reflects on Parcells, not Long.
> 6 Probowls? tagged as the Best O lineman in the
> NFL by his peers? And you even have to ask this
> question? Whats next? Is Dan Marino a Bust because
> he never won a superbowl?
> Either you are just a really depressing person
> that needs help, or your a pats /Jets fan in
> disguise. One of the two, I'm sure of it.
> Either way get help.

My posts must really, really distress you.


Miami Dolphins. Always Perfect.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: September 03, 2012 04:50PM

If Jake Long is a perennial all-pro and is considered a "bust" because he has also not levitated the Brooklyn bridge, then I hope Pouncey and Martin also become "busts like that" and that we get two guards who become "BUSTS" like Jake Long.

I mean .....really.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: berkeley223 ()
Date: September 03, 2012 05:18PM

DolphanKing I am not one of the ones who think you are a troll or an idiot. but this thread is really kind of nuts

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: September 03, 2012 05:31PM

He's just wrong.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: montequi ()
Date: September 03, 2012 06:07PM

DolfanKing Wrote:
> First, I never said that Long was a bust. I voted
> "NO".
Then why pose the question at all?

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: DolfanKing ()
Date: September 03, 2012 06:18PM

berkeley223 Wrote:
> DolphanKing I am not one of the ones who think you
> are a troll or an idiot. but this thread is really
> kind of nuts

Troll and idiot, and you've got a fight.

I won't argue with nuts.

smileys with beer


Miami Dolphins. Always Perfect.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Date: September 03, 2012 07:50PM

DolfanKing Wrote:
> >
> My posts must really, really distress you.

No they don't, but if they did I'd get help. Seeing only the Negative in everything you do is a problem. I have a fair amount of experience with people like yourselves and you eith have a chemical imbalance that makes you rationalize things this way, Or you are a Troll. Its that simple.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: DolfanKing ()
Date: September 03, 2012 08:19PM

TreasurecoastPhinsfan Wrote:
> DolfanKing Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> >
> > My posts must really, really distress you.
> No they don't, but if they did I'd get help.
> Seeing only the Negative in everything you do is a
> problem. I have a fair amount of experience with
> people like yourselves and you eith have a
> chemical imbalance that makes you rationalize
> things this way, Or you are a Troll. Its that
> simple.

I have experience with people like you and they usually are A-holes. Plain and simple.

Or how about if I put this another way....

I look at your posts and a good 20% of what you write is on the topic of me.

This is not to say that there haven't been periodic attempts to bait me by other misguided posters. But I will say, they made their points and left me alone. You on the other hand, are stalking me. Nearly everything I post has some comment from you calling me either a Troll or Stupid or (now) Chemically Imbalance. I find it hilarious. First, because you are dead wrong on all accounts. Second, because you obviously have some "chemically imbalanced" obsession with me (or perhaps you are just a Troll or Stupid?).

As for your takes on the Miami Dolphins, I find them shallow and uninformed. It is why I ALMOST NEVER respond to your posts.

Anyway... the point is simple. If you don't like what I write don't read it. If you don't agree and the best you can do is attack the poster, then don't bother responding. Otherwise it kind of seems like the only reason you are here is to stalk some posts and call people names.... Kinda like a troll or an idiot or someone who is chemically imbalanced.


Miami Dolphins. Always Perfect.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2012 08:46PM by DolfanKing.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: Anemone1 ()
Date: September 04, 2012 12:56AM

This is really a very silly poll. You have to look at the context that Long was drafted. The other options the Phins had that year who were considered as potential #1 overall picks were Glenn Dorsey, Chuck Long, Vernon Gholston, Darren McFadden, and Matt Ryan. Of those, you could make an argument only for Matt Ryan, and he is (IMHO) only a good, not great QB, and on our team he would probably have been horrible with no OL (we wouldn't have Long protecting him), and no receivers. So of this bunch, Jake Long was by far the best pick, and no way in hell can he be considered a bust.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: September 04, 2012 04:06AM

a player is considered a bust to me if he can't play in this league.

I do not consider a player a bust because of injuries...

Especially after long made the pro bowl.

So the answer is no.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: KB ()
Date: September 04, 2012 05:00AM

I don't think he's a bust but I think he proves the futility of trying to build an OL through high draft picks. Between the two teams in the super bowl last year there was exactly ONE lineman on either roster picked in the first round (Mankins for the Pats picked #32 in '05) The Saints have NONE the Packers have ONE (Bulaga), the Steelers have ONE(Pouncey). What is more telling is the number of UN DRAFTED linemen starting for these teams. For all Parcells and Sparano's bluster about 'project BIG' they really did a POOR job of trying to build an O-Line and wasted a lot of time and picks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2012 05:05AM by KB.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: montequi ()
Date: September 04, 2012 05:21AM

KB Wrote:
> I don't think he's a bust but I think he proves
> the futility of trying to build an OL through high
> draft picks. Between the two teams in the super
> bowl last year there was exactly ONE lineman on
> either roster picked in the first round (Mankins
> for the Pats picked #32 in '05) The Saints have
> NONE the Packers have ONE (Bulaga), the Steelers
> have ONE(Pouncey). What is more telling is the
> number of UN DRAFTED linemen starting for these
> teams. For all Parcells and Sparano's bluster
> about 'project BIG' they really did a POOR job of
> trying to build an O-Line and wasted a lot of time
> and picks.

How many did we have when Hudson Houck was our O-Line coach? I agree. You don't build an O-Line by drafting guys high and paying them tons of money. Great O-Lines play as a unit. Individual achievement shouldn't be the emphasis of an O-Line.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: BigNastyFish ()
Date: September 04, 2012 07:41AM

I'm less concerned about where a player is picked as opposed to loading the roster with players who can play.

The draft is nothing more than a weighted "lottery" and we all know being a #1 pick is no guarantee... But it seems we've kept our roster stocked with too many underperformers and dead wood...

We have to hope Philbin and Co. have a much better eye towards talent that can be developed and Ireland keeps bringing in dudes who fit spec and finds a way to hit more IMPACT players and minimize the waste...

That said, we can make some positive steps this year as long as Thill develops... His success will translate into better OL play and WR play etc (based on a legit NFL passing game and more space and better angles for blocks and playt action roll outs and overall more diversity on the O side).

We're not going to just lineup and beat the crap out of teams. But those days in the NFL seem to be over anyway. It's a dominant passing league and the QB is about 50% of your overall motor.

So this year is all about Thill and (hopefully) the answer he brings to this team.

End of story. Where's the glory?


Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Date: September 04, 2012 07:47AM

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: DolfanKing ()
Date: September 04, 2012 07:54AM

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: Fins72 ()
Date: September 04, 2012 07:58AM

Consider how the offensive line would look without Jake. This discussion seems puzzling. How can a guy that's pretty universally considered one of the two or three best tackles in the game be a "bust?" Maybe my definition of a bust is different than most. Eddie Moore was a bust. Jamar Fletcher was a bust. Hell, even Vernon Carey (who was nowhere near as good as Jake Long) wouldn't be a bust in my opinion. We're lucky to have Jake on the team and will be even luckier if he can suit up and play on Sunday.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: September 04, 2012 08:39AM

Right fins72. The only credible argument that is on this board against drafting Jake Long when we did is that philosophy that good linemen can be gotten in the later rounds and that our o-line has other crappy players.

However, rather than condemning Ireland for picking an all pro lineman where he did, isn't the logical thing to do INSTEAD is to condemn him for not drafting OTHER linemen in THOSE LATER ROUNDS to help him???

In other words, don't condemn Ireland for picking grade A Jake Long TOO HIGH instead condemn him for surrounding him with D's and F's with the exception of Pouncey and (to be seen) Martin!

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Date: September 04, 2012 10:35AM

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: September 04, 2012 10:55AM

DolfanKing Wrote:

> And yet Stafford made a mediocre Receiving corp
> stellar overnight.

You can make bad receivers great if you are a great qb as long as they do not drop the ball...

If you throw a perfect spiral and the receivers drops it not even johnny unitas can make that receiver any good......

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: September 04, 2012 11:23AM

Amen, SamSam.

Re: Will Jake Long be Known as a Bust?
Posted by: Phinjim ()
Date: September 04, 2012 11:44AM

Pretty goofy question IMHO, but to each his own.

I do however want to make a point that spe4aks more to the FO than to Jake Long.

- We have rotated people along the OL so damn much that those who have remained have been carrying more than their share most every year.

- I think that contributes to some of the health issues with guys trying to do too much. Sparano and Ireland haven't been happy with retaining any depth and have dumped more than a few decent linemen

I'm not real happy with the value of talent for what we have paid. Not sure this is a comndemnation of Ireland or the revolving door he's been saddled with for coaches that drives the people turnover.

- I hope Philbin sticks around and finds some success though!

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