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          You need some help to be a great QB....
Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Posted by: dolphan4545 ()
Date: April 29, 2012 09:08PM

At the time, his "drug use" was the reported reason for his free fall to the 27th pick. Thank God for stupid rumors!


Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Posted by: THE Truth ()
Date: April 30, 2012 04:48AM

dolphan4545 Wrote:
> At the time, his "drug use" was the reported
> reason for his free fall to the 27th pick. Thank
> God for stupid rumors!

It wasn't a rumor. winking smiley

Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Posted by: dolphaholic ()
Date: April 30, 2012 04:55AM

I wonder with todays media scrutiny, if Marino would of slid even more?

Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Posted by: dolphan4545 ()
Date: April 30, 2012 07:06PM

And you know this because...? (please don't tell me you were his dealer)


Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Posted by: ChyrenB ()
Date: April 30, 2012 07:10PM

dolphan4545 Wrote:
> And you know this because...? (please don't
> tell me you were his dealer)

No, holic's 4 year old son was his dealer.winking smiley

Re: You need some help to be a great QB....
Date: May 01, 2012 02:26AM

dolphaholic Wrote:
> I wonder with todays media scrutiny, if Marino
> would of slid even more?

That was my whole point with the thread I started about the internet not being around in 83'. You know he would have slid like a Corvette on Ice .

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