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          The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
Posted by: Rgphin ()
Date: December 21, 2008 11:47AM

Offense....Pennington is the main reason we were able to pull it off today and this year.

The OL played outstanding today. The chiefs do not have much of a pass rush but still, outstanding job in cold weather.

Ginn caught a couple of key passes including one where he got knocked down really hard. He came back to the game. That is one tough MOFO in cold weather. Had that reverse at the beginning. A thing of beauty.

Fasano caught an incredible pass for a TD down the middle. So did martin in the endzone. OUTSTANDING.

Cobbs had an incredible return for 60 yard at the begginning of the game
and had a couple good grabs.

Lousaka Polite continues his streak of 4rth and third down conversions.

Offense gets an A+


Defense.....Porter was held without a sack.

Roth got a sack at the end there to end the game.

The loss of crowder hurt us against the run, granted we were playing in freezing weather. Hopefully he can play next week. I hope its not that cold next week against the jets.

Andre' Goodman had a good game today breaking 3 passes. I think more

Renaldo Hill was at the right place at the right time for that int at the end.

The defense gets a passing grade C- since we were able to stop them at the end.


Special Teams cobbs long returne was key on that first TD.

Bad weather for punting and kicking fieldgoals.

Carpenter made all his attempts and fields wasn't that bad considering the weather.

We beat both the kansas city and the RETARDED refs today. That Clearly was not a fumble by ricky williams. His elbow clearly hit the ground before the fumble. The refs are blind and RETARDED.

No long returns again this week A


This says a lot about this team, they just do not quit. The fought and fought and won the game

Overall this was an impressive win in the coldest win in miami dolphins history.

Whatever happens next week noone can put this team down. This is one of the biggest turnarounds of alltime. From 1-15 to 10 and 5 at least.

I'm proud of my team. Are you???????


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Re: The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
Posted by: Rgphin ()
Date: December 21, 2008 12:17PM

I would hate for some antidolphins fans to come to this site and talk trash if we happen to lose.

Just in case:


Re: The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: December 21, 2008 12:31PM

It was cold, but we didn't fold.

Re: The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
Posted by: Miami Reppa ()
Date: December 21, 2008 12:36PM

this was great practise for the jets game since living in the tristate area i am pretty confident we will not see -12 degree temperature with wind chill factors... hopefully the game will be upper 40's lower 50's

Re: The Mighty Miami Dolphins learned how to play in cold weather today.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: December 21, 2008 12:42PM

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