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          If Sparano can't do it no one can.....
If Sparano can't do it no one can.....
Posted by: dres9711 ()
Date: December 16, 2008 08:08AM

These next two games are pretty much playoff games. Meaning, if we want to make it to the big show we have to go 6-0 in the next 6 games or in other words win 13 of last 14 games to win THE BIG SHOW*

I know, I know, one game at a time, the superbowl is a big stretch for a team that went 1-15 last year; however, I just wanted to state if any coach could do it i am fully confident that Sparano can do it.

I also think that we shouldn't sell ourselves short and shoot for the big game... seize the moment... this isnt the same 1-15 team.


Re: If Sparano can't do it no one can.....
Posted by: pvtfish ()
Date: December 16, 2008 08:31AM

Yeah lets not get too excited here. I thought this year would be at best a 6-10 season to see that were staring down a division title is in itself a massive accomplishment, Im thinking that if we win the division we will either get beat in a close game in the first round or sneak a win and lose in round 2. theres just been too much success too quick, something has to give.

Re: If Sparano can't do it no one can.....
Posted by: dres9711 ()
Date: December 16, 2008 08:55AM

Well, last year this time the Giants werent on the radar screen as Superbowl contenders. If and when we get into the playoffs i think we have one of the best coaches to get us to the game.

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