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          Today was a perfect day.
Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: Rgphin ()
Date: November 30, 2008 02:54PM

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: Phintastic ()
Date: November 30, 2008 07:53PM

Unfortnately the Colts and Ravens won. But a great day nonetheless....

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: Rgphin ()
Date: December 01, 2008 05:21AM

What else can we ask for?

We control our own destiny next week against buffalo is going to be a tough game.

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: eesti ()
Date: December 01, 2008 05:34AM

except they may not have Trent Edwards. He hurt his groin.

“I'm here" You're welcome!" - Kenny Powers

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: Miami Reppa ()
Date: December 01, 2008 08:56AM

Phintastic Wrote:
> Unfortnately the Colts and Ravens won. But a
> great day nonetheless....

True but we are focused on winning the division, what the colts and ravens do does not matter if we take care of business.

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: PHINSKISS13 ()
Date: December 01, 2008 09:17AM

Outstanding day....but we gotta at least win 3 of the last 4.

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:29AM

eesti Wrote:
> except they may not have Trent Edwards. He hurt
> his groin.

Good we need all the breaks we can get. We lost our starting LG and starting WR so we are even.

Who backs up trent edwards then???

Is he any good?

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: cshashaty ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:33AM

Edwards' back-up is JP Losman. He is not very good but has had some good games against the Dolphins in the past. He is mobile, too. Bottom line is that the Dolphins need to bring it.

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:39AM

Agreed we need to bring it. If we have another game like we did against the rams we are done. Buffalo always gives us great competition.

Last time they gave us a great game and we were home. Now is away and in cold weather.

We'll see!!!!!!!

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: cshashaty ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:42AM

Cold on the outside, but this game is in Toronto in the Rogers Centre, a domed facility. BIG BREAK for the Dolphins!

Re: Today was a perfect day.
Posted by: samsam3738 ()
Date: December 01, 2008 11:45AM

cshashaty Wrote:
> Cold on the outside, but this game is in Toronto
> in the Rogers Centre, a domed facility. BIG BREAK
> for the Dolphins!

Thanks for the good news. Thats a plus for the phins.

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